Emmett's POV

Emmett was unconscious but a sudden scream woke him up immediately. Getting up from his corner of the room, he found Hermione clutching onto a lifeless Viktor, he didn't appear to be moving. In front of her and Viktor, stood a Death Eater.

Emmett growled and began to charge at him but a spell from Hermione's wand kept him from moving. "Hermione? What are you doing?" Emmett growled as he tried to move a muscle. Nothing worked. "He's a Death Eater! He hurt Viktor! What the hell!"

Hermione was in tears right now but she stood up and glared at the Death Eater in front of her with her wand held tightly on her right hand. "Remove your mask!" she said. "I know who you are! I thought you were dead! I thought they killed you!"

The Death Eater remained quiet and lowered his wand down. It was very rare for a Death Eater to do that. They were meant to be immune to feelings. What was wrong with this Death Eater?

Hermione wiped her tears away and took a step forward and ripped the mask off of the Death Eaters face and held no expression on her face as she looked at the unmasked Death Eater.

Emmett saw pale skin, freckles, blue eyes and the most distinct feature... Red hair.

"Ron! How could you do this to us!" Hermione moaned. "I thought you were on our side! With Harry! We were supposed to defeat Voldemort together! Why did you... How could you turn to them? You weren't really dead were you when you fell to the ground? You drank a potion to keep yourself sleeping for an hour! The exact time it took for us to get away from them!"

Emmett could hear noises coming from upstairs and a few floors higher up. There was banging. There were explosions. There were screams. He glared at the red haired boy. "You even turned on your own family? What are you? Human?"

The red haired boy looked at Emmett with a smirk. "You have no right to ask me if I'm human," he said. "You're not even one are you? You're dead."

Hermione slapped the young man's face with her hands and stuck her wand against his forehead. "Tell me how you guys got in here!" she hissed. "How the hell did you filthy Death Eaters get in?"

"Hermione, darling," the young man said, looking into her eyes with his obviously faked soft ones. "Calm down."

Hermione remained silent for a moment and the young man used this as a opportunity to lower her wand down to her sides. Emmett growled at this.

The young red haired man from what he had found out had been part of the Golden Trio, consisting of The famous Harry Potter, Hermione and himself. The three had been through virtually everything together. The young man was bound to know most of Hermione's weaknesses.

"Hermione!" Emmett growled. "Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him now!"

"Would you kill your best friend 'Mione?" The young man asked with a sudden silly smile on his face.

Emmett wondered why he was doing that. He then remembered what a few people had told him. That was Ronald Weasley's trademark. A silly smile. Emmett growled with his throat and gave the young man an icy glare. "How dare you call yourself her best friend! You betrayed her to join Voldemort!"

"I've known her for longer than you have," he said. "Shut up."

Bang! Bang! AH!!!

"Weasley! Weasley!" a voice started to yell. "Get out! Get out! We've lost this round! Get the body!"

The red haired man looked at Emmett with a smirk before giving a frozen expressionless Hermione a kiss on the cheek. He then bent down and touched Viktor's body. "Goodbye."
He suddenly turned to black smoke and shot out of the room leaving just Emmett and Hermione in the room.

A few seconds later, Caius appeared in front of them. "Is everybody all right?" he asked with blood all over his face. It was obviously human blood. He looked at Emmett. "Why are you frozen?"

Hermione lifted her wand up and pointed it at Emmett to free him from his frozen state.

He stretched his arms and glared at Hermione. "Why did you freeze me?" he growled. "I could have killed him."

Hermione glared back at him. "I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't," she said. "I thought he was dead! Just seeing him in front of me... It was unbelievable. Everybody thought he was dead you know."

Caius looked around the room for a moment before a pale look took over his already pale face. "Where is Viktor?" he asked.

Emmett gave Hermione a hug as she burst into tears. "They took him," he said. "I think he's dead."

"How unfortunate," Caius said. "I sensed that if he were to be a vampire, he would have been great."

Emmett glared at him. All the Vulturi ever thought about was power, power, power. They never thought about anything else. "How many of us died?"

"Twenty short from earlier today," Caius answered. "We'll need another week to help us with recruitment. Voldemort's men, army, whatever you call them were stronger than we had first thought. Does he put them through training?"

"How should I know?" Emmett asked as he stroked Hermione's hair to calm her down. "I've never been near the asshole before."

Caius looked at Hermione for a moment with no expression held on his face.

Emmett's eyes widened when he saw appear that he never thought he would see on a Vulturi. Pity.

