A/N~Ok so, this is a little two-shot that i made about a week or 2 ago,I thought since I won't be able to type up the next chapter for A Very Stressful Prom for awhile, maybe this would hold you.I've already written the second part of this two-shot so i'll probably upload that on Saturday right before I ya'll like this one though: )

Big Decisions

Part 1

Lilly's P.O.V

"Hey Lilly, guess what," Miley yelled running over to where I was sitting at Rico's.

"What," I choked out while trying to swallow a couple of nachos.

"Lilly, a-are you okay," Miley worried patting my back while I choked on the nachos.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm f-fine," I coughed swallowing my food. "What did you want to tell me," I asked turning and looking at her.

"Well, you met my horse Blue Jeans when we went to Tennessee, right," she sat down next to me on one of the stools.

"Yeah, what a pretty horse, what about him," I questioned taking a sip of my soda.

"He's sick, I can't exactly remember what it was that Aunt Pearl told me he had, but he's sick," she frowned looking down at her hands.

"Oh Miley, I'm so sorry," I comforted her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, but I'm actually going down there to Tennessee to see her and help get her better," she half smiled looking up again.

"Well, that's good, how long will you be gone," I asked picking up another nacho.

"W-well, I don't know yet, but I should probably be back soon, but I want to stay with her until she gets better," she explained.

"Okay, when are you leaving," I questioned eating one of the nachos.

"We want to leave as soon as possible, so, tomorrow, Jackson and Daddy are both coming, do you think you could look after the house while we're gone," she smiled taking one of my nachos.

"Yeah, sure no problem, I'll get Oliver to help out too, maybe I can convince my mom to let me stay at your house while you're gone," I thought about it.

"Yeah, but no parties, my daddy would kill you," she chuckled pointing a finger at me causing me to laugh. "Hey, where is Oliver, I haven't seen him since yesterday and it's already eight at night, where is he at?"

"Oh, we didn't tell you, Oliver's band finally got a gig, he's playing at some place in Beverly Hills, I don't remember what it was called," I told her.

"Wow, that's great, that boy is going far, he's really good," she said nodding her head.

"Yeah, I know, he's such an awesome singer," I smiled.

Miley smiled at me before taking a look at a text that she got on her phone, "Oh, Lilly, I have to go, my dad wants me to finish packing up my suitcases," she said putting her phone back into her pocket.

"Okay, well I'll stop at your house before you leave for the airport tomorrow," I stood up and hugged her before she ran off to her house. "Boy is this going to be one boring night," I said to myself taking a drink out of my soda. I stood up and looked around me, the beach was halfway deserted and it was now closing time at Rico's. "To add to a boring night, I'm eating stupid nachos for dinner," I fussed at my self. My mom was out of town on a business trip and my brother was staying over at a friend's house for the night, meaning I was going home to a very quiet house. I would ask Oliver to come keep me company, but it's like I said, he's got a gig tonight.

As I walked through my front door of my lonely house I flipped the light switch on. I guess it's just one of those moments where you walk in knowing that where your going is just an empty place, but you just have that little spec of hope that someone would be there waiting for you. There was definitely no one there waiting for me. I walked into the kitchen to check the messages; they were just messages for my mom, figures. So I jogged upstairs into my bedroom to change into my Hello Kitty pajamas, Miley gave them to me last Christmas, it's our favorite animated character.

Once I had my on I jogged back downstairs and into the living room to watch some television. Of course there was nothing on, that's nothing new; it's like nine on a Sunday night, all that was on was a bunch of crap. So I decided to just put it on some movie that was on Lifetime; pathetic, right?

Soon enough, I fell asleep to the very boring love story that I was watching. I don't even get how people watch those things, they just bore me. The dream I was having was exactly what the movie was, but Oliver and me where the two lovers.

"She is amazing you see this girl is all I need oh yeah she's a gift from above with not one thing out of place and now we're in this race," I heard my cell phone go off. The song was a song that Oliver wrote about me and wanted me to have it as my ringtone.

"Ugh," I groaned reaching over and picking up my cell phone off of the coffee table. "Hello," I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"Hey Lil, I need to talk to you, in person," I heard Oliver's voice say through the phone. "I'm coming over to your house, is that okay," he asked which shot me right up.

