A/N: A huge amount of gratitude goes to adt216 for donating to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation through the November Fandom Gives Back auction. Her generosity warms my heart =) She asked for a future-take, so here you have it. True to NMTB form, there is a high dose of angst, but I promise to bring it all around by the end. Unending thanks to Chele681 for beta magic. Thank you for reading.

This falls after the FinnPOV. If you have not read that yet, it is brief and will help you understand this better.

All recognizable characters, products, or songs are property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended. This work of fanfiction is mine.

"Bella? Are you all right? What's going on, sweetness?" I pressed my ear to the bathroom door, listening to my wife sob on the other side. That sound broke my heart. I had heard and seen her tears too many times over the course of our relationship, and each time, it was like a knife twisting in my gut. So many times, I had cried with her.

Without replying, I heard the sound of the lock disengage, so I turned the knob slowly, opening the door to find Bella perched on the edge of our garden tub, elbows on her knees. In her hand was a slim white object that I immediately recognized - a pregnancy test. Without hesitation, I went to her and fell to my knees at her side, taking her wrists in my hands.

"It's positive," she sob-whispered at the same moment I looked down and saw the indicator.

Looking into her eyes, I recognized her feelings without question. Fear, anxiety...hope. We had been here before, and each time became more difficult, more heartbreaking, even when we wanted to feel joy and excitement. Now, over a year after we had given up, it was starting all over.

"I can't do it again, Edward," she cried. "I can't get my hopes up just to be crushed another time. I can't do it. I can't do it!"

"It'll be okay," I soothed, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her tightly. I didn't know if that was true. There was no way to guarantee. Truthfully, the odds weren't in our favor, and this would turn out just as badly as she feared, but I had to be strong for her. I loved her so much, and if it meant taking on greater heartache to shield her from more pain, I would do anything I could. She didn't deserve this.


We had begun trying to get pregnant immediately after we were married. We both felt that we had been together long enough that we didn't need a honeymoon period to wait. Bella hadn't wanted to accept my proposal until she felt we were on the same level in every way, which included starting a family, not just getting married. She went off her birth control, and like many other couples, we allowed things to happen naturally. Having Finn limited our spontaneity as far as "trying," but we still managed to find plenty of opportunities. Our desire for one another definitely had not dwindled, and Bella was just as feisty and irresistible as when we first met.

Each month, we would anxiously await to see if we had been successful. There were so many false alarms; Bella had always had erratic menstrual cycles when she wasn't on some form of birth control. Finally, after ten months, our dreams came true. She took a second pregnancy test immediately and another the next morning just to be sure. The results were the same. We were going to have a baby...or so we thought.

By the time she was seven weeks along, we had told nearly everyone our wonderful news. All our friends and family were excited and happy for us, and so were we. At seven and a half weeks, Bella miscarried.

We were both heartbroken, and Finn was especially disappointed, but no one took it as hard as my wife. She was already in her late twenties, and I was past thirty. We were both so ready, and the thought of waiting any longer was unwelcome. Bella knew how much I wanted to expand our family, and I knew how much she enjoyed children from her time as a preschool teacher.

After moving past the grief and disappointment as best as we could and waiting for the green light from our doctor, we began trying again. Miraculously, it was only a couple months after that time when we had another success. That time, our joy was accompanied by apprehension, and we didn't share the news with anyone. I encouraged Bella to at least tell Emmett and Rosalie, but she refused. In the end, it was probably better because we lost that baby as well.

Our devastation hit a new peak, and after some stressful testing that our doctor insisted upon, we learned that Bella had a low egg count. There were no other major conditions or problems that could be identified without more intensive testing, and the doctor surmised that it was likely a hormonal issue that naturally eliminated any at-risk pregnancies. Simply put, her body just had a harder time sustaining a child without intervention. There were treatments and procedures that could be done to help us, but Bella adamantly refused. It was understandable that she took the news so hard. Nothing in our relationship had been easy for either of us, and despite our happiness with one another and the family we formed with my son, this was tragic for her. Bella blamed herself, despite the doctor's assurance that she had done nothing to cause this. Little by little, through sad conversations we shared, I learned that part of her felt inferior to me since I had already fathered two children. I tried my best to ease her mind, but there was only so much I could do for her.

