This is my official Shadowchasers fanfic, so please enjoy it.

I will be using the real-life 8000 LP rules and make the game look more real for the sake of purists.

Ch 1 – New World

The world is a vast place with many different locations of wonders, and as wise men would say: nothing is what it seems. An example would be that dreadful disaster had struck Neo Domino City of Japan, splitting the area into 2 autonomous regions. But that disaster was history of 13 years old and we must look forward to the future of course…

But speaking of changes, Hong Kong had been the homeland for my family before the British took it over. It saw through British rule, Japanese rule, and Chinese rule before we are declared our own nation at last, the Republic of Hong Kong. The world's youngest nation was us, and one of the world's richest too; it's the best place to build a future from…and I got a long way to go…

In a street of Hong Kong known as Apliu Street to its people, it served as a hub for cheap and available electronic goods for all. However, it was night at that time and oddly quiet too. Inside a vehicle repair shop called 'Gears and Speed', it was closed, but work was still ongoing – a man was working on a machine, a D-Wheel.

The man was quite young, being in about his early 20s or so. He looked like someone who just got off his bed, with messy black hair and a weather-beaten face. His choice of clothing was more so humble, wearing a loose leather jacket with fading blue jeans.

Fitting that humble run-down look of his, even his D-Wheel looked that way. It was simply plated with iron and looked like scrap metal pieces. Overall, it was built for the intent to last long and for practical riding more than for show.

"Now Harry, you sure are busy here," said a voice.

Harry turned around, and saw the source of that voice. It was that of an old man in 50s. He was wearing simple white clothes, with a cane to support himself.

"Uncle Ma, you're awake," Harry said, "did my work disturbed your sleep or something?"

"Not at all, Child," Uncle Ma laughed, "I was indeed trying to sleep, but I heard some noises from outside. It was that which forced me awake."

"Couldn't hear a thing when the welding torch is burning," Harry said, "but I should be going outside and see what's going on."

Harry then pressed a button on his D-Wheel, and the Duel Disk on it unfolded and detached from it. He then rolled up the door and exited it. Outside on the street itself, there was indeed something going on. A tall thuggish gangster in full-black gear was grabbing onto a younger scrawny man by the collar of his neck. He was armed with a Duel Disk on his arm.

However, Harry looked at the gangster's face and saw a weird image from it. He was some manner of a humanoid creature, but with a boar-like face with tusks and small fangs and green skin. On the creature's black jacket, there was a symbol of a demon in flames on it.

"Ok buddy, I ain't giving you much choice," the creature said in a gruff voice, "you owe the Boss some money and he wants it…either cash or your limb…"

"Hey you…monster!" cried Harry, "Pick on someone your own size!"

That actually got the creature's attention, as he dropped his victim to the ground and turned around to see the insulter. Taking the golden opportunity, the victim quickly ran off the street.

"Was that an insult to get my attention or were you really meaning it?" the creature asked.

"Well…both I guess," Harry said, "I mean, you look like some boar-like thing here…"

"I'm an orc here!" the creature cried, "Get my species right, you damned Shadowchaser!"

"Huh? What Shadowchaser?" wondered Harry?

"You mean…you didn't know…uh…" the orc said, looking at Harry's Duel Disk, "how about we have a duel. You win, you can go and I won't harass the man again, and this goes along with my gang too."

"And if you were to win…" Harry said, "…not that you could defeat me…"

"Then you have to pay for that fella with interest," the orc said, "and your name is…"

"Harry, Harry Leung," he replied, "and I expect an orc like you would use names too."

"Call me Dailung," the orc said, slotting in his deck, "Let's duel!"

Dailung (LP: 8000) Harry (LP: 8000)

"I see you small, so I let you go first," Dailung said, while chuckling to himself.

"Whatever you orc," Harry said as he drew out a card, "I Summon the Sage of Stillness in Attack Mode."

Suddenly, a portal opened up on the floor and a figure stood out. It was an old man in blue robes and cowl over his head. Only his snow-white beard was seen and he held onto a staff. (1400/1000)

"And I Set 1 card face-down and end my turn," Harry said.

"Draw," Dailung said, "I Summon Sangan in Attack Mode."

He placed the card down, and then a small ball-shaped Fiend appeared. (1000/600)

"And I Set a face-down and end my turn here," he said.