"Um, y-yeah, sure, come on over," I quickly got up off the couch after hanging up and ran to the wall mirror that was right next to the door to fix my bed head hair. Right as I was about to head upstairs and change out of my very embarrassing Hello Kitty short shorts and tank top, the doorbell rang. "Crap," I cursed to myself. I guess that's what I get for living right across the straight from my boyfriend's house. I slowly opened the door for Oliver to come in. "Hi," I hid behind the door.

"Um, hi, why exactly are you hiding behind the door," he wondered pointing his finger to me.

"N-no reason, um, come on in," I opened the door wider ushering for him to come into the house.

"Alright, so, uh we need to talk," he walked in and then looked at the pajamas I was wearing while I shut the door. "About how cute you look in your ," he chuckled looking me up and down.

"Oh, shut up, I thought I was going to be alone tonight, quit making fun of me," I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm not making fun of you, you do look really cute in those pajamas, we all know Miley couldn't pull that off," he smiled.

"Yes she could, look at her she's gorgeous," I flung my arms out.

He shook his head at me before walking over and planting a sweet kiss on my lips. When he pulled away he kept his hand on my cheek, "She doesn't even compare to you Lilly." Aw, I have such a sweet boyfriend.

"Thank you Ollie," I pecked his lips. "Now what exactly do you want to talk to me about," I skipped over to the couch with him following me.

"Well, you know that gig that I had today," he asked sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, how was that by the way," I smiled tapping his knee with my hand.

"It went really well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about," he laced his hands together and set them in his lap.

"Oliver, what's wrong," I noticed the frown on his face.

"There was something that Jason's dad set up as a surprise for us," he looked down and fiddled with his fingers. Jason is his drummer. "Um, his dad got a music producer to come check us out, see if we were any good."

"Oh cool, well he liked you, right, he'd be stupid if he didn't," I smiled trying to take the frown off of his face, didn't work.

"Yeah he liked us, in fact, he liked us so much, that he wants to sign us," he looked up at me with a very tiny smile on his face.

"Oliver, that's fantastic, why are you so upset," I congratulated him.

"Because, he wants me to go on tour, opening for Metro Station," he looked down again.

"W-wait, tour, Oliver you don't even have a record deal, how the heck can you go on tour," I shouted standing up. "And for Metro Station, they are a huge band, can you even do that," I yelled as loud as I could.

"I know, I told you he wants to sign us, so I'll be recording the rest of my songs on the tour bus and as for opening for Metro Station, a lot of bands have unknown people to open for them, it's not unusual," he calmly replied.

"But what about us," I squeaked.

"I know Lil, that's why making this decision is so hard for me," he said in a low tone looking away from me.

"So you're actually thinking about leaving me," I tried yelling, but it came out as a whimper. He just looked down, "Please get out," I whispered.

"Lilly, come on, please just listen to what I have to say," he stood up and placed his hands on my arms.

"I said to please get out of my house," I glared at him moving out of his touch.

"Fine," he sighed turning and walking out. When he walked out I fell onto the couch and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I can't believe he's even thinking about leaving me. After everything that we've been through. For crying out loud we have been best friends since kindergarten, we've experienced everything with each other, and now we're dating and in love. He's actually thinking about throwing all of that away for a singing career? What if he finds someone new that he likes more than me while he's out on the road?


The next day I woke with a major headache. I apparently fell asleep crying the night before, because after Oliver left, everything was just a blur. Then last night came flooding back into my mind again. Oliver might leave me, for once I found a guy that I thought could be the one, but it's all a lie.

"Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, wake up girl," someone swung my blanket, that I was using on the couch, out from under me causing me to fall off the couch. "Oh man, I'm sorry," they said helping me up onto the couch again. "Lills are you okay, you look like you have been crying," it was Miley.

"I'm fine, I just had a bad night," I whipped my tear stained eyes standing up and walking to the kitchen. "What are you doing here anyways, aren't you supposed to be leaving today," I asked taking the Folgers coffee out from the cabinet.

"Yeah, but you never came to see me so, here I am, my flight isn't for like another hour," she answered walking up next to me in the kitchen. "Are you sure that you're alright Lilly?"

I looked down from the coffee maker and to my hands, "I don't know if I want to talk about it." This is something that is really hard for me and the truth was I didn't feel like crying all over again. I knew that if I spoke about it, I would burst into tears.

"Lilly, come on, I'm your best friend, you can talk to me about anything, you know that," she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I let out a huge sigh before whispering, "Oliver might be going on tour with Metro Station." A tear slowly ran down my cheek.

