Your Song

Summary: Rachel, much to Puck's dismay, forgot what happened the night of Finn's party and has to figure out what to do to try and stop his like for her. Sequel to Don't Stop Believing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee but darn it if Finn isn't perfect.

Chapter One

Mother Pucker

Puck felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and he snapped his head. Finn was standing a few feet away, having just thrown a football at his head. Puck looked back where he had been staring to see Rachel Berry was still sitting on the bleachers, reading a book.

"What are you looking at? I called you like ten times," Finn said, hitting Puck's back and he turned to face him.

"Nothing, just thinking," Puck replied, looking at him and then unconsciously at Rachel again. It was Monday and she still hadn't said anything about what had happened in the car on Friday night after Finn's cookout. He was certain she would get all over his case about it, calling him a freak or a loser, but all she did was sit quietly and read.

"Thanks for taking Rachel home the other night, man. My mom would have killed me if I had left the house in the wreck that it was in," Finn said, looking over at Rachel now.

"Yeah, no problem," Puck replied, watching as Rachel's hand elegantly lifted the page of her book. He stared as the wind played with her long brown hair and Finn had to slap the back of his head to regain his attention.

"What's wrong with you, dude?" he asked, smirking and returned to practice. Puck didn't know what was happening to him. He had assumed that since Rachel and Finn were getting so close because of Glee, then she would blab to him about the whole kissing incident, but Finn seemed clueless. Puck looked back at Rachel but she was standing and beginning to walk down the bleachers.

"I'll be right back," Puck called, and Finn nodded. Puck followed after Rachel into the school. She was heading towards the auditorium to practice when he caught her in an empty hall.

"Berry," he said, refusing to use her first name. He was already getting flustered even looking at her; it was hard enough to just stand still.

"Puck!" she said in surprise, Puck being the last person she was expecting to see. "Is something wrong?"


"Yeah, you look really worked up. Are you still upset about Finn joining Glee?" she asked, smiling and Puck had to look at the lockers to avoid eye contact.

"Do you remember how you got home on Friday?" Puck blurted out before he could stop himself. Rachel paused for a moment, thinking and wondering.

"No," she said simply, suddenly curious about it. Her dads had said that a tall strong football guy had brought her home, so she only assumed that it had been Finn and thought noting else about it.

"You don't remember getting a ride or something happening in a car?" Puck asked, beginning to get annoyed by her reply. If she really didn't remember, he was going to kill her. She was drunk off one cup of Vodka and forgot how they had practically made-out in his car, all by her own fault!

"Not really… I don't usually remember anything after I drink. Why?" Rachel asked, smiling and looking at him innocently. Puck was really getting angry.

"N-Nothing!" he yelled, making her jump a little surprise. He walked down the hall, Rachel staring after him as he went.

"What's wrong?" she asked, but he was already gone.

Puck kicked the fence underneath the bleachers. He was so angry, and he really didn't know why. He was taken completely by surprise by Rachel Berry, the loser from Glee Club who had taken away his best friend. In a moment, she had completely changed him and now he didn't know what to do. She didn't even remember anything that had happened! That was probably what made him the angriest. All of that, and she didn't remember anything at all.

He kicked the fence again, finally leaning against it for support. Before he realized it, Quinn was standing over him.

"What are you sulking about?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Nothing… What are you doing here?" he replied, putting his hands on his knees.

"I want you to get Finn to quit that stupid club. I don't like that girl falling all over herself and being so close to him," Quinn replied, pacing in a circle.

"Wait, you want him to quit because the club is stupid or because you don't want Rachel Berry hanging onto him?" Puck asked, looking up at her.

"That girl thinks that just because they are together a lot, that suddenly their best friends and she can do whatever she wants!" Quinn said, kicking up dirt on the ground.

"She isn't doing anything, they're just friends," Puck replied before he could stop himself. Quinn stopped and looked down at him.

"Did Finn say something?"

"Huh? N-No, I mean, the guy is too nice sometimes. He doesn't usually lie, and if he does, he'd tell you the truth eventually. I mean, with Glee, he already told us everything, so what does he have to hide now?" Puck said quickly, standing up and looking out at the street through the fence. He was more of trying to defend Rachel, than Finn, but he refused to let Quinn know that.

"You really don't think anything is going on between them?" Quinn asked, crossing her arms in a sort of pout.

"Knowing Finn, no, nothing is happening between them," Puck replied, hoping that it was really the truth. Rachel didn't seem like the type to hide anything from anyone, she was far too honest for that.

"You had better be right about that. I don't like that stupid girl hanging around him all the time. Earlier, she was sitting in the bleachers, waiting for him! I couldn't believe it!" Quinn yelled, leading him out from under the bleachers into the sunny afternoon. Finn was busy throwing a football to not notice them, but Rachel did.

She was standing across the field, having been looking for Puck to try and clear up what had happened. She was staring at Puck as he grabbed Quinn by the arm. Rachel didn't know why, but she was getting extremely irritated at the sight of them together.

"Stop, Quinn, she wasn't waiting for anything. I saw her leave, she was just reading a book," Puck said, finding it odd that he was even bothering to defend Rachel again.

"Rachel!" Finn called, getting all of their attention, Puck particularly. Finn had just finished practicing and had spotted Rachel standing on the sidelines.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had voice lessons today," Finn said, opening a water bottle. Rachel looked over at Puck still, before smiling at Finn.

"Oh, Miss Charles cancelled, her fiancé is taking her out today," Rachel said, Quinn crossing her arms angrily. Puck looked between Rachel and Finn, squinting as the sun peeked out from behind a cloud. Rachel looked over at Quinn and Puck again, and Finn turned to see what she was looking at.

"Don't mind them," Finn said, "They just are having trouble getting over Glee still."

"I'm sure… but Finn? Can I ask you something?" Rachel asked suddenly, looking at him now.

"Sure," he said, following her towards the school, waving to Quinn and Puck as he went. Rachel took a quick look back and caught Puck's eyes for a moment before turning away quickly. Quinn crossed her arms and gritted her teeth.

"See! I told you that she wants Finn!"

"Yeah… I guess you were right…" Puck muttered, turning away from the field and heading into the locker rooms while Quinn went to go and yell at her friends.

"Finn? What happened Friday?"

"What do you mean?" Finn asked as they walked towards the auditorium. Rachel tried to make sense of what had happened in the hall with Puck. He had been so upset about something and she was actually worried.

"I think I might have said something to make him mad on Friday, so I was wondering if you knew what it might be," Rachel replied, looking around at the lockers as they walked.

"I don't remember anything, really, from Friday. Didn't you take me home?"

"No, Puck did," Finn replied, and Rachel snapped her head at him, completely taken by surprise.

"P-Puck took me home?!" she stuttered, looking away from Finn to try and hide a blush. You don't remember getting a ride or something happening in a car? What in the world had happened that she didn't remember?

"Yeah, you accidentally took a drink from him and I had to clean so he volunteered to take you home. Why? He didn't do anything did he?" Finn asked seriously, looking down at her. Rachel smiled to try and hide her blush.

"O-Of course not! I just wanted to make sure I thanked him," Rachel said quickly and Finn smiled at her.

"See, I knew you two could be friends!"

"Yeah, well, I'm going to head home, so I'll see you later!" Rachel said, giving him a quick pat on the arm and hurrying off towards the football field again.

- A few reviews wanted me to write another fic and I decided that I would continue from "Don't Stop Believing" and I love Puck and Rachel together. Don't know why, but I know I can't wait for the season to start in the Fall! Wootness! Next chapter coming soon! Thanks for reading!

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