A/N:This is the sequal to 'New Destiny' Erik's POV in Marked. If you haven't read it, check it out. It is located on my profile page.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters they all belong to the Cast's I just get to play around in Erik's delicious mind... Enjoy!

Also I would like to thank to my beta reader Kristine for her mad editing skills. Thanks hon your the best!!

The big leather-upholstered, first-class airline seats were a comfort for the long flight back to the House of Night. I've been in New York since Sunday and I was excited to get back to see Zoey. The competition was amazing; 125 contestants, fledglings from all the different Houses of Night around the world. The best of the best from each school came to compete. It was amazing; the talent that graced the Broadway stage. I had already been to New York and performed on this very stage. It was exhilarating to be back. I could really see myself on this stage as a regular actor and not just a guest at a competition. Soon, I thought. I only have another year until my change. This actually brought sadness to my spirit. I would be away from Zoey in a year. I suddenly didn't want that to happen. Over this past month I felt we had become more than just friends; definitely she was moving into the realm 'girlfriend', even thought we never declared ourselves. I sure thought the constant handholding, hugging, kissing and some of the best dates I had ever been on were 'official' relationship worthy. Of course it was all still PG, but it still brought a sense of happiness to me that I was being patient with her. She would never feel the pressure of doing more. If our relationship took the next step it would be because she wanted it to. I know I did.

I looked down at the huge white box sitting next to me. I took my hand and gently touched the intricate bow that wrapped around the box, reminding myself to be careful and not damage it. I remember walking down Fifth Avenue on Tuesday just before the competition started. I had a few hours to kill and wanted to do a little shopping. Yes, I ususally hated to shop but I was in need of a few new shirts and pants. I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to shop in New York City. They had the best and latest fashions, unlike Tulsa where shopping was limited on style. As I walked down the sidewalk, I caught the sight of something interesting. It immediately caught my attention as I stopped in front of the window display. It was a simple long, black dress with metallic fabric woven in. As night was settling in, the lights from the passing cars brought the dress to life. With each flash of light the dress picked up the yellow and red flashes making the entire dress sparkle. It reminded me of Neferet's dress from last months' Full Moon Ritual. And then I pictured Zoey in a dress like that. A smile grew on my face as I imagined Zoey in this full-length gown, dancing to the beat of soft music. I was sold. I walked into the shop and asked for the dress. I remembered the dress she had on last month and knew what size to get. After all, I had removed that dress from Aphrodite before and knew what size she was. I frowned at that thought and pushed it far away from my mind. I now had another purpose to getting this dress for her. It was a gift for Zoey for her first Full Moon Ritual, plus it would replace the other dress I now wanted to forget.

I proceeded to tell the young lady behind the counter it was a gift and asked if she could gift-wrap it for me. The young lady smiled at me as she gathered the dress and folded it neatly into a large white box. Then, she pulled a large, beautiful ribbon out and proceeded to wrap the box. I stood there in awe as she carefully created an intricate bow out of the ribbon. It must have taken her ten minutes to perfect this masterpiece before she rang up the dress. I paid for it and added a nice tip for taking the extra time to make it perfect. I thanked her and left the store, excited to see Zoey's face when she saw her new dress.

I walked back to the hotel and got ready for my day. I wasn't performing until Friday but I still had to be at rehearsals and watch each contestant perform. I watched my competition carefully as they each performed their monologue. I gauged each performer and could tell that most were performing by memory, while others were enveloping the part. Some didn't convey the feelings of the character, while others were down right amazing.

"Hey man, you excited to get back to see Zoey?" Cole asked, bringing me back from my daydream.

"Yes, I can't wait, it feels like forever since I've seen her. I miss her," I boasted with a grin. I could never hide anything from Cole. He knew me better than that.

"You lucky bastard. I wish I had someone to go back to. Oh well, I'll have to live vicariously through you," his tone was slightly sad, but thoughtful. I knew there was someone out there for him; he just hasn't found her yet. I wanted to reassure him to not give up, but suddenly I found myself closing my mouth. I knew he didn't like me talking girls with him when he felt that I didn't have that problem. So, I was going to drop it for now but I was secretly going to help any way I could.

I knew he was a closet romantic but it shocked me that he chose Romeo's monologue 'But soft, what light through yonder window breaks'. It suited him. He was definitely showing his softer side. After all he ranked twenty-second overall in the competition. He was grinning from ear to ear at the monumental leap from last year.

I looked diagonally from me and could see two female fledglings that came with me to the competition. I knew them well. After all, they were in my drama class with Professor Nolan. Kaci Crump, a fourth former, was shy to most people until you get to know her. Once she was on stage she could transform into her character of choice and take on what ever that character is feeling. She was still a work in progress, and she astounded me when she placed fifty-second in the competition. It was an improvement from the last competition when she placed ninety-ninth. She was beaming at her accomplishment as well.

Next to her was Cassie Kramme, a fifth former. She was not shy at all, though she is slightly on the crazy side. She was always drawn to the extravagant rolls, anything to get attention. If she could be nude to play the roll, I am sure she would jump at the chance. She did exceptionally well, she placed thirty-fifth in the competition.