"Draw," Harry said, "I Summon the Power Supplier in Attack Mode!"

Suddenly, another portal appeared and another Spellcaster appeared. He wore black robes and held a wooden staff. (400/400)

"And as his name suggests, his effect allows him to supply more power to another Monster of mine by 400," Harry said.

Power Supplier aimed his staff at the Sage, and stabbed it into him. He suddenly glowed with energy flowing into him. (1800/1000)

"The Sage of Stillness will attack your Sangan now!" Harry commanded.

The Sage of Stillness aimed her staff at the Fiend, and a pink ray from it quickly destroyed it.

Dailung (LP: 7200) Harry (LP: 8000)

"Thank you," Dailung laughed, "now I can take a weak Monster and put it in my hand."

"But that won't save you from my Trap Card," Harry said and the card opened, "it is called Magician's Circle and since my Sage has attacked, both of us can Special Summon a Spellcaster with 2000 Attack or less from their Decks."

"Damn it that I have no Spellcasters in my Deck," Dailung grunted.

"Good thing there's a lot in my Deck," Harry said, "and I Summon the Silent Magician LV 4 to the Field."

Suddenly, the activated Trap Card glowed and a Spellcaster came out of it. It donned white robes with blue highlights, and looked rather innocent. (1000/1000)

"And now, my 2 other Monsters will attack you directly!" Harry declared.

Power Supplier pointed his staff and fired another energy blast, but this was more potent. Silent Magician followed in with a blast from her wand.

Dailung (LP: 5800) Harry (LP: 8000)

"Since my Sage of Stillness has destroyed your Monster, you can't play Trap Cards next turn," Harry said.

"Fine, then I play it now!" Dailung declared and the card opened, "it is DNA Transplant and now I can put some standard into your Monsters. I prefer to get them all fired-up here."

The DNA Transplant card glowed, and the 3 Spellcasters all glowed in burning red.

"But that doesn't stop me from playing the Spell Card Arcane Barrier," Harry said.

A Spell Card appeared onto the Field; it showed the image of a wizard within a magical protection.

"What does that do now?" Dailung asked.

"You'll see soon enough," Harry replied, "but for now, take your turn."

With Harry's turn ended, the Sage's Attack returned to normal. (1400/1000)

Dailung then drew out his card, but then Silent Magician glowed. (1500/1000)

"Huh?" Dailung exclaimed.

"My Silent Magician gains a Spell Counter every time you draw a card," Harry explained, "and from there, she gains 500 Attack Points."

"Anyways, I'm sure you're pretty anxious to see what I actually got from Sangan," Dailung said, "I Summon the Ultimate Baseball Kid in Attack Mode."

Suddenly, a new portal opened up and a Warrior came out. It was a baseball player, dressed in full-red clothes and held a clubbed bat as his weapon. His eyes burned with its never-dying determination. (500/1000)

"And he gains 1000 more Attack for every FIRE Monster there is," Dailung said.

The Ultimate Baseball Kid glowed with burning red. (3500/1000)

"And I equip him with Attribute Bomb," Dailung said and the card appeared.

"What does it do?" Harry wondered.

"You'll see soon…but I need to declare an Attribute for its effect, and I choose FIRE," Dailung said, "and my Baseball Kid will attack Power Supplier."

A fireball appeared in front of the Ultimate Baseball Kid and he swung his bat to hurl it out. The fireball flew at high speed and impacted upon Power Supplier in an explosion. However, a second smaller explosion happened near Harry.

Dailung (LP: 5800) Harry (LP: 3900)

"How did I lose so much Life Points?" Harry exclaimed.

"My Attribute Bomb inflicts 1000 Points of Damage if it battles with a Monster of a specific Attribute," Dailung said, "and I had declared FIRE just now."

"But since you had destroyed Power Supplier, your Baseball Kid loses one grand," Harry said, "and my Arcane Barrier gains a Spell Counter."

Due to the loss of Power Supplier, Baseball Kid had his power lowered. (2500/1000) Arcane Barrier let off a glow, and a triangular symbol appeared.

"Although the Ultimate Baseball Kid loses Attack by attacking your Monster, it can still damage you more with Attribute Bomb," Dailung explained, "who says that orcs are too dumb to think of strategies?"

