I realized immediately the morning after the river incident, after Hollythorn had woken up and we went back to the camp, that she seemed to have finally reached some sort of inner-peace. She no longer glared at me from across the camp in distaste. She no longer clung to me one moment the hid from me the next. She no longer sought comfort from Mouseclaw, only me.

And we actually talked now, rather that having one-sided conversations. She told me that I needed to try to be more relaxed. She told me that my intensity sometimes startled her, and she didn't fully know how to cope with it. I apologized to her for frightening her like that, and I promised that I would never intentionally try to scare her. Every second since then I had been very self-aware of every single thing I was doing and I attempted to tone my usual zeal down a bit when she was near.

We spend the next quarter moon in total contentedness. The others of the clan kept their distance, and we were together as much as possible. Tonight was no different, because the both of us would be attending the Gathering.

Still, I had plans to stick with Cloudtail and Brightheart most of the time. Hollythorn was with Lionfang and her friends. I knew it was her first time at a Gathering as a warrior. She would want to spend it with them.

We all entered the Island, and I trailed after my clanmates as we approached some ShadowClan cats. Who were they? I focused ahead long enough to recognize Oakfur and Snaketail. Brightheart greeted them both, and I lay down beside Cloudtail out of instinct. My eyes wandered the clearing, looking for Hollythorn, but I couldn't find her among the thick throng of cats.


I turned my head, giving Oakfur my attention. His eyes glinted darkly and he meowed, "News back at the clan is that you've been having yourself a good time shredding the WindClan warriors?"

I briefly wondered how he knew that, and then I realized that there had been a half-moon since the battle before last. Jayfeather may have mentioned it to Littlecloud. I just shrugged, not relishing the chance to gloat as I once had when I was younger. Not considering my apprentice had nearly died that day.

The two ShadowClan cats seemed disappointed in how little effort I gave towards their favorite topic. Cloudtail gladly filled in for me, jumping into an inflated account of how we sent half of WindClan running home in no time that day.

It wasn't long before the leaders yowled for silence and began the gathering officially. Firestar announced the new warriors, and at last I found where Hollythorn was sitting. Onestar announced warriors of his own. Blackstar had nothing to say, and Leopardstar made it known the prey was running well and that they had new kits born a few days previous.

Firestar stepped forward suddenly, his green eyes narrow and as hard as jade. He glared particularly at Onestar and spat, "I would like to know why WindClan keeps invading my territory!"

Onestar's eyes narrowed as well, and his tail lashed behind him like a whip. He flaced his claws and his voice was dark when he answered, "It won't be your territory for very long."

Leopardstar and him glanced at one another before looking away. Blackstar's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he watched, and Firestar's hackles started to rise. I heard Brightheart mutter something to Snaketail, and Cloudtail hissed. The whole clearing had started to grow uneasy over this sudden development.

A deep, sinister growl bubbled forth from Firestar, and I felt a rush of energy go though my veins as I watched the leader I had known since I was so young let some of that warrior blood pump. I went as far as to get to my paws, ready to fight if it were ordered, but Blackstar jumped in to quell the surge of hostility.

"Firestar!" He meowed from where he sat, his voice low with warning as he glanced at the sky. "Tonight it not the night for battles."

"If any Windclan cat is so much as a kittenstep over the border, we'll shred them." Firwstar growled before getting down from the tree. His tail was flicking irritable and his fur was still bristled as he stalked towards the fallen log. Brambleclaw yowled, "ThunderClan!" and then followed him.

"You'd better go." Oakfur pointed out, nodding in farewell to us.

Cloudtail grunted in agreement, eyeing some WindClan cats dangerously as he and Brightheart headed for where the clan was gathering. I padded away from the ShadowClan cats and looked around, spotting Hollythorn and Honeyleaf bear a gorse swathe. Pouncefoot was before them; a hair's length away from Hollythorn-who was bristling and growling at him.

I narrowed my eyes and swiftly walked over towards the three young warriors. I swept up beside my beloved just as Pouncefoot challenged her and she readied herself to launch at him. I gently brushed her shoulder with my tail as I came to stand at Hollythorn's shoulder. I felt my claws unsheathe when I looked at the tom.

My muscles were totally relaxed; there was no need to get wound up. I was confident I would tear this runt apart before he could beg me to stop if he dared to press his luck. I felt all the fury of a thousand battling cats swirling black in my heart, though, as I glared at him. He had about one half of a second to give Hollythorn and Honeyfern some space before I went ballistic.

"Is a fight really what you want, Pouncefoot?" I asked the young cat, the cold challenge in my voice as bitter as leafbare frost. Fear flashed in the RiverClan cat's eyes. He recognized that I was on a whole different level than he was right now. He was just an inexperience warrior trying to stir up some mischief with an even younger warrior. He was not prepared to take on a senior warrior who was a second away from snapping.

Pouncefoot stumbled backwards towards some of his clanmates, a nervous growl slipping out of his throat before he turned tail and fled. I snorted under my breath, disgusted with his disgraceful fear. My attention flickered to the left when I heard Brambleclaw talking to Hollythorn. She seemed confused, like the rest of us were. The deputy looked at me and jerked his head, "Come talk with me."

I nodded, brushing up against Hollythorn reassuringly as I went by. She had nothing to fear so long as I was around. No cat would ever get away with coming that close to attacking her. Pouncefoot was lucky we were at a gathering, that's all I have to say.

"Ashfur, what just happened back there?" Brambleclaw asked once we were out of earshot of the younger warriors.

I shook my head, glancing back at the girls. "I don't know. I just saw them getting aggressive and went to break it up."

Brambleclaw narrowed his eyes at me and corrected sternly "You went to fill in, not break it up. I saw Pouncefoot back away quickly when you arrived. That is not how a peaceful encounter ends."

I felt my eyes flare with stubborn pride as I glared at him. "I refuse to act peacefully towards enemy warriors who would not do the same."

Brambleclaw held my gaze for a long second before he nodded stiffly. He said no more, as we had reached the fallen log and only a few of us were left to cross. The deputy went forward to assist Longtail, and I flicked at ear for Lionfang to come over to me.

I nodded towards the girls and meowed in a low voice, "They were having trouble with RiverClan. Stay with them and walk them home."

"What're they waiting for?" He asked curiously as he looked back at the two muttering cats.

"I don't know, just make sure they don't get hurt." I answered him. He nodded determinedly and I nodded back, following Brambleclaw across the fallen log and over to our waiting clan. The trio padded into the camp shortly after the rest of us had settled in. Hollythorn hovered protectively around Honeyleaf for the rest of the night.