"Starting all over again, is gonna be hard...so hard..."

Daryl Hall and John Oates

It had been many years since Aaron Hotchner owned a dog. He'd forgotten what it was like to have to get up in the morning and take the dog out, feed the dog each night, and was used to traveling without a care about putting said dog in a kennel. It wasn't that he didn't like dogs, to the contrary, he did. But with his job, having a dog was just not possible.

Carrie, on the other hand, had a dog. Woodward J Bernstein, known as Woody, was a mutt. She said she thought he had some schnauzer in him, maybe some terrier, she couldn't be sure. He had shaggy gray and white fur and big sad brown eyes that Hotch had watched Carrie cave into at least three times during the previous evening.

From the moment she walked into the house, Woody was Carrie's shadow. Following her where ever she went and laying, peacefully at her feet when she stopped moving. He was wary of Hotch, growling a bit when he took her into his arms in the kitchen and eyeing him suspiciously when they sat on the sofa for a bit.

Thankfully, Carrie locked Woody out of the bedroom while they made love. She laughed and told Hotch that she didn't want him to feel he was performing in front of an audience. Once the door shut and he pulled her into his arms, he didn't care who was watching.

At some point, however, Woody must have found his way into the bedroom and up onto the bed. Either that, Hotch thought from behind closed eyes, or Carrie not only had severe breathing problems but she also must've snuck out of the bed for a midnight snack of kibble.

Opening his eyes, he found Woody lying next to him, sprawled out as far as his 18 pound body could stretch, his chin resting on Hotch's shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up," Carrie laughed from the doorway.

"I'm glad it wasn't you with the kibble breath," he smartly said.

"I gave up kibble a long time ago," she dismissed, walking to the bed, "Too many carbs."

As Carrie sat on the side of the bed, Woody awoke and sat up, tail wagging.

"Hold on, Woody," she laughed, "Aaron gets first dibs this morning."

"Thank you," he said, sitting up and kissing her cheek, "Good morning."

"Good morning," she smiled, "Sorry I ducked out on you…Aunt Evie locked her keys in her car and I had to get her my spare set."

"Where was she going this early in the morning?" he asked.

"To pick up croissants for us for breakfast," she replied, with a grin, "There are definite benefits to having her living here."

"She watches your dog, she buys you breakfast," he thoughtfully said, "Think she'd adopt me?"

Carrie's smile grew wicked, "She doesn't want to adopt you, but she told me she'd take you off of my hands if I grew tired of you."

Hotch laughed, "Does she always get your cast offs?"

She shrugged, "No, but she keeps asking."

"Well," he slyly said, trailing his hand along her arm, "I'm not quite ready to be cast off."

"Don't worry," she winked, "I'm not ready to cast you off." She kissed him, "Why don't you grab a shower then come down for breakfast. Aunt Evie should be back with the croissants by then."


"So, Darlin'," Evangeline Devereaux said with a wry smile, "Where is that handsome man of yours?"

"He'll be along in a minute or two," Carrie laughed, pouring herself a cup of coffee. She turned to her aunt and with a faux glare said, "And remember, this one is mine…."

"Now, Caroline," Aunt Evie drawled, feigning shock. "What kind of woman do you take me for?"

"The woman who taught me everything I know about holdin' onto a man," Carrie giggled.

"I taught you everything YOU know, not everything I know," she winked, holding up her mug.

Carrie took it and refilled it. As she handed it back to her, Aunt Evie's smile grew and she stood up. Turing, Carrie found Hotch walking into the room, with Woody following close behind.

"I knew she wasn't smiling like that for the dog," Carrie laughed. "Hello there."

"Hello, there," he returned. As she slipped an arm around his waist, he draped his across her shoulders.

"Caroline, don't be rude…"

"I'm sorry, Aaron, this is my Aunt Evie. Aunt Evie, this is Aaron Hotchner."

Evie held out her hand, "Evangeline Boudreaux Devereaux," she began, "It's so nice to meet you, Aaron."

He shook her hand, "Nice to meet you too, Ms. Devereaux."