"Wait, what, how would he be able to do that," she wondered crossing her arms over chest.

"Because, a music producer was at their gig last night and now wants to sign Oliver's band," I replied still looking down.

"But still, Metro Station is a huge band, he's not known anywhere, can he do that," she questioned.

"Apparently a lot of bands have unknown artists opening up for them, so it wouldn't be anything new," I slammed the cabinet door.

"L-Lilly, I'm so sorry, but at the same time, you have to think, this is a huge shot for Oliver, he may never get a chance like this again," she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "And, I'm not taking sides, I just think that you should see this from his point of view, that's all…anyways, I have to get going, I'll see you in a couple of weeks," she hugged me around the neck. I kind of hugged her back and nodded my head. "Se you Lills," she waved before leaving my house.

Maybe she's right. Maybe I do have to look at this from Oliver's point of view. But at the same time it's hard because I don't want him to leave me, I need him in my life more than anything. Yet at the same time, she's right. This could be a once in a lifetime shot for him. I don't know what to think. All I know is that this is going to be a huge deal for me, especially if he lives. I am not good with long distance relationships.

"I'm going to Rico's," I said to myself slamming the coffee cup onto the counter before running upstairs to change. I walked into my closet and decided to just change into a lime green long sleeved top, a pair of denim shorts, and some black sandals. After changing I walked down to the beach.


"Hey Rico, Jackson already leave too," I questioned walking up to the shack on the beach.

"Yep, do you know how long that they will be gone," Rico asked cleaning the counter.

"Nope, all Miley said was that they would be gone for a few weeks helping to get Miley's horse back to good health," I explained placing my elbows on the countertop. I looked around the beach for a second until my eyes landed on Oliver, "Oh man," I groaned. I wasn't exactly ready to talk to him right now, but I didn't want to leave, because this is where I come to think.

I guess Rico saw him too, because the next thing he said was, "Wait why are you saying oh man, isn't that bozo your boyfriend?"

"He's not a bozo, Rico and I'm just not really in the mood to talk to him right now," I sighed placing my head in my hands.

"Lilly, will you please talk to me," Oliver whined walking up to me.

I turned to him, "Talk about what, how you are thinking of leaving me, after everything we have been through together, Oliver, do you know how that makes me feel," I still needed time to think about all of this.

"Lilly, I know how hard this is on you, but I still haven't made up my mind, its just a thought, plus Lilly, this a really big deal for me, nothing like this has ever happened to me, I may finally be getting a shot at my dream," he told me.

"I understand that Oliver, but I just need some time to think about all of this stress your putting on me right now okay, it scares me that you're thinking of leaving me," I cried, tears falling down my eyes now. I couldn't deal with this right now, so I just walked away, or I tried to before Oliver pulled me back. I couldn't even look at him. He had never seen me cry before and I didn't want him to see me cry now.

"Quit pushing me away, I know you need some time to think, so do I, but I don't want you to push me away, and quit trying to make yourself look strong all the time, your not bulletproof," he calmly said causing me to turn and look at him, mascara running down my face now.

"I just, I just don't want to lose you," I whimpered whipping away a lonely tear from my face.

He looked at me for a second before whispering, "Lilly, no matter what, wherever I go, whatever I do, you will never lose me." I half smiled, my first smile since he told me he might leave to go on tour. He then pulled me in and gave me a sweet hug. "I love you Lilly," he kissed the top of my head.

I smiled even wider, "I love you too Oliver," I hugged him tighter, not ever wanting to let him go, even though I knew I had too. I slowly pulled away from him, "It's like I said, I just need some time to think, and so do you, you have a humongous decision in your hands," I sniffled.

"I'll see you later then," he asked, I just smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead once again before walking off down the bridge. I walked back over to Rico's after cleaning up my face.

"Do you want something to eat," Rico patted my back when I slammed my head on the counter.

I picked my head up, "Yeah, can I get a hot dog and soda," I smirked.

"Sorry, I'm off the clock," he responded jumping over the counter and throwing the towel on top of some girl that worked there.

"Then why the heck did you ask," I repeated what he did to me before.

"You just don't get it, I was trying to be nice, geez, you should really learn to be more appreciative," he scoffed walking off down the beach.

"Wait, what," I just shook off the confusion turning back to the counter where the girl he had thrown the towel on was working now. "Can I have a hot dog and a soda," I asked the blonde.

