A/N: What am I think with this? I honestly don't know. I don't even have the whole plot mapped out yet. But I can't not publish this. I'm obsessed with this pairing, I'm itching to try a little bit of a different writing style, and it's no good just sitting on my computer. Rated T for the moment, but that may change. Enjoy. Feedback is always appreciated. ;)
She's lying next to him in shorts with dancing penguins printed all over them, white fabric with black print, and she's got the bluest eyes he's ever seen, like the ocean on a cloudy day when it's a dark, endless abyss, deep navy blue, and she has never-ending wavy blonde hair that falls onto her shoulders and back like a waterfall (to match her sea-blue eyes). He can't help but stare at her because she's like a poem begging to be written, similes dancing in those mysterious-yet-revealing eyes, rhythm in her hips as she walks, her whole body some kind of mythical allegory, with metonymy hidden behind her knees.
She wilts forward, her fingers slipping out of On the Road, her page left unmarked. Her cheek presses into the pillow and her eyelids close halfway, lashes fluttering. "Have you ever been in love?" she asks lazily.
If they weren't the people that they are and this wasn't the moment that it is, they would be so predictable, such a teenage cliché. But there are and it is so he just says, "Yeah."
Propping herself up on her elbows, she kicks her feet into the air like a little kid and studies him thoughtfully. "How do you know?"
He abandons Death of a Salesman and sits up, also resting his weight on his elbows. She's lying on her stomach and she's lying on his back so that when they both sit up a bit it's like meeting in the middle.
"I don't know…how to explain it. You know when you know."
She's got freckles on her cheeks, splattered there by the sun. He thinks that they'll tell him her secrets: he's being searching for the pattern, the words hidden away, since the first day he met her. His breath catches somewhere in his throat when he thinks he's finally found it, but then she scrunches up her nose and it's gone.
"I think that's bullshit," she tells him bluntly.
Chuckling deep down in his throat, he raises his eyebrows. "Oh, you do, do you?"
She nods assertively. "I think you know when it becomes automatic. When I first knew I loved…"
He jerks his chin forward slightly, urging her to go on. She doesn't have to say his name. The conversation topic of her past lovers will always produce a fiery feeling that sparks in his chest and spreads through his body mercilessly. He hates to think that any of them were truly loves.
"I knew when we were on the phone one day, me and him, and he had to go. He said goodbye and I said I love you. I said it like it was so natural, like I'd been saying it at the end of every conversation we'd ever had." She sighs and drums her fingers lightly against her cheek. "Do you understand that?"
He pushes her hair out of her face, winding a couple locks around two of his fingers. It feels like he's claiming her. He could say sure I did, way back when, once upon a long time ago, but he doesn't like to lie to her. She is like the most intricately woven story ever told, and the last thing he wants to do is screw with the plotlines. "Right now. I understand it right now."
Navy blue grows lighter, cerulean, sapphire, sparkling shades. She toys with the edge of the pillowcase and exhales, but she doesn't look away from him, not like he expected her to. "I think you're brave," she says.
It's electric, her orbs and his, contrasting, ever-changing shades of blue. She enthralls him with all the colours she exudes. She's wearing the most basic hues, black penguins on white shorts and a lacy black bra, but she's peachy skin and golden hair and blue eyes, fiery red personality, pink and purple moods, orange-green-gray words. He releases her hair and lets it unwind, slowly tumbling down.
He speaks quietly, husky-soft. "I think you're beautiful," he tells her as a reply, and he could write a sonnet about everything he sees in the sweet seduction of her smile.