Then there was Deino, the epitome of terrible. Since Aphrodite's dismissal from the Dark Daughters, she has been avoiding her. Actually, now that I think about it, all three of her so-called friends have been avoiding Aphrodite like the plague. I wondered if Deino acted like a snob, an Aphrodite wannabe, just because that was expected. She was different now. There was a positive change that everyone noticed. She shocked everyone, including me, with her take on Cleopatra's death scene. I think she gave Professor Nolan a run for her money on Cleopatra. She didn't have the same energy as Prof. Nolan, but close. She placed an amazing eleventh.

I looked down at my watch and it was only six o'clock. We still had a few hours until we landed in Tulsa. I tapped my foot nervously as I counted the passing minutes until we were home. Professor Nolan announced that we would be performing our monologues for the entire school. I was told I would be going last. She wanted to save my results until the very end. My monologue rendered Othello's love for Desdemona. I poured all the love I was feeling for Zoey into that monologue. It had only been a month but I was falling in love with her. It made my monologue more meaningful to me. It was how I won first place. Although it was hard to put it into words how I felt, there was only one person I wanted to tell and I still had a few hours till then.

I leaned my head back on the plush headrest and closed my eyes to help pass the time. There was no way I could sleep now. I was too excited from my win and the thought of seeing Zoey. I was remembering our first date. It made me laugh now that I chose Star Wars as our first date movie. It was what sold her on going out with me; plus I love the movie, who doesn't? I laughed to myself as I clearly remembered not paying much attention to the movie at all. More like I was paying attention her strawberry lips, her shiny curly hair, the intoxicating scent of Lavender and Jasmine, and the way she pressed into me. Two hours, fifty-five minutes to go before I could wrap my arms around my Z and kiss her strawberry lips. Unconsciously, I licked my lips wishing I could taste her. I missed her this past week.

I also knew that this was the week for family visits. I hated that I would be missing out on my family this time, but there was next month if they wanted to see me. I missed my family, especially my brother. Over the years their visits have trickled; now they come maybe four times a year if I was lucky. I knew they hate I was a vampyre fledgling, but they didn't like it either. They had high hopes for me as a future lawyer, doctor, or what ever they wanted me to be. But I knew, even at an early age, I wanted to be an actor. My mom thought it was a child's dream and wanted more from me. My brother, on the other hand, thought it was cool that I was marked and secretly wished he'd been chosen as well. He was two years younger than me and would have followed in my footsteps no matter what I did. It annoyed me but I also secretly I loved it. Even now, he is the one I miss most. I would have to see if they are willing to come next month to visit.

I knew Zoey's parents were coming for the first time and I wanted to be there to support her. I knew from the few times she mentioned them that her step father, no, 'step loser' is what she always called him, and her mother weren't happy about her being marked and went all exorcism on her. She gave me the run down of the events but didn't go into much detail. I didn't blame her; at least my parents accepted my change with an open mind. The way she talked about her mom before the step loser came into their lives; they were close, but that was fading fast. Zoey was hoping that her grandmother would come for the visit as well. Zoey always talked so highly about her. I could see she was filling the role of mother that Zoey's own mother was neglecting. I could never understand someone could not love Zoey for everything she is and how special she was.

I heard a tapping from the seat across from me. I opened my eyes to see Cole wildly beating a set of air drums. His head and foot were bobbing to a silent beat from his iPod. I let out a loud laugh as he was finishing his solo. He opened his eyes to see that everyone was staring at him.

"What?" he asked not really getting why everyone was staring.

"Great solo," I said with another chuckle at his expense.

He looked at the pens in both hands and then back at me. He let out a laugh that rivaled my own, causing everyone else to start laughing. I looked around to see that one person wasn't laughing, Loren Blake.

Loren Blake was a Vampyre Poet Laureate and a temporary poet Professor for the House of Night. I never looked at Blake as a Professor nor called him by that title; he never seemed to mind or question it. Most of the guys despised him, but I found him to be fascinating and intriguing. He is the first male Vampyre Poet Laureate in quite some time. Usually it was given to a female vamp, but his accomplishments over the years awarded him this title. Overall, he was a decent vamp. He always treated everyone fair, although he favored females at our school. He was known to seduce women for sex and then move on to the next conquest. I will admit that, as a guy, I admired him for it, but when he had an eye on Aphrodite, that quickly changed. I wasn't the possessive type but I didn't like the way he looked at her. She didn't give him the time of day, as far as I knew. She didn't even like poetry; she said it was useless to learn and decipher. Well he can have her now if he wants. She's all yours, I thought while looking at Blake.

I looked back at my watch and groaned. Only ten minutes had passed since the last time I looked at it. I threw my head back and wished I was home with my Z.

Okay, many of you may be wondering why we stared here. Well our good looking Erik isn't in Betrayed that much. So instead of starting when he come back from the competetion, I am giving you a sneak peak into what he did the week all the drama started with Zoey. Stay with it, only 2 more chapters to recap what happened in the past month. (it is what I think could have happened) Enjoy.

Reviews are love show how much you love Erik.