"Let the girl have some sleep," Caius said. "She's been through too much. She's just found out her dead best friend had never died but turned over to the dark side as they call it. Her child's father is dead too. Let her sleep."

"And me?" Emmett said. "Can I do whatever I want?"

"You come with me, we need to discuss something... without anyone else knowing."

When Emmett looked at Hermione again, he found her asleep. He then lay her on her bed and left the room with Caius for a chat.

Hermione's POV

She opened her eyes and moaned as the memories from a couple of hours ago hit her. She couldn't believe that Ron was a Death Eater. What was she going to tell the others if they were still alive and well? And Viktor... He was dead!

Viktor Krum, who was strong, Viktor Krum, who was brave... was dead. It seemed untrue but it had happened... She had never thought he would die like this... He risked his life for her...

She got up and sat on her bed before looking around her room. There were broken pieces of furniture and glass all over the place and blood drops were everywhere. She frowned. Where was Emmett?

The door suddenly opened and Emmett walked in with a smile. "Did you wake up just now?" he asked. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. A bit hurt," she answered. "I can use my wand to fix myself up though."

Emmett looked like he was going to say something starting with a 'V' but he stopped himself and sat down next to her on her bed. He didn't say anything and just looked around the room.

Hermione took her wand out and fixed up all of the furniture and broken pieces of everything and soon, the room was in one piece. She looked at Emmett. "I'm sorry," she said. "I shouldn't have frozen you up. It's just that... I recognized the Death Eater's movements and everything... I had to make sure it was really Ron before you killed him."

"It's alright," he said. "At least you're safe."

She frowned as she thought of Viktor. He had risked his life to save her's and was now dead. She could never tell him now that she was going to have his child. "Do you think we can really defeat Voldemort? They managed to find the Volturi's home. They could probably do anything if they could do that. We're doomed..."

"We will defeat them," Emmett said adamantly. "The good guys always win in the end. Right?"

Hermione sighed. "What if they were really the good guys and we were the bad guys?" she asked. "What if we've been with the bad guys all this time?"

Emmett chuckled. "You think too deeply. Do you honestly think Harry's evil? He's the c-"

She sighed again. "Never mind." She thought about Ron and Viktor again and suddenly wondered why Ron had taken him with him. He was dead, what was the use of taking him then? "Why do you think the Death Eater asked Ron to take Viktor with him? He's d-dead. Why would Voldemort want him?"

"I don't know.." Emmett said slowly. "I think it will be better for you to move on and think about your baby. You don't want to hold onto your past... Think about the future and just hope that your child will be alright."

Hermione nodded slowly as she tried to stop thinking about Viktor. "You're right. I should," she said. She looked at Emmett. "Will you help me? Like be his or her substitute father or something? I'll make you his or her Godfather. Once I give birth, I'll cast a spell to make you his or her official Godfather."

Emmett smiled and nodded. "I would love to. I'll do my best."

Hermione smiled for the first time in since Viktor's death. "Thank you."

Emmett looked like he was in deep thought for a moment as he looked around the room. "I need to tell you something," he said. "I had a conversation with Caius earlier. He wants me to tell you that if your ever need something, you go to him. He's nicer than I thought he first was. He actually has feelings and actually knows how to pity. He has a feeling that the child you are holding may be the key to Voldemort's defeat. Actually... he thinks you have twins."

Hermione's jaw dropped. "T- Twins?"

Emmett nodded.

"Why would my children-" Hermione stopped and thought for a moment. "Harry sort of defeated Voldemort when he was just a baby. I think I know what Caius is trying to say."

Emmett nodded. "He also thinks that the war won't be over for a long time. A couple of more years, he reckons. From his sources... Voldemort's army is getting bigger and stronger.. We'll need more than just Vampires."

"What about Werewolves?" Hermione asked. "Jacob was a werewolf."

"Most of them are with Voldemort." Emmett replied quietly with a hint of a glare. "the idiots..."

"Giants? Centaurs? Goblins?" Hermione suggested.

"Most of them died whilst trying to join us," Emmett said. "But that's all we can hope for for now. Let's just hope that we can destroy Voldemort as soon as possible."

Hermione nodded and put her hand to her tummy. "What has it been like for you so far? This whole journey to get here?"

"It was like escaping hell," Emmett said.


LAST CHAPTER!!! Thank you everyone who has reviewed so far! The sequel will come out later. I hope you liked what you read!

I still don't know what to call my sequel to this but I know what I am going to write about. It's going to start three years later.