With the all important opening of the circus nearing, with only a few hours until that moment, nerves were soaring in everybody, well, except in a long haired Japanese male.

"Lavi! Bloody hell calm down!" Allen shouted shaking Lavi's shoulders roughly. Lavi was currently freaking out, even though he had been there a few years he was the one who tended to get the most nervous. "I can't help it Allen-Chaaan! What if they don't love me?" Lavi comically cried out.

Kanda twitched. "Who the fuck cares about if the damn audience love you? Stupid rabbit" Kanda bit out. Allen blinked at him before turning to Lavi and pointing to Kanda. "Lavi, look at Kanda. This is his first performance here and he isn't nervous!"

Lavi looked at him stupidly, "That guy has no emotions besides anger, Allen-Chan. So obviously he won't be affected by this" he said in a monotonous way. Kanda growled in his direction, his arms crossed across his chest and he was slouched in an 'I don't give a damn' way.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all ages. Welcome to the Black Order Circus!" Komui announced to the crowd, his arms high in the air. The crowd went wild, young children shouting in excitement and the adults clapping and some cheering along with the children. "Our first act is a fiery young man who really is as fiery as his hair colour. Our own Fire manipulator, Lavi!" Komui called out as he sidestepped out of the spot light.

Lavi skipped on; in his hand are a few torches of different kinds and a bag full of bottles of paraffin. Children watched the young man curiously, waiting what kind of magical performance he will give them. Grabbing hold of two of the torches he lit them both and began twirling them both in his hands creating what looked like a ring of fire surrounding both arms.

He stopped twirling and held one of the flaming torches above him; he tilted his head back and began inserting the flaming torch into his mouth. A few people gasped, wondering whether or not he was harming himself by doing this. When the flame was fully in his mouth, he extinguished it, then doing the same with the other torch. The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

He then bent down and picked up a bottle of paraffin and lights another of the torches. He poured the paraffin into his mouth and waiting a few moments, his eyes closed in concentration. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose and held the torch in front of his face, he then sprayed the paraffin from his mouth and into the torch, which then lit all the paraffin being projected from his mouth giving the effect that he was breathing fire, he tilted his head up and continued to feed the flame to prolong the fire.

When the flame died out he quickly wiped his mouth of any excess paraffin and took a boy. The crowd cheered and Lavi smiled at them happily before skipping off to where the other acts were waiting.

"Hey, Yu-Chan! Wasn't I great out there?!" Lavi cried out, attempting to hug the other male, who sidestepped to avoid it, and Lavi carried on his course and walked into a pole that happened to be behind Kanda. Lavi turned to look at him with teary eyes, "Why Yu-Chaan?!" He cried out, rubbing his forehead.

"Stop fucking calling me that, I'm trying to concentrate on the God damned performance." Kanda spat out. Lavi looked perplexed. "Yu-Chan! Break a leg out there!" He said with a thumb up at his self proclaimed best friend. Kanda glared at him, planning morbid things that will happen after the show with a certain rabbit.

"Yu-Chan! I didn't mean literally break your legs out there. I know what you're doing is dangerous and stuff… Just good luck okay?" Lavi exclaimed enthusiastically. Kanda 'tch'ed and walked on as Komui announced him. The crowd cheered as he approached the large rotating apparatus. It had a hoop on one end where the performer, being Kanda, would stand in and the other end was just pointy.

Kanda climbed in and started to rotate the apparatus by walking, it was a little like a hamster wheel, except it didn't spin like a hamster wheel it made the whole pillar like structure rotate in a clockwise motion. As it sped up Kanda started with simple tricks like jumping inside the wheel so he stayed midair for a while as the wheel moved. He performed various acrobatic techniques such as cartwheels and handstands. He then climbed onto the outside and started running on the outside, adding to the danger element.

He jumped while on the outside of the wheel, making the audience gasp before cheering when he successfully landed back on the wheel. When he got near the ground, he jumped off the spinning apparatus before bowing to the crowd, who screamed and shouted excitedly. He walked off the stage, only to bump into Allen on his way off.