"Perhaps Tolkien got you guys all wrong," Harry said, "but you got more to pull off?"

"Go on, I can't wait to defeat you," Dailung laughed.

"Ok ok," Harry said, drawing his card, "I play Spell Power Grasp!"

He played the card, and another Spell Counter appeared on Arcane Barrier.

"Spell Power Grasp allows me to add a Spell Counter to any card that allows Spell Counters," Harry explained, "and I can add another copy t my hand."

Another copy of Spell Power Grasp slid out of Harry's Deck and he took it.

"And what be your point here?" Dailung asked.

"By Releasing a Spellcaster Monster and Arcane Barrier itself, I can draw cards equal to the Spell Counters on Arcane Barrier," Harry said.

With that, the Sage of Stillness and Arcane Barrier disappeared into dust. Harry then drew out 2 more cards. The Ultimate Baseball Kid began to lose more of its power. (1500/1000)

"Alright, now I Summon Breaker, the Magical Warrior in Attack Mode," Harry said.

A portal appeared and a new monster appeared. It was a knightly figure in red armour with yellow highlights. The symbol of Spell Counters was marked onto his shield, sword and parts of his armour. Naturally, he would carry a sword and shield. (1600/1000)

"Talk about dumb, my Ultimate Baseball Kid gains 1000 more Attack Points here!" Dailung laughed, as his Kid glowed with burning red. (2500/1000)

"Breaker gains a Spell Counter when Normal Summoned, and gains 300 more Attack Points from it," Harry said, while Breaker's sword glowed, (1900/1000) "now that's not the issue. I relinquish one Spell Counter from Breaker by his own effect, so that I can destroy a Spell or Trap Card."

"Spell or Trap Card?" exclaimed Dailung.

Breaker's sword glowed brighter, and he thrust his sword at the ground. (1600/1000) This sent a shockwave across the street they were duelling on, and it destroyed DNA Transplant. Without it, all Monsters resumed their original Attributes and the Ultimate Baseball Kid was weakened. (500/1000)

"Silent Magician LV 4, attack the not-so Ultimate Baseball Kid!" Harry declared.

The young wizard then waved her wand at the Warrior, firing out a blast of magic at him and he was wiped out almost instantly.

Dailung (LP: 4800) Harry (LP: 3900)

"And now, Breaker hits a home run with a direct attack on you!" Harry continued.

Breaker hoisted his sword and dashed across the Field, and slashed at the orc's tough hide.

Dailung (LP: 3200) Harry (LP: 3900)

"Now we are on about equal terms of each other," Harry said, "I Set a face-down and let's see what you got."

Dailung was quite mad at his failures by then, and quickly shoved out his card from his Deck. Due to this, Silent Magician grew stronger still with her second Spell Counter. (2000/1000) He saw it, and his beady eyes widened.

"You look as if you got a powerful card in your hands," Harry deduced, "but Summoning it will be a problem, seeing as you are devoid of Monsters."

"I remove my Ultimate Baseball Kid from play," Dailung said, as he took the card in his pockets, "I can Special Summon the Spirit of Flames in Attack Mode."

Suddenly, the Ultimate Baseball Kid appeared as a phantom before he was burnt by flames that overtook him. From it, a new creature stepped out. It was a demon burning with fire. (1700/1000)

"Next off, I Set a face-down card," he said, "Now I enter Battle Phase, where my Spirit gains 300 more Attack Points."

With that, the Spirit of Flames burnt with more power. (2000/1000)

"You're planning to attack Breaker with him, are you," Harry said.

"Breaker will be attacked, but by a stronger creature," Dailung said, slotting a new card in.

A new Spell Card appeared, showing a Civil Defence officer rushing at the call of an alarm.

"Quick Summon lets me Normal Summon a new Monster to the Field," Dailung said, "and this creature I'm about to Summon is so powerful that only an offering of one 2000 or above Attack Monster and my entire Hand can satisfy it."

"You mean the Infernal Incinerator right?" Harry said, hardly surprised, "your deck's full of FIRE and Fiends here!"

"Yeah, now face its wrath!" Dailung said as he placed the card down.