For a time, she was withdrawn and detached from the subject. She refused to discuss it, would not seek help from a fertility specialist or through hormone therapy, and we simply did not address making another attempt. Then Rosalie got pregnant, and Bella's world shifted. Rose and Emmett had also been married, and for them, pregnancy and happiness seemed to come so easily. While Bella inwardly suffered through jealousy of their fortune, she celebrated with her best friend and cousin. It was not as though she, or I for that matter, resented them for having a baby, but it was still difficult. Bella and I were both ecstatic for them, even though we shared feelings that could not be helped. I knew Rosalie and Emmett hurt for us as well, yet they thrived on the joy and anticipation of their new life, as they deserved to.

As Rose approached the end of her pregnancy, I saw an obvious turn in my wife. Though she refused fertility drugs or treatments, she went about making changes in her own way. She stopped eating meat and focused on healthier dietary habits for our entire family. She cut superfluous sugar and coffee out of her diet altogether, and she took multivitamins and a few other supplements on a regular basis. Nothing was in the extreme, but they were adjustments and habits she claimed made her feel noticeably healthier and more energetic. She and Emmett made arrangements so that she only worked one night a week and otherwise stuck to a daytime routine in the club. While she was already active, she added variety to her exercise routines. Those things made Bella happy, and I knew that she felt if she could naturally improve and strengthen her body without becoming obsessive about it, perhaps we could have a better chance.

There were downfalls and difficult parts, though. Bella's mind and heart still weren't ready to take the chance again. When we made love, she almost always insisted that I pull out. It wasn't exactly my favorite thing to do, but it was better than going back to condoms or some other form of contraception. It was a price I accepted because at least our physical relationship didn't diminish along the way. That intimacy was important to me - to both of us - and it would have killed me to lose that connection in addition to everything else we had been through. Even at our lowest and saddest points, my Bella always allowed me to hold her, be with her, and love her.

In one especially revealing heart to heart conversation, Bella confessed her thoughts about something I didn't want to truly believe.

"Sometimes, I feel like it's punishment," she said quietly, looking away from my eyes.

"What do you mean, 'punishment'?" I asked, sitting up in bed to face her.

"You know," she began,"like, penance or something. The way our relationship began and all the stuff we did when you were still with Carissa. All the shitty stuff I did. Hurting other people, partying all the time...you know."

Pulling her closer to me, I cupped her face in my hands and shook my head. "Baby, no," I insisted. "This isn't penance; it's just life. Couples go through this every day. People who want babies can't have them, and others who don't end up pregnant. God, look at my history. It's just...life. Life isn't fair, Bella, and you cannot blame our circumstances for this. We may not have gone about things the 'right' way back then, but I'll never consider our past a mistake because it's what got us here, now, together for the rest of our lives. And I love you so fucking much. You know that, right?"

"Of course I know that," she sniffled, leaning forward to kiss me in a gesture of thanks. "I love you so much, too. I need you, Edward. But it still hurts that we can't have everything we want, and sometimes it's just really hard not to blame something. You know how I always over think things."

The truth was, I had considered the same possibility that Bella suggested, but I could never let her know that. I was never one for that karma bullshit, but in a way, there were times when her theory made sense. Then again, maybe that was simply a justification to help me accept our troubles and the fact that we couldn't have our dream.

Eventually, when my mother became sick, we made the decision to move back to Washington. I wanted to be there with her and care for her as much as I could during that time, and it was also important for all of us that Finn had the opportunity to be there as well. I didn't relish the idea of my son watching his grandmother die, but he had always been a mature kid, and I knew that it was better for him to just be there, even if it was difficult.

Bella was more willing than I expected to move home. Years ago, she had been so adamant about staying in California unless there was no other way for us to be together, but in hindsight, I understood that, at the time, she had needed to establish something that was her own. She hadn't truly found herself until she went there and created a life she could be proud of as an independent, successful woman, but so much had changed since then. Our lives were different, better, and being together and supporting one another were our priorities now.