"Sure, coming right up," she answered turning to get my order. I rested my head back on the counter and waited patiently for her to get my food.


After finishing my food at Rico's, I went for a walk in the park. I hadn't been here in years. It held so many memories for me from back when I was a little girl. Back when everything was so much simpler. No worries, no decisions, not having to worry about what my life was going to turn out like, and most importantly, not having to worry about Oliver leaving me.

I walked over to a deserted swing set, the same swing set that Oliver and I used to play on all the time when we were kids. My favorite memory on this swing set was when we were in the third grade.


"Hey Ollie, do you want to go play at the park," a nine year old blue eyed blonde girl with little pigtails and a summer dress on yelled to a nine year old boy with chestnut brown hair and brown eyes.

"Yeah, just let me ask my mom first," the boy answered running up his doorstep and into his house. Lilly Truscott and Oliver Oken had met back in kindergarten and were now inseparable. Even when kids would tell them that it's gross to hang out with girls or hang out with boys, they never listened, because they truly loved each other, even if they were just kids. "Okay mom, thank you," Oliver yelled to his mom walking out of the house. "She said we could, let's go," he smiled grabbing her hand and running to the park with her, which was just down the street.

Once they arrived at the park they stopped to catch their breath, "Okay, what do you want to do," Lilly panted placing her hand on her chest.

"Let's go on the swing set," he answered about to run off before he saw that Lilly wasn't coming. "You don't want to do that?"

"I do, but you have to swing me," she smiled at him.

"Ugh, that's not fun for me," he whined.

She walked up to him, "Please Ollie," she put on her puppy dog face and held his hand, knowing he could never resist that.

"Ok, fine, why do you always do that to me," he huffed turning away and beginning to walk to the swing set with her right behind him.

She caught up with him and was now walking beside him, "Because, it always works, you love me too much to say no to me," she giggled.

"What makes you think that," he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because, you wouldn't have stayed my best friend since kindergarten if you didn't," they smiled at each other. "Now come on, I want to swing," she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the swing set.

"Okay, get on," he sighed standing behind one of the swings. She jogged over and sat down in the swing, placing both of her hands on the chains so that she wouldn't fall off. "You ready," he asked. When she gave him the nod he started to push her slowly.

"A little faster," she demanded. He let out a huge sigh before pushing it to go faster.

They were pretty much like that for about half an hour, but then Oliver's hand started to get tired, "Lilly, my hand is cramping up, can I stop," he begged pushing her once more.

"Sure, yeah, whatever," she put her feet to the ground to stop the swing. Lilly, of course being the danger magnet that she was decided to try and climb up the swing set. "Oliver help me out here," she yelled trying to latch onto the top.

"Lilly, get down from there, your going to get hurt," he warned standing right behind her.

"Oh quit being such a big baby, I'm not going to-, eeeep," she squealed falling off of the swing set and on top of Oliver. She was now face down on Oliver, "See I didn't get hurt," she smiled proudly.

"No, but I did, ouch, my shoulder," he cried out in pain with Lilly still lying down on top of him.

"Oh, I am so sorry Oliver," she apologized lifting herself up a little. "Where does it hurt," she frowned.

"On my shoulder, did you not just hear me a second ago," he growled.

"Geez, sorry Mr. Grumpy, I meant where on your shoulder," she demanded getting off of him and moving the top of his shirt so that she could check his shoulder. "Ouch, you have a scratch, how did that happen?"

"When I went down I hit the swing and it scraped my shoulder, ouch," he moaned when she touched it.

"I am so sorry Ollie, I didn't know I would hurt you," she apologized again still looking at his shoulder.

"Its fine Lil, it just hurts," he calmed her down.

"Oh, wait, I think I have some band-aids in my dress pocket," she remembered, searching through her dress pocket. "Yep, here's one," she pulled one out beginning to take the paper off.

"You have a band-aid in your pocket," he smiled up at her.

"Hello you doughnut, my mom is a nurse, remember," she rolled her eyes at him, but he just chuckled. "There you go," she put the band-aid on his shoulder, smoothing it down. "How's that?"

"Good, thanks Lilly," he smiled pushing himself up and sitting next to Lilly.

"Hey no problem, I'm the one that got you hurt, it's the least I could do," she grinned at him looking into his eyes now. "But you're okay now, right?"

