Miley and Oliver were sitting on a towel on the beach, sharing nachos. Lilly was coming onto the beach, but she saw them and stopped in her tracks. They hadn't spoken since Joanie's party, but there was beginning to be a small recovery between the friends, since Lilly's eyes no longer filled up with tears at the sight of them. Miley instinctively smiled at Lilly, before realisation dawned upon her and the guilt fell down upon her again. To Miley's surprise, Lilly smiled back and went to talk to Jackson.

"Hey, Oliver! What's that all about?" Miley sharply nudged Oliver in the side, and he dropped his nacho in the sand. "Oi! Wait! Ten second rule!" He picked the nacho up, and saw it was covered in sand. Shrugging, he brought it to his lips, and Miley whacked him in the back of his head so he dropped it again. "G-R-O-S-S!" Miley then pointed at Lilly and Jackson who were laughing and flirting, their heads close together. "Woah." Oliver observed. "How do you feel about that?" He rolled onto his side to look closely at Miley's face, but her emotions were indistinguishable. "I think… I'm okay with it. Are you?" Oliver blinked. "I think it's all working out. Maybe we should have a peace picnic… go offer them some nachos, Miles!" Reluctantly Miley stretched out and grabbed the nachos. "Here goes… you stay here."

"Because you crushed Lilly's heart like a bug. I just helped."

"…Fair enough."

Miley approached Lilly, put the nachos on the bar and slid onto the stool next to Lilly. "I saved the guacamole part. I know it's your favourite." Lilly raised her eyebrows. "You know what else was my favourite? Oliver. He was my favourite BOYFRIEND!" Fire burned in Lilly's eyes, and her hands shook. She got off the stool and crossed her arms. Miley, shocked, looked up at Lilly. Suddenly they both began to laugh, and hug. "I'm sorry…" "It's okay…" "I printed out Robert Pattinson's number for you!" "I made out with your brother!"

the end.