Ok, I thought this was funny, so I typed it up. Please tell me if my sense of humor is stupid, or if you thought it was funny, or whatever.


The three Volturi leaders were arranging the guard in preparation for the coming attack on the Cullen family. Or, more accurately speaking, Aro was fussing over the guard's arrangement, while Caius and Marcus watched from the sidelines. Caius was too busy submerging himself in possible battle tactics to notice Aro's girlish reworking of the troops. Marcus just didn't care.

When they were finally ready to begin their march, Aro looked at Marcus with disapproval. His brother's face didn't show any hint of emotion about the upcoming battle.

"Marcus, why do you sulk so? We are finally able to rid ourselves of the uprising threat the Cullens are presenting," Aro said merrily.

Marcus just shrugged.

"But surely you must feel something. After all, Carlisle has created an immortal child for his own purposes. It is likely it will come to a fight."

Marcus just looked into the distance, his burgundy eyes glazed over. "It just doesn't seem all that exciting to me," he answered honestly.

Caius, who had been going over the battle plans yet again, shook his head. He never let himself break up a disagreement between Aro and Marcus, instead choosing to watch them fight from a distance. Sometimes their arguments were quite entertaining. However, they were usually just time-consuming.

"This may be one of the most successful wins that we will ever achieve. Look what we'll be gaining; a psychic, an empath, a mind reader, and whatever our lovely Bella's power turns out to be…" Aro trailed off; smiling at all of the new talents he would be adding to the Volturi guard.

Marcus wasn't nearly so moved. "Perhaps your definition of excitement is different than mine, brother, for I feel nothing of what you are describing."

At that, Aro finally cracked. "Then what is your definition of exciting then, Marcus? I'll wager that you can't name one thing you've done that is more thrilling than the battle ahead of us."

Marcus looked Aro in the eye, the smallest bit of amusement appearing behind his dreary mask. Without so much as blinking, Marcus replied, "Your sister."

To that, Aro had no reply, and returned to the troops once more.

Yeah…anyway, I think it's really awkward that Marcus married Aro's sister (not that I particularly like Aro or anything). Sorry if I took too long getting to the punch line. I couldn't think of a quicker way to do it.

Disclaimer: Oh yeah, I don't own Twilight.