A/N: I didn't plan on extending this one shot but felt an explanation was in order as to why he was a priest. It was a prompt, it shouldn't matter how it happens as long as it happens. Don't read too much into it. Just enjoy. If you like Spock/Uhura fic, check out the Live Journal S/U request comm at (su_fic_request). It has a request meme. Thank You

Spock interlocked his fingers behind his back as he walked through his empty classroom. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. He decided that if he just let things as they were, her not knowing and him not telling, things would be fine. Spock had no idea he would run into this predicament by being a volunteer Chapel minster. He figured he'd just advise students on mundane problems, nothing too dramatic. Uhura made things problematic.

As usual, she was the first to arrive alone. She walked in clutching her books in her hands. With a bright smile she walked up to him.

"Good afternoon Professor Spock. I look forward to your review on today's lesson because I had trouble with a few passages." She confessed.

Spock's brow arched slightly. The idea of her of all people to have anything in his class didn't seem plausible.

"We have a few minutes before class officially begins if you would like to review the material together." He said, his voice its usual calm.

"Great." Her hair swung to her shoulders as she turned around and placed her books on his desk. Spock's eyes watched as silky strands fell towards her back. Uhura held the PADD in her hands and Spock reached for it. Their fingers brushed causing Uhura to smile. "I'm having problems with some of the conjugations here and down here." She said as she pointed to the text with her stylus.

Spock looked over the text in question. Uhura moved closer and studied the text with him. They were very much cheek to cheek yet not touching. Spock could feel the heat of her body. Her scent which smelled like honey suckle invaded his senses. It was so tempting to close his eyes and breathe in everything about her.

"This is impressive given that you've derived so much from the context clues alone. When translating, you have to keep in mind the noun in that sentence for it determines what form the verb is going to take." He spoke without looking to her, keeping his eyes on the PADD.

"I can't believe I forgot that." She said and sighed. Spock turned his full attention to her by turning to face her. This was when he finally noticed how close they really were. Uhura's nerves made her swallow and then lick her lips. Spock's eyes made their way to those moist lips and lingered. Returning his gaze to her brown eyes, he could tell that they were dilating. Never had he been so close to her and concluded that he found her to be completely captivating. Spock's brows furrowed slightly as if fighting something.

"There has been a lot going on at the Academy. It's easy for one to get distracted."

Uhura nodded in agreement and placed the PADD on top of her other books.

"You don't know the half of it." She said in a whisper as she took her books and made her way to her seat. Her statement was not lost to his ears. Class flowed smoothly except for one thing; they locked eyes more frequently than usual.

"This definitely was going to be problematic, problematic indeed." Spock thought.