The orc also discarded out the remaining cards of his Hand as well as Spirit of Flames. Suddenly, the Spirit morphed into a ball of fire and expanded rapidly. Soon, it exploded at will and a large demon appeared. It was a large black beast with burden, with a smaller humanoid figure riding it. (2800/1800)

"And his effect allows him to gain 200 more Attack Points for every Monster you own!" Dailung cried, (3200/1800) "now break Breaker with Fire Storm Blast!"

The large bestial form of the Incinerator opened its gaping mouth, and launched a ball of fire. That fireball turned into a maelstrom of fire that engulfed all of Breaker and he was gone. (3000/1800)

Dailung (LP: 3200) Harry (LP: 2300)

"Seeing as there is nothing else more to do, I end my turn here," Dailung said.

"Then here I go," Harry said, drawing out his card.

He looked at the card, and saw the Monster Card he drew out. He smiled.

"This Duel will be over soon…" Harry said, "But first, I play the Trap Card Call of the Haunted to bring back Breaker."

The Call of the Haunted card lifted up, and the armoured wizard-knight appeared again. (1600/1000)

"Ha, that Breaker can't break through my offense," Dailung boasted, "and Infernal Incinerator grows stronger too." (3200/1800)

"Now I Summon the Frequency Magician in Attack Mode," Harry said.

He placed the card, and a short wizard in purple cape appeared. Both his hands were mechanical, while visors covered his eyes. (800/400) Since a new opposing Monster had been Summoned, the Infernal Incinerator grew stronger again. (3400/1800)

"And he gains a Spell Counter when Normal Summoned," Harry said, as the bead on the Magician's palms glowed, "and I can expend it to increase the Attack of my Monster by 500."

The Frequency Magician formed an energy ball in his hands and fired a blast at the Silent Magician. (2500/1000)

"My Incinerator is still far too strong for you," Dailung said.

"Then I have to reduce the number of Monsters I control," Harry said, "Perhaps you should know that Frequency Magician is a Tuner Monster."

"A Tuner?!" the orc exclaimed, "oh Mommy…"

"Level 2 Frequency Magician…Level 4 Breaker the Magical Warrior…Tuning!" declared Harry.

Suddenly, the Frequency Magician broke into 2 orbs that became 2 rings. They encircled the Magical Warrior and it became 4 stars. Suddenly, a light beam erupted.

"When mystical stars align united, the shroud of nightly shadows shall seize the day," Harry chanted, "Synchro Summon! Appear now, Tempest Magician!"

A humanoid shadow was seen behind the light and it faded for her form to be seen. It was clearly a female, wearing deep blue robes and long black hair. She held onto a scythe as her weapon and a flock of bats were flying around her. (2200/1400)

"So? My Incinerator still is the strongest here," Dailung said. (3200/1800)

"When my Tempest Magician is Synchro Summoned, she gains a Spell Counter," Harry said as the symbol glowed on her scythe, "and I play my second Spell Power Grasp."

She played the card, and another blast of energy was sent to the Silent Magician. (3000/1000) She then took out her third and last Spell Power Grasp.

"And Tempest Magician has one other effect," Harry said, "I just need to discard cards, and I can give Spell Counters to any Monster on the Field…like my Silent Magician LV 4!"

She then discarded the final copy of Spell Power Grasp and the Silent Magician's wand glowed. (3500/1000)

"Now that little witch can crush my Incinerator," Dailung said, "but even so, I will still have Life Points left here."

"Silent Magician LV 4, attack his Infernal Incinerator now!" Harry declared.

"Activate Trap Card, Iron Resolve!" Dailung said, "By halving my Life Points, I reduce Battle Damage to 0."

Dailung (LP: 1600) Harry (LP: 2300)

With that, Silent Magician fired her blast from her wand. However, it was blocked off by a barrier formed.

"Now you can't win me," Dailugn gloated.

"On the contrary, I can finish this duel with only 1 last blow," Harry said, "I activate the final effect of Tempest Magician. By removing all the Spell Counters I have in possession, I can damage you for 500 Points per Counter."

"And you have…uh…4…and that 1 from Tempest…" Dailung counted, "so that's…2500 Points!"

"Which is more than what you have…thanks to your Iron Resolve," Harry said, "now Tempest Magician, strike that orc down with Mystical Spell Storm!"

Suddenly, the Spell Counters from the Silent Magician were all transferred into Tempest Magcian's scythe. (1000/1000) She then raised it and struck it to the ground, causing a violent shockwave across the floor and it struck Dailung, causing him to fly backwards.

