Tainted Love

Chapter 1: Battles

Marth anxiously awaited his match. The previous matches had drawn on for almost an hour, and he grew more and more nervous as the minutes passed. Toon Link was fairly good, but of course Marth was more experienced. There were always mistakes to be made though...

He knew that everyone except the dumbass bastard Ganondorf was on his side, Ganondorf was too drunk to care. That would help Marth out. He also knew that he had an advantage, being more experienced and larger than Toon Link. But the Norfair stage was one of the toughest ones... He hoped he would be safe from the lava.

"DEFEATED!" announced Master Hand as Link sent Kirby flying off the stage. Link proudly sheathed his Hylian sword and pranced off the stage.

"Good luck, Marth, I know you'll do well," Link said.

"Thanks, congrats to you!" Marth replied with a nervous smile before unsheathing his Falchion and approaching the stage. Earsplitting cheers erupted from the eager crowd as he positioned himself.

At a sprint, Toon Link arrived and drew his blade feebly. Few cheered for him as the time shortened.

"READY, SET... FIGHT!!" called Master Hand once more. Marth dodged Toon Link's entrance slice, and pelted him with a strong hit. Marth flew into the air, and proceeded with a stunning smash of his sword.

TL in a daze, Marth landed a number of strengthy hits. As he glimpsed the glow of a Smash ball, Marth chased after it, only to be surprised when Toon Link appeared right behind him, hitting the orb twice, but not absorbing its power. Marth then finished it off, now glowing, he unleashed the ultimate power and sent Toon Link sailing, avoiding lava all the while.

The uproar from the crowd was loud, almost unbearably so. Everyone cheered as Marth left the stage, continuing until he sat with the audience again to watch the remaining battles.

Unaware of his surroundings, Marth nearly fainted from shock when Samus muttered out of nowhere, "You fought really well today, Marth."

Gasping, Marth replied, "Thanks, Samus... You fought well too. Especially when you rolled under Olimar and attacked him when he was in midair. You're really skilled."

"Thanks! I thought your Final Smash was really good today, Toon Link flew miles!" she beamed at him.

Marth beamed back, surprised by her sudden outgoing sense, especially because it was him. She was always so quiet...

As he thought this, he seemed to see her blush slightly, fidgeting a lot. He figured she was just anxious to see whether Zelda would win or not.

Just as he thought it, Master Hand chimed again, "DEFEATED!" Zelda had beaten Falco, and with a twirl, exited the stage receiving tumultuous applause. The last battle was between Ike and Wolf; Marth, Samus, Zelda, and Roy would definitely be rooting for Ike. 'Especially Zelda,' thought Marth. 'What a kiss-up couple-'

His thoughts were interrupted yet again by Zelda, coming to sit on the other side of Samus. The two whispered to each other, followed by a giggle and smiles. Marth wasn't going to begin to figure out what they were talking about.

Ike trudged out onto the stage and unsheathed his sword. Shortly following, Wolf bounded out with a feral growl to top the rage. Ike didn't falter, his confidence rising.

"READY, SET... FIGHT!!" announced Master Hand, and Ike began with a firm slash of his sword.

Marth redirected his gaze toward Zelda, Samus, and Peach, all quietly conversing. Maybe Samus was finally opening up to everyone, after all these months. He watched as her eyes sparkled with happiness, a broad grin on her face, she seemed so joyous. Marth smiled, unnoticed by Samus.

"DEFEATED!" announced Master Hand for the umpteenth time. The crowd cheered for Ike, who was proudly swishing his sword in a victorious manner. All the fights went well for the large group of friends, and the day would end in celebration.


A/N: So... Was it all right? I know it was just battles. Poor Marth could never finish a thought! =P I'm sure he will find time for it later... (Hint, hint) Haha. Please R&R and expect another chapter soon!