He placed his hand on top of hers sending a shock through both of them, which was really odd, "I told you I'm fine." She just smiled and nodded pulling her hand out from under his. "We'd better get back to our houses, it's almost dark out," he stood up and put a hand out for her to take. She gladly accepted as he pulled her off the ground.

"Let's get back, but do you want to come back here tomorrow, like earlier tomorrow, so that we can hang out here longer," she asked him as they began walking back to their houses.

"Definitely," he grinned. "You want to race back to the house," he challenged her.

"Fine, but you will totally lose," she accepted the challenge. "1…2…3…GO!"

Flashback Over

That was the exact day that I first felt something that was more than friendship with Oliver. It was something that always brought a smile to my face every time I thought about it. Back when everything was just perfect, innocent, and easy, I miss those days.

I stood up ready to go back to my house when I spotted a familiar lonely tree. I jogged over and I was right, it was the tree, mine and Oliver's tree. Looking at the it I remembered that Oliver and I carved something into it. So I circled the tree until I saw it:

Lilly+Oliver=Best friends 4 eternity

We were eleven years old and he carved it trying to show me that he really was my best friend after an argument that we had.


"I cannot believe you would say that I was just some blonde chick that you hang out with when you're bored," Lilly Truscott yelled to Oliver Oken. She overheard Oliver talking to his guy friends at the beach.

"Lilly, please don't take that the wrong way, I was just-," he tried to get out the words, but Lilly wasn't having it.

"What Oliver, how can someone not take that the wrong way, am I really just someone you go to when your bored, because if I am then leave me alone, I never want to speak to you again," she cried turning away from him and running up the bridge.

"Lilly, please don't be mad at me, I was just telling them something that they wanted to hear, that's it," he called running behind her trying to catch up before she went into her house.

She finally turned around and looked at him, "You really hurt me Oliver, how do I know your not lying to me, how do I know you haven't been lying to me for the past five years about being my best friend," tears were in her eyes.

"I'm not, I promise you, you're my best friend, I could never lie to you like that," he was now standing right in front of her trying to get her to look in his eyes. But since she was crying she did no such thing. "Come with me, please," he begged still trying to get her to look at him.

"Where," she didn't look at him, but talking without anger was good enough for now. He just smiled and grabbed her hand before running off to the park with her. "Oliver, why are we at the park," she sighed as they came to a stop.

"Because, I'm going to do something, come here," he never let go of her hand when he dragged her over to a tall lonely tree.

"Wow, it's a tree Oliver," she sarcastically said. He pulled out a pocket knife, "Oliver, what the heck, why are you carrying around a pocket knife?!"

"Because, my dad gave it to me for Christmas last year, I always have it with me, but now, I'm finally going to use it," he answered walking up to the tree.

"What are you doing," she worriedly asked him. He didn't respond, he just walked up and started to use the knife on the tree. "Oliver your hurting the tree," she huffed walking up behind him. Then she saw what he carved into the tree.

"There, I'm done, what do you think," he smiled up at her amazed look.

"Lilly plus Oliver equals best friends for eternity," she smiled widely at the carving. "Oliver that is so sweet," she finally looked into his eyes.

"And completely true, no matter what, you will always be my best friend Lills," he grinned at her as she kneeled down next to him.

She looked at it once more before wrapping her arms around his neck, "I forgive you," she whispered. She smiled when he returned the hug by wrapping his arms around her back.

Flashback Ends

I traced my fingers across the carving, a huge smile on my face. That moment meant so much to me, because it proved our friendship was forever real. I smiled one last time before standing up and beginning the walk back to my house.

I honestly had a lot to think about. One, how do I handle it if he does leave me to go on tour? I mean, he'll probably be gone for a few months, maybe more. Two, I have to think about his hopes and dreams. This is something he has always wanted, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I made him throw it all away just because I wanted him here? I definitely do not want to be a bad girlfriend to him, he's too important to me. But what if he finds someone else he likes; someone who is prettier, smarter, and funnier than me. I'm terrified he'd give me up to be with her. Oh man, this was certainly going to be a long night.

A/N~Well there it is and like i said,I will upload the second part of this two-shot on Saturday right before i leave on my vacation.I'm hoping ya'll like it enough for me to continue next part will be in Oliver's P.O.V,it's about how he is dealing with all of theses big decisions, just like Lilly, and it will have his final decision in it review,PEACE OUT!!