The Story Not Told

Summary: Everyone was celebrating because of the defeat of Mantid, but then a Portal opened in the Inner World, a portal to Earth, Hunter's home. He has a decision to make.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating any fics lately, I haven't been in the mood. But lately, I've been in Spider Riders mood. I know that's strange since the anime is all dead and done with, but I still love it. 33 This story mostly revolves around Hunter and Corona. And I already have the outcome, ending, whatever you want to call it, ready for the story, but I'm not telling you what it is! ^o^

Oh, and I'm sorry if my chapters aren't incredibly long...I dislike long chapters.

Pairing: Hunter x Corona

Warnings: OOCness cause they hardly explain Hunter's family at all except for his grandfather, so I'm making at least 99.9% of it up.

Disclaimer: I don't own Spider Riders.


Chapter One: Portal

Everyone was celebrating. The Inner World was safe, the Oracle's sun was back, and everyone was alright. Mantid was at peace, as was everyone else in the Inner World.

There was parties almost every night for a week after the defeat, but then on the seventh day of the first week after the battle, a mysterious white light blinded all of the Inner World, and when it disappeared, only lasting for seconds, all seemed normal again, though it had the inhabitants of the Inner World spooked, especially the Spider Riders.

Since it happened early in the morning, all the Spider Riders decided to go and investigate. They looked around the area for any damage, or anything suspicious. But it wasn't anything suspicious that they found, no. What they found was shocking.

A portal had mysteriously opened up in the Inner World, near the Arachna castle itself. Its light was blue, and it was big and round. You couldn't see what was on the other side, but Hunter had a pretty good idea as he stared at it.

Corona wasn't staring at it, however, she was staring over at Hunter with a frown on her face. 'Is this it?' she thought to herself. 'Is Hunter going to leave the Inner World and never return? Oh ... Hunter...' she thought to herself.

"Where do you think it goes?" Igneous asked, and Hunter looked over at him, a surprisingly serious look on his face.

"I think I know... but I'm not sure if I like it."

Lumen blinked and turned to look at him. "You's a portal to Earth?" he asked. Hunter nodded.

"If so, then you have a decision to make, Hunter Steele."


Hunter sighed as he stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom, the door closed. There was no noise around him, even Shadow was quiet for once. But it was no surprise, the young earthen needed some time to think.

Sure, he missed home...but was it enough to return there? Here he was a hero, the one who protected and saved the Arachna Kingdom from the Invectids and Mantid --- back at home people barely even stole a glance in his direction when he walked by. They thought he was just a silly young boy. He had indeed proven them wrong, but they just weren't here to see it.

He thought about going home, wondering what might happen. Had his parents even been worried when he left? He doubted it...his mother maybe, but his father couldn't give a damn. He was a drunkard, and barely paid attention to his own wife. His grandfather that became a spider rider was on his mother's side, so when he disappeared into the Inner World, Hunter's father couldn't have been happier, for numerous reasons. (A/N: reasons that aren't T-rated and as such I can't list, but you can probably figure it out.)

Hunter hated his father. That was one reason NOT to return home. But if he didn't return home, what would happen to his mother, alone at the mercy of his father? Perhaps he would be allowed to enter the portal once and bring her back with him? But what if his father followed, hurt them both, or what if the portal closed the minute he walked through it?

Gah! So many thoughts were running through the young earthen's mind, it was giving him a headache. He sighed softly and put his feet on the other side of the bed, and sat up. He put his head in his hands, staring out the window.

"...what am I supposed to do? We don't even know enough about the portal to know what will happen when I walk through it."

Shadow even didn't comment on this. In fact, he had been silent for a while now, which surprised Hunter a bit, as he was usually commenting on something by now. But he guessed even he needed a little time to himself.

...after all, he might be saying good bye to them all forever...


Corona was sitting on her own bed just as Hunter had been on his own. She was in just as bad shape as he was about this whole situation, believe it or not. A hand was resting on her chest, near her heart as she stared towards the open window.

'My heart's beating so fast...' Corona thought to herself. 'I'm scared that if Hunter's going to leave....we'll never see him again. I know Earth is his home and he belongs there... and if he wants to go back it's his decision but... I...'

She trailed off in her thoughts, not finishing them, and looked down at the ground sadly.

Tears were welling up in the young girl's eyes, and she wiped at them furiously, refusing to let them fall. But they just kept coming.

''I love you, Hunter. Please make the right decision."

No matter who it hurts....

A/N: More point of views about Hunter leaving next chapter...this chap only consisted of Hunter and Corona, and sorry if it wasn't a lot of dialogue. ^^'

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