Face Book
Author: Sable-eyed-lily
Genre: Humor/Romance
Rating: K+
Summary: Draco gets introduced to the world of Muggles. Harry's there to help.. Or try to help. How could this go wrong?
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, sad to say. If I did, well... I'd be a whole lot richer. And just imagine all the rest of the usual disclaimer.
Face Book
"This is stupid Harry!" Draco burst out.
"Just wait a minute. It'll be up in a few seconds."
"You said that half an hour ago."
"The computer's just a bit slow." Harry growled and went back to typing furiously.
"What's the point of this again?" Draco was sprawled across a chaise chair. There was a Quidditch magazine in his hands as he waited.
"You promised me that you would attempt to embrace at least one muggle thing. This is called the internet, and I am making you a Face Book page."
"But why would I want one? Why would anybody want one?"
"Because…Because they… just go with it Draco." Harry sighed in exasperation. "This is a part of the 21st century and you need to be a part of it."
"It's finished!" Harry yelled in triumph.
"That's nice…" Draco continued to idly turn the pages of his magazine.
"Would it kill you to pretend you're interested?"
"Yes, and I'm too gorgeous to die."
"Please…" Harry begged. "I spent all that time working on it. I even put your picture on it. Could you please at least look?"
"Fine." Draco peered at the screen from over Harry's shoulder. "What's that?"
"Hmm? Oh, someone just asked if they could be your friend."
"Well of course they do. Who is it?"
"Some girl that lives in London."
"Is she a witch? What does she look like?" Draco asked eagerly, now getting into the excitement.
"Draco… you do remember that you're gay, right?"
"Of course I remember. I just refuse to be friends with a hideous person. Father always said you can tell who a person is by the quality of his friends. I'm just following some good advice. Now do tell, is she magical or not?"
"Most likely not. Most witches and wizards aren't with the times. Plus, it's not like there's a little icon on here that says if someone's a muggle or not."
"That's stupid. How do we tell if we're being friends with muggles?" There was an added shudder.
"That's kind of the point. You're suppose to make friends with different people."
"Let's move on. This little box up here is where you type. The one that says 'What's on your mind?'Just type up there." Harry scooted out of the way.
"What am I suppose to type?"
"Just put down how you feel."
Draco paused thoughtfully. He typed something quickly. Harry leaned over and looked. 'Draco Malfoy: HUNGRY.'
"Draco, you're supposed to-"
"-I've got this now Harry. You can go away. 'D-r-a-c-o M-a-l-f-o-y: G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.'Go fetch me something to eat while you're at it."
"Fine." Harry threw up his hands in exasperation and left for the kitchen.
Soooooo.... What do you think????? R&R please!!!!!