"Beansprout? Watch where you're walking" He said to Allen, though not in the harsh way like he would talk to Lavi. Kanda felt that he needed to be a bit gentler with the snow haired male. Kanda looked the boy up and down, he was wearing tight three quarter length sweat pants and a white shirt, in his hand was a full body ragdoll costume.

"Well, I'm sorry Kanda. I was trying to get in position to go on stage." Allen sharply replied, before putting on the ragdoll costume which, to Kanda's disappointment, covered his face as well.

"Allen-Chan, the box is ready!" A man yelled, pointing at a small box on the ground. Kanda looked confused and then looked at Allen strangely as he squeezed into the box bending his body in ways only a contortionist could bend. They then closed the lid on him and carried him onto the performing stage.

"Up next are myself and my wonderful crew of clowns!" Komui shouted out as the other clowns ran out onto the stage. Performing all the normal clownish antics. Reever was juggling a few balls and pretending to be bad at it making the children laugh and Komui was throwing pies at Johnny and Tapp.

Komui and Reever then approached the box and Allen, dressed as a ragdoll, tumbled out and lay on the floor in a position that looked uncomfortable like a ragdoll was dropped on the floor. Reever picked the floppy Allen up and chucked him over his shoulder, but dropped him and Allen went rolling away.

The act continued like this until they picked Allen up and put him back in the box. The audience cheered before going quiet. The box suddenly opened again and Allen once again tumbled out, he then stood up and stepped out of the suit and took a bow as the crowd went wild.

Allen walked away from the stage and began the walk to the changing room to prepare for his and Lenalee's static trapeze performance when he was stopped by a hard grip on his upper arm. He looked over and saw Kanda looking at him intensely.

"W-What?" he asked at the male who currently had a hold on him. "I need to get ready!" Allen protested, trying to release the iron grip on his arm. When the male wouldn't let go Allen looked up with an annoyed expression on his face. Suddenly, Allen felt a small pressure and soft lips on his own. The foreign lips lingered on his for a few moments before the owner of them pulled away. Allen turned bright red at this action the other male had done out of the blue.

"W-W-What was t-that?" Allen managed to stutter out, his arm coming up to cover his lips as his face grew more and more red. Kanda smirked before leaning close to the white haired male so their eyes were in direct contact of each other.

"That was a kiss, stupid beansprout" Kanda said slyly, fully enjoying the flushed and embarrassed state of the younger boy. Allen frowned, "I know that, I'm not stupid! I j-just want to know why you k-ki-ki-" Allen started stuttering like mad, unable to get the words out of his mouth. "Kissed you?" Kanda asked, the smirk still lingering on his lips. Allen nodded rapidly no longer having the ability to speak properly. Kanda leaned in next to the other male's ear, his breath tickling in his ear, making Allen all the more embarrassed.

"I thought the reason would be pretty obvious by now, sprout"

Allen turned his head to look at Kanda's face that was extremely close to his own. He looked shocked for a few moments before a small sincere smile broke out on his face.

"I-I need to get ready now. I'll see you later?" Allen added in, before smiling brightly at Kanda and running off to get changed.

Kanda gazed after the white haired teenager. He licked his lips, still feeling the sensation of the others soft lips on his own. He smirked to himself before saying, "Yeah, he's the one".


Arg! I dislike this chapter. I don't think I wrote it well.

I've been busy lately, that's why I didn't update for two days. Sorry about that.

I'm trying to update daily but it's becoming increasingly difficult, so I might start updating every two days or so.

Anyway, I've finished my exams! It's like a huge wave of relief now.

Read and Review please. And criticism is welcome because this chapter isn't as good as it could have been, the description of Allen and the clown's ragdoll act was poorly done and Kanda's wasn't very descriptive as to what he was actually doing on the Wheel of death.

Allen and Lenalee's act should have been in this one, but I decided to leave it until the next chapter, if that isn't a problem to anyone?

Read and review please.