Dailung (LP: 0) Harry (LP: 2300)

"How humiliating, defeated by a non-Shadowchaser Aware," Dailung lamented, "but I'm an orc of my word and will not disturb you guys."

"Good to hear, some people are trying to sleep here," Harry said.

After that, both of the 2 duellists walked off in their own opposite directions. From the apartment above 'Gears and Speed', Uncle Ma was actually seeing the duel itself from the window of his bedroom.

"Ah child, you can see him for what he is…" Uncle Ma said, "I need to talk with him again…"

On the next day, the streets of Hong Kong were ever-flooded with its populace roaming the streets. Among them was that Uncle Ma, who entered into a small café of the poorer districts where its patrons were eating egg tarts or sipping tea or coffee. He knocked on the front desk, where a lady was leisurely sitting.

The lady was apparently foreign, with her blond hair and blue eyes. She wore a simple yellow dress and with minimal make-up used. However, Uncle Ma could see her oddities, those pointy ears of hers.

"Lisa, is Ch'ing here?" Uncle Ma asked.

"Yah, he is here," Lisa answered, "I will get him on the line."

She held to a phone hanging on the wall, and simply pressed a button on it. She waited for a while before she received something on her end.

"Mr. Ch'ing, Old Man Ma is here to see you," Lisa relayed the message, "…ok…will do…"

She ended her call, and placed the phone on its original position. She then turned back to the aged Chinese man.

"Old Man Ma, he is ok with seeing you," Lisa said, "he's up in the VIP Room #13."

"The same place as always," Ma said, walking towards the flight of stairs.

He then reached to VIP Room #13. To most folks, the wooden door will only say 'Danger: Do Not Open' on the sign there. However, Ma among several other people could see the number 13 written there in bold cinnabar paint.

Ma entered into the room, which was covered by darkness. Only the window provided the single light source, and a round table was placed at the centre of the room. Ma then took his seat on one side, as another being sat on the other end and a third being stood facing Ma.

The other man would keep the image of an elderly Chinese male with long white hair, two long moustaches and he wore traditional Chinese clothes of early Chinese Republic years. However, Ma could see that the elderly person's hair was almost golden red and the sunlight reflected on it to cause a shine to its form. His frail hands had sharp fingernails, almost like claws.

The third being was effectively human by all means and another Chinese like them. He wore a white but slightly stained shirt over a similarly coloured singlet, with a pair of black pants and a belt, where a katana was sheathed and kept. His face was beaten up by his countless experiences in life as he was already in his mid 40s.

"Ch'ing, it seems that your hunch was right all along," Ma said, "can't believe Harry could be Aware too."

"Ma, it is now time to test Young Harry…" the old man Ch'ing said, "Jun-sang, you know what to do…"

"Yes Lord Ch'ing," replied the standing man, "it is time we guide him to the truth…and a new world to his eyes to behold…"

Cards Used

Power Supplier

EARTH/Spellcaster - Effect/LV 2/ATK 400/DEF 400

Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster you control. It gains 400 ATK until the End Phase.

This card is used by Jack Altas in Yugioh 5D's Ep 58.

Attribute Bomb

Equip Spell

Declare 1 Attribute. If the equipped monster battles with a monster of the declared Attribute, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent before damage calculation.

This card is used by Fujiwaru Yusuke in Yugioh GX Ep 174.

Quick Summon

Quick-Play Spell

Select 1 monster card in your hand and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position (Tributes are still required for monsters of Level 5 or higher). This Special Summon is treated as a Normal Summon or Set by all other card effects.

This card is used by various duelists of Yugioh GX. (Jaden Yuki, Zane Trusdale, Adrain Gecko)

Iron Resolve

Normal Trap

Pay half your Life Points. During this turn, all Battle Damage you receive is reduced to 0. Then, end the Battle Phase.

This card is used by Yusei Fudo in Yugioh 5D's Ep 41.

Coming up Next:

Jun-sang: Young Harry, your eyes are opened to the Truth and your life could be in dangers unknown to most. By this Riding Duel, we shall decide your fate as a Shadowchaser!

Harry: What fate? And what is a Shadowchaser? Next, Shadowchasers: Hong Kong Knights – Ch 2 – Revelations! Riding Duel, Acceleration!