"Oh, Darlin', please," she said, fanning herself, "You can call me Evie."

"Evie," he smiled.

"Come, sit down," she said, pulling out a chair. "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"That would be great," he said, with a smile, sitting down.

"Carrie," Evie said, sitting next to him. "Can you get Aaron a cup of coffee?"

"Sure," Carrie laughed, "I'll get him coffee while you put the moves on him."

"I'm doing no such thing! I'd just like to get to know him a bit better," she sniffed, then, "So, tell me Aaron, where are you from originally?"

"Virginia," he replied, "Arlington."

"A local boy," she nodded, "Where did you go to school?"

"Georgetown," he responded.

"Caroline tells me you have your law degree," she said, as Carrie handed Hotch a mug of coffee, "What made you give up practicing law to join the FBI?"

"Honestly?" he said, "It really wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought I'd be helping people, instead, I was handling divorces and bankruptcies."

"I don't know," Carrie snickered, "I can think of a couple of folks whose divorces helped them."

Ignoring her niece, Evie went on, "I think it's very valiant of you to want to help people."

"Thank you," he replied, sipping his coffee.

"Are you done with the third degree, Aunt Evie?" Carrie asked, with a smile.

"Its okay, Carrie," Hotch said, setting down his mug. Then, politely, he turned to Evie, and said. "What else do you want to know?"

Evie laughed, "I like this one, Carrie. He doesn't rattle easily."

"I don't rattle at all," he returned, with a smile rarely seen by anyone in the BAU.

"Now you went and issued her a challenge," Carrie teased. "Tell her the whole story, Aaron and we can move on."

"Yes, Aaron," Evie nodded, winking at her niece, "Tell me the whole story."

He thought for a moment, then, "I'm divorced, with a four year old son who lives with his mother in Arlington."

She nodded, "What's his name?"


"Do you have a picture?"

"I do," he replied, pulling his wallet from his back pocket. He flipped it open and pulled out a picture. "That was taken over Christmas."

Evie studied the picture for a moment, "What a handsome boy! He's got your eyes…and your smile. Looks like a smart child."

"Oh, he is," Hotch nodded, taking the picture back and slipping it into his wallet. "Smarter than me some times."

"They can be, can't they," she agreed, holding a piece of croissant down to Woody.

"Okay, so now that you know the Aaron Hotchner story," Carrie tiredly said, "Can we put an end to the interrogation?"

"Fine," Evie said, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Let's talk about something else. What do you two have planned for tonight?"

Carrie rolled her eyes, "And just how do you know we have plans for tonight?"

"It's a Saturday night, you have to have plans."

"We're heading out to Shady Maple Winery," Hotch replied.

"I've heard so much about it," Evie gushed. "You will have to let me know how it is."

"Why don't you join us?" he asked, watching out of the corner of his eye as Carrie's eyes flew open wide.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," she said. "You two need your time alone."

"It wouldn't be an imposition," he dismissed. "And we can have plenty of time alone later."

"Carrie?" Evie said, looking at her niece, "Would you mind terribly if I came?"

"No, Aunt Evie," Carrie laughed, "You know I wouldn't."

"Thank you both!" she excitedly said, standing up, "What time is our reservation?"

"Seven," Hotch dutifully replied.

"Perfect, I have time to run down to Mr. Julio and have my hair and nails done! I'll see you then, Darling!" she said, patting Hotch on the hand and walking out of the room.

"And that," Carrie laughed, "Was Aunt Evie."

"She's charming," Hotch laughed. "You're not upset that I invited her to dinner, are you?"

"No, not at all," she said, slipping her arms around him, "You're one smart guy…"

"Am I?" he asked, settling his hands on her hips.

"Sure, get in good with Aunt Evie, so that you know she's on your side, that way she sticks up for you."

"Hey, I know which side of the bread is buttered," he winked, kissing her.

A/N: Don't let the sweetness fool you...if you're all interested in more, there is some angst on the way. Let me know if you want it!! Oh, and I must thank Susan and Annika for all of their help and encouragement, and those of you who asked for more Hotch and Carrie!!