Okay guys, sorry for the late update. I realized that this plot was moving too quickly, and I was only on chapter 1! I wasn't planning on carrying on with this fanfiction, as I have better ones on the go. But after seeing all of your reviews, I decided to carry on. So here it is, the long awaited chapter 2!
Chapter 2
Opposites Attract
Amu's P.O.V
Rima and Yuki have banned any reflective surface from my room until the Monday morning. Damn it. It was Sunday night, 9:34pm to be accurate. I still have no idea what I look like, it is so vexing!
Then genius struck me. I grappled around for my bedside lamps switch, and grabbed by simple old Nokia. (A/N: I Do Not Own Nokia) I've been meaning to get a new phone for a while now, but this one has a camera, which is all I'm looking for at the minute. I opened up the camera application, flipped my phone around and pointed the lens in my direction.
The flash of light momentarily blinded me. Eagerly, I flipped my phone around once more, and I was met by a breath-taking beauty. It was the old me, but better. A thousand times better.
My soft porcelain like skin had returned, with a rose tint in my cheeks. And you could clearly see my golden eyes that made the stars seem like they weren't shining. My hair fell like a waterfall down to my mid-back, this time it was a softer pink, a lot lighter and feminine.
But this is the look I'd been trying to avoid for the past 3 years. After… after that.
Memories flooded my mind, as tears formed in my honey-coloured eyes. They shone even more through the sheen of tears covering them. I shook my head vigorously, as if shaking out all of my recollection of the story.
I cried myself to sleep that night, and by morning, I had formulated a plan.
*Rima's P.O.V*
I woke up to a constant buzzing. I swung my arm around lazily, searching for my alarm clock. My eyes sprung open when it had finally ceased. 6:00am. Great.
"Stupid Yuki making me get up at stupid hours because of stupid things and stupid-" I was mumbling away under my breath.
"Not a morning person I take it?" I heard Yuki's voice interrupt my complaining.
"Shut it." I snapped back.
Yuki giggled to herself quietly.
"I'm going to get a shower!" She announced.
"Then we can go and sort out Amu. Kay?"
"Kay…" I mumbled.
I wandered to another bathroom in Amu's mansion, and showered. As the warm water trickled down my back, I felt immediately awake and refreshed.
I wandered back to my room once I felt clean, and started on my hair. I couldn't really be bothered to do anything with it today, so I let it fall and naturally dry in waves.
I picked out my days outfit, which consisted of a pair of grey skinny jeans, and a white off the shoulder top that said 'Free Hugs' on the front. I donned a pair of white dolly shoes and a black bow tied neatly in my hair. Cute.
I stuffed all my text books and my pencil case in my black Prada back that sat nicely in the crook of my arm.
I went downstairs to get breakfast, and was greeted by Amu and Yuki.
*Amu's P.O.V*
Yuki had decided what I was to wear for that day. A pair of denim shorts, and a black tank top with a white heart emblazoned on the front, with a pair of black dolly shoes. She says she didn't want me to go 'all out' on my first day of looking 'good' again. Tch.
My hair simply sat loosely in a plait to one side. But it still looked good, I have to admit.
I had insisted I could fill my own bag, but Yuki had snatched it off me, and filled it with all sorts of cosmetics. I was already wearing lashings of mascara, a fine line of black eyeliner, and a hint of clear lip gloss.
Once she had finished, I packed my books, my pencil case, and finally, a change of clothes.
My plan was too put in a pair of baggy jeans and white baggy t-shirt in alongside my old scruffy brown trainers, and as soon as I made it too school, I would say I needed to go the bathroom to top up my make-up, and that is when I would slip into my old clothes. I had also packed some face wipes to clear away all the make-up.
Genius? I think so.
*Normal P.O.V*
The three girls arrived at school, and all eyes turned on them. Including a pair of sapphire orbs. Amu noticed the blue pair almost immediately. A blush crept onto her cheeks, and he noticed. A smirked graced his cat like features, as he disappeared into the crowd.
And returned with every popular person at Seiyo going. Crap.