So here is the sequel this is just the prologue so it is short but please read and review THANKS!!



Zane's Pov

I smiled I stepped out of the doctor's building. I had been in there for three months. They had been keeping most of the specials there updating us and making sure we were perfect. None of us had been able to see each other though and the last time I had seen Tally had been that fateful day when she found out David was a pretty. She had basically gone on a rampage. Although it hadn't been noticeable to others I knew she was ticked off and I knew she was not happy he had turned pretty. I sort of felt the same way. The smoke was officially extinct.

"Zane!" I heard my voice and looked around seeing Shay.

"Hey where's Tally?" I knew she didn't exactly want to hear that but I wanted to find Tally.

"I just saw her on a hoverboard." Suddenly she flew overhead. I grabbed a board, hopped on, and took off after her. I stayed fairly close to her till we stopped at her mansion. We both hopped off our boards I walked up to her and kissed her. I couldn't help it. I knew it was right and I knew I loved Tally despite everything that had happened between us. Her face lit up like a light bulb and I laughed.

"So… what did they do to you?" I asked

Tally's POV

I walked out of the doctors building. The last few months had been hell. Right after David turned pretty we were taking in to be perfected. I did feel stronger but I didn't care. I couldn't believe David was pretty. This meant the smoke really was gone and everything would go back to normal, but did I really want it to? I hopped on a board heading to my mansion dorm building. I knew someone was tailing me but I didn't really care. It was probably some stupid pretty. I had heard several rumors. The first one was that they had turned Garren, the famous Tally's boyfriend, into a pretty along with many other specials. That I could barely stomach. And now the rumors were flying that they had taken some in to the doctor's building to make us so strong that we could kill the pretty town by ourselves (although that was probably true it was annoying.)

"It's Tally! She is so totally bubbly. She is the coolest special." I heard one pretty say.

"I saw wish I could be a crim with her." Said another. When I reached my building I hopped off my board and saw who had been tailing me. To no surprise it was Zane. I smiled at him and next thing I knew he was in front of me kissing me. I was pretty shocked. Not even one word had passed between us and he was kissing me.

"I knew this was what it was suppose to be." He told me with a smile on his beautiful face. For a second everything flew out of my mind. I didn't think about Garren, or David, or anything else I just stood there looking at him.

"So… what did they do to you?" He asked me.

"Probably the same as you." I replied. "Operations, tests, etc…"

"We finally took down the smoke. Once and for all." Zane said and the realization of this came back to me once again.

"I know. It's a good thing right? It's what we were working towards, and why you were created in the first place." He nodded in agreement.

"Want to go get some food?" He asked.

"Yeah." He kissed me once more and wrapped his arms around me giving me the feeling of warmth and security. It was the same one I had felt back when I was a littlie. Whenever I fell and got hurt my father would come to my side and wrap his arms around me giving me a feeling of warmth and safety. This is what Zane was providing for me. I smiled to him, he took my hand, and we headed to get something to eat.

What did you think? Comments? Questions? Please review it would make me quite happy and then it gives me insight on how I am doing as a writer and what you thought of the prologue. THANKS!!