Monkey: Finally! We've reached the end! I own nothing! Oh! And where it says 'heart', I mean an actual heart, not the word heart xD
Ryo came up from behind Johan and ruffled his hair. "You need to tell her."
"Hi Ryo," Johan greeted.
"I'm serious, it's been almost a year."
"I don't want to tell her."
Ryo stared at him in disbelief. "What?"
Johan laughed. "Relax. I meant I don't just want to tell her, I want it to be more … special than just that."
Ryo nodded. "Do what you want, but you should do it soon."
"Yeah I know." Johan looked at him.
"What?" Ryo asked, not liking being stared at like that.
"You've got connections everywhere, right?"
Ryo gave a nod. "Just about." He raised a brow. "Why?"
"I need a favor."
Ryo saw the look in Johan's eyes. He chuckled. "Alright, what do you have in mind?"
Asuka helped Judai put a bow in her hair. "So is Edo still clueless about you and Johan?" She finished setting the bow in the right place.
"Thanks Asuka." Judai's eyes met hers. "Me and Johan? You mean how I like him?"
'No.' "Yes."
The brunette gave a light shrug. "Well, Edo's not Fubuki, but it's been so long, he might've figured it out."
Asuka nodded. "I see. You should confess to Johan."
Judai did a double take. "What?? Why?"
"I just think it's time, don't you think?"
Judai frowned. "And if he doesn't like me??"
'Oh I'm pretty sure he likes you.' "You'll never know unless you tell him how you feel."
The brunette sighed. "I'll see."
Johan put away a couple textbooks into his locker. He took out a notebook then closed his locker.
"Johan." Edo was leaning against the locker next to his with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Hey Edo. What's up?"
Edo's sapphire eyes stared deep into Johan's emerald eyes. "You like Judai."
It wasn't a question, but Johan nodded anyway. It didn't surprise him that he knew now. "How'd you find out?"
"I overheard you and Ryo talking earlier."
They started walking to their next class.
"So besides me, Judai was the only one else in the dark about this?"
"Pretty much." Johan looked at the silverette. "You're mad."
"A little," Edo replied honestly. "Why didn't you tell me?"
The bluenette looked sheepish. "Well, I thought you wouldn't approve, especially if I told you at the very beginning."
Edo raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, I know you're protective of her, and I understand why. I didn't want you to think that maybe I only liked her for her looks or something, I wanted to get to know her more so you could see that I…" Johan trailed off, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed to be saying those things to his best friend.
Edo laughed.
"Edo!" Johan frowned.
"S-sorry Johan," Edo calmed his laughter after a bit. "It's just that, you really do like her, don't you?"
Johan nodded, blushing slightly.
Edo smiled. "Then I wish you luck with her."
Johan gave a small sigh of relief. "Thanks Edo."
The silverette nodded and put his hands in his pockets, looking nonchalant. "So… when do you plan to tell her?"
"You'll see."
Asuka read the text she'd just gotten from Ryo.
Johan is going to tell Judai today during lunch, make sure she's in the quad.
She replied she would do that and grinned. Finally!
"Hi Asuka." Judai greeted, coming up to her. She looked closely at the blonde's expression. She blinked. "Why are you grinning like that?"
Asuka tried to drop her grin but found she couldn't. "Oh, no reason. Hey! Since it's such a nice day out, why don't we have lunch out in the quad?"
"Um… ok?" Judai let Asuka take her hand and nearly drag her there. 'I wonder why she's so happy…'
'I wonder if there will be flowers. Or maybe a serenade! Oh I wish Ryo would've done that with me but since Fubuki was there, I'm just glad we had at least some privacy… Anyway! I wonder if he'll show up in a prince outfit again! Or, or maybe a groom? Hm… Oh it's so cute!' Asuka's thoughts were running a mile a minute and Judai laughed.
"We're in the cafeteria." Asuka had been so wrapped up in her thoughts that they ended up going straight through the quad and into the cafeteria.
"Oh. Ehehe, my bad."
They went back outside and got some food, then went to go sit down at one of the many tables.
Now, all they had to do was wait.
Johan met up with Edo, Ryo and Fubuki at lunch.
"Hey Ryo, is everything set up?" Johan asked. He looked a bit nervous.
Ryo nodded. "Everything is set."
"Thanks Ryo, I'll pay you back when I can."
"Nah. Just tell her, that'd be enough."
Once the girls finished their lunches, Asuka looked around. "Where are they?"
"Hm?" Judai watched the blonde look all over and found it funny how she kind of looked paranoid. "They who?"
"Ehm…" Asuka saw Johan leaning forward on the balcony of the second floor. He grinned and pointed up at the sky. Judai's back was towards him so she didn't see anything.
Asuka glanced up at the sky and smiled. She pointed up at it. "Judai, look!"
"Huh?" Judai looked up and saw a small plane was writing something in the sky right above them. The whole quad got quiet as they watched.
J heart J was written across they sky.
J heart J? Who could they be?
"Judai," Johan called out, coming up from behind the brunette. She stood up and turned to face him.
His smile in place, he asked, "Do you know who they are?"
Judai shook her head. Surprisingly, even though the whole quad was watching, she didn't turn red.
"Johan and Judai." He took her hands into his and watched her blush.
"D-does that mean—"
Johan slowly leaned in and lightly kissed her. "I love you Judai."
He embraced her. She hugged him back tightly.
"I-I love you too."
The girls in the quad 'awed.' The ones with boyfriends got pouty, saying "Why couldn't you have done that with me, huh?"
Ryo came up behind Asuka and hugged her. "About time, huh?"
"Yeah. How did he— you did it, didn't you?"
Ryo smirked. "I've got connections."
"Really now? So what should I expect for my birthday?"
"I was thinking either a circus or a party at the moon."
Asuka turned around and kissed him. "I like the idea of a circus better."
Ryo laughed. "A circus it is then."
Johan didn't let Judai go. "I'm sorry it took me so long to say something."
Judai smiled into his chest. "That's ok, I'm happy with how things happened."
"Oh? And why's that?"
"Because this year was fun," she looked up at him. "you made this year special."
"I'm glad."
Lunch ended shortly after. Johan walked Judai to her class, holding hands the whole way. Edo congratulated them and so did the rest of their friends.
Judai looked up and saw the skywritting fade. Most would be sad, but she smiled. Johan kissed her goodbye and she walked into class the happiest person in the world. She took her seat.
'My life may be pretty much straight out of a shoujo manga, but,' she felt her heart beat from the excitement and wonder at how her relationship with Johan would be, 'I like it.'
The End.
Monkey: Whoo! How was that? xD Happy Holidays everyone!
Cookee: Where did you get this idea from?
Monkey: Remember? One day at school during lunch someone skywrote N heart P and I thought it was adorable! All the girls were saying how cute that was! And I was like "Yes! I've got an ending!"
Cookee: Oh yeah, I forgot how just about this entire story actually happened, but to different people.
Monkey: Yeap! Well, that's it for this story! Thank you all of you who alerted/favorited/reviewed this story! You guys are awesome! See you guys in our next story! x3