Author: EnterStealth

Plot: Robert "Iceman" Drake has a foolproof plan to make Lorna Dane his forever. Spoiler alert: she's smitten.

Disclaimer: Story idea is mine. Characters and situations mentioned are not.

If at First You Don't Succeed

Bobby frowned at the mirror, then flashed his most charming boyish smile. "Hi, Lorna. Hi, Lorn." He ran a hand through his hair. He winced at his reflection, but the X-Men had taught him determination and perseverance, so he tried again. "Ha ha. You're so funny."

He stormed away from the mirror. He turned back, exhaled slowly, and said, "You look good today." Too robotic. He tried again. Too girly. He tried again. Too creepy. He tried four more times before giving up. "It'll come," he told himself.

He jumped up and down a few times to rid himself of excess energy and pointed at himself in the mirror. "You're awesome! Go get her!" He added a wink. "Never do that again," he told himself again. He hummed "The Eye of the Tiger" as he exited the room with a purposeful stride.

He spotted Lorna from across the room and whispered, "You're awesome. Go get her." He hoped no one heard. "Hey, uh, Lorna," he greeted her nervously. His voice was higher-pitched than normal, but he seriously doubted she would notice.

"Hi, Johnny."

"Um." Bobby started to correct her, but was too flustered to do anything but stutter, "You, uh, look… I mean, I like…"

"Hey, lookin' good, Lorna," Alex said, sidling up to her.

Lorna was smitten.

Bobby gaped at Alex. That was perfect. He moped away, defeated yet again.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Bobby," Jean Paul greeted him. He spoke French.

"Hey," Bobby said. He glanced at his friend. "Nice shirt," he said.

Jean Paul was smitten.