Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice! It's belongs to the great Higuchi Tachibana-sama! The only thing that belongs to me is the plot of the story!

Summary: Youichi, Mikan's son, doesn't want her lovely mother to be married to anyone. His father died because of an accident when he was still a baby. After that accident, Mikan played the role of being his mother, father, brother and sister. He don't want anyone to steal his mother away from him or someone he'll share with his mother's affection. But one day, his mother decided to get married to her boss that was named by Natsume Hyuuga and that was against his will. That's why he thoughts of plan that will make Natsume be removed to the picture. Will he succeed? Or the Power of Love will win?

Youichi- 5 years old

Mikan- 23 years old

Natsume- 25 years old

Chapter 1:

Youichi's P.O.V.

I'm currently sitting on the passenger seat of my mommy's gray Porsche while playing with my favorite Teddy Bear. His name is Mr. Bear. It was my mother's gift to me in my 3rd birthday. We bought it in a mall after we ate at my favorite restaurant. I was the one who chose the bear. The bear is color brown. It's so simple yet I found it very cute and unique. Instead of having a smile, the bear possess a frown on his cute face. All in all, if you're going to look at it, the bear looks snobby and serious like me but who cares? I love this bear because it's my mommy's gift to me.

By the way, I'm Youichi Sakura. I'm 5 years old and currently a nursery student. I'm an only child and I'm living with my mommy. My father died because of a plane crush when I was still a baby. After that, my mother, Mikan Sakura is the one who raised me alone. She becomes my mother, my father, sister, brother and whatever you call it. My mommy is also very beautiful and kind-hearted that's why, boys swoon over her. She has a long brunette hair with curly tips on the end and possess a pair of auburn eyes. She has smooth pale skin and kissable lips. She is tall, 5'8 in height. She's working as a secretary in the Hyuuga Corporation. Unfortunately, because of my protective side to my mommy, they ended up backing out because of my silly pranks. Serves them right! I love my mommy so much that's why I will not let anyone hurt her or steal her away from me.

I looked at my mommy's face. She's eying the road but her face shows excitement and happiness. I wonder why. Come to think of it, my mommy didn't say anything to me. I don't know where we are going. Are we going to the mall? Park? Are we going to eat? Or maybe, mommy wants me to buy a box of Howalon? But, if it is only because of that, why do mommy look extra happy and she seems so excited? Due to my curiosity, I decided to ask her.

"Mommy, where are we going?" I asked her curiously. Mommy looked at me and she smiled at me sweetly.

"We're going to a restaurant You-chan, we're going to meet someone so behave okay?" My mommy said to me sweetly. My eyebrows met. I wonder who is that person we are going to meet. Is it my uncle? Auntie? Mommy's colleague? Whatever!

"Going to meet someone? Who? And mommy! I'm always behave!" I said, pouting cutely. Mommy chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll like him and yeah, I know you're behave. After all, you're my little boy. And all I know is my little boy is sweet and obedient" she said to me and I smiled at her. But wait, him? So, we're going to meet a guy? I wonder who he is.

"Mommy, who is he? Is he my uncle or what?" I said suspiciously. Mommy smiled at me again.

"You'll find out later, ne? Just be a little more patient. We're almost there" She said to me and I frowned. If it's another suitor, I'll make sure that he won't be able to touch a single finger of my mommy. Maybe, I should think of plans now on how to get rid of that guy in case he's a suitor.

Suddenly, the car stopped in front of a French Restaurant. The restaurant is elegant and beautiful. I snorted. 'So, he's generous huh? I don't care!' I thought to myself irritably. Mommy climbed out of the car and went to passenger seat to fetch me. She opened the door and removed my seat belt. I hopped out. My mommy smiled at me as she hold my right hand while my left arm is holding Mr. Bear tightly.

We went inside the restaurant. Most of the people inside the restaurant are wearing formal suits. Some of the guys are looking at my mommy. I glared at them which made them look away immediately. I let my mommy lead me to a table. As we reach a table, I saw a raven haired guy stood up. He's handsome, I admit that but I still hate him because he is planning to take my mommy away from me. I looked at my mommy and she was smiling sweetly to the guy while the guy nodded his head. Hey! What kind of greeting is that? How dare he greet my mommy like that? What an insolent fool! I'm going to kick his ass if I have a chance! The guy pulled a chair and my mommy swept me off my feet and put me on the chair that the guy pulled a while ago. And again, the guy pulled another seat for my mommy. I raised a brow.

'Acting like a gentleman huh?' I thought to myself. My mommy muttered a soft 'thank you' to the guy and the guy sat on the chair opposite to my mommy. I looked at him. He has jet-black hair and a pair of crimson orbs. He has manly figure. In other words, he's really gorgeous. Hmp, come on, I'm more handsome than him!

"Ne, You-chan, this is Natsume Hyuuga and Natsume, this is my son, Youichi. He is 5 years old" My mommy said. I looked at him. The guy is looking at me and suddenly, he gave me a small smile before patting my head like a puppy. Duh, do I look like a puppy!? I'm much cuter than a puppy!

"Nice to meet you, Youichi. I'm Natsume" The guy named Natsume greeted me. His voice is gentle. I snubbed him and looked at my mommy.

"Mommy, is he one of your suitors again?" I snapped. My mommy looked shocked and the Natsume guy just looked at me emotionless.

"Ano, You-chan, Natsume is my-" My mommy was cut of by that Natsume guy. How dare he!? How can he do that to my mommy?! I won't forgive him! But when I was about to snapped at him, his words was like bombs into my ears. Grrr.

"Youichi, I'm your mommy's fiance" That Natsume guy said proudly. What? Fiance? Are you kidding me? I clenched my fist. I didn't believe him, so I faced my mommy and asked her.

"Mommy, is this guy lying?" I asked, hoping that my mommy will say 'yes'. But much to my dismay she said..

"No, You-chan, Natsume is telling the truth" My mommy said, her voice sounds apologetic as she showed me a white gold band on her left ring finger. I clenched my fist more. That's it!

'Let the battle begin!' I thought to myself.

Author's note: Hi there guys! This is my new story! I hope all of you will support it like my other stories! I know I promised that I'm going to post 'You're better than a fiction' but I still have no ideas on how will I start the story. That's why I decided to post this story first! But promise, I'll try to post that story as soon as possible! I know all of you is craving to read that story. Kidding. Well, how was the first chapter? You-chan is so protective to our sweet brunette! Do you think Natsume will give up easily? Stay tune for the next chapter! Please review!