Through a great deal of discussion and research, we decided to open the restaurant. It wasn't an overnight process by any means, so while I did what I could for my mother, Bella was putting together all the details to make it happen. She found a location, bought the equipment, secured a liquor license, and began the remodeling process. Emmett backed the business financially and lent his know-how to help us all get it underway, but we had an established agreement for repaying all our debts in a timely manner. There was so much happening in our lives that it really felt like no time before we were opening the doors for our first customers. The process kept Bella busy and preoccupied, and for a time, we didn't focus on our pregnancy woes.

In a way, the timing was perfect. My mom passed just a week after the restaurant opened. She was weak and frail by that time, but we took her there during off-hours so that she could see the place, and she smiled as widely as her deteriorated body would allow. I later learned that Bella had given her one more piece of happiness that night.

Bella's third pregnancy had come as a surprise to both of us. We hadn't tried since California, but we hadn't done anything to prevent it either. With everything else going on, it was easier to focus on other aspects of our lives, career, and family.

A few days after Mom's funeral, Bella had arranged for Finn to spend some extra time with Carissa. We had been back to fifty-fifty custody since returning to Washington, but my wife thought I might need the opportunity to mourn without my teenage son having to witness it. It was a kind and thoughtful gesture, and Carissa was more than willing to accommodate. Bella took me to a spa for a couple's massage, and when we arrived home, she filled our over-sized bathtub, lit candles, and settled us in with some soft music playing in the background.

She sat behind me, arms and legs wrapped around my body as I silently cried. It wasn't the first time, and I knew it wouldn't be the last, but this time felt cleansing, relieving. My hands curled around her forearms as I let it all out, leaning back into her warm, soft breasts and all the love and comfort she gave so freely.

When the tears passed, we spoke intermittently, sharing stories or memories of Mom. Bella obviously didn't have many since we lived in California for most of our time together, so she listened and allowed me to dwell on some happier times. Everyone knows the day will eventually come when you have to say goodbye to your loved ones, parents included, but that doesn't make it any easier. My beautiful, caring wife was exactly what I needed in those moments, though.

The water cooled, so we drained most of it and refilled it, not quite ready to leave our little haven. I leaned my head back on Bella's shoulder, closing my eyes, and we were silent for a while. Her hands moved up into my hair, combing through it with soothing strokes as she played. She always loved toying with the strands, and it was one of the reasons I kept my hair a little longer and disheveled. Bella's lips moved to my neck, placing delicate kisses in a trail to my ear. She stopped there and spoke softly to me.

"I told your mom something the night we took her to the restaurant. It made her really happy. Even if things don't turn out, it was worth her joy."

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning myself slightly in her hold so I could see her face.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered almost inaudibly, but I still jerked out of her grasp, clumsily disentangling our limbs to turn on my knees and face her.

"Really?" I asked earnestly, taking her face in my hands and directing her eyes toward mine. "You are? How far? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Bella smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Just six weeks now. It's still so early, and with everything else we had going on, I didn't want to overwhelm you. Especially if..." she drifted off, not completing the thought. She didn't have to; I understood what my wife meant. She hadn't wanted to tell me in case something went wrong again.

"But you're okay right now?" I asked insistently, and she nodded. "Oh baby, that was so wonderful of you to give Mom that hope. This time has to be different. She'll be our angel. She'll make it work for us."

She took a deep, shaky breath in, sighing uneasily as she processed my thoughts. Somehow, my sentiments seemed to give her the hope and reassurance she needed. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I pulled her to me, turning us in the tub so that she straddled my lap as I leaned against the back of the tub. She whispered to me about being scared and nervous, but I reassured her. It was all I could do. We could not allow ourselves to live in fear of another failure.

Without hesitation, our moods shifted, and I caressed my gorgeous wife's warm, wet skin as she kissed me. Her hands fisted in my hair once more, but the gentleness was gone. Now, she was tugging me closer, demanding the connection she needed to feel with me in this highly emotional moment. I gave myself over to her in every way, and when I angled her body over mine, sinking into the heat and comfort of her sex, I felt whole. No matter where life took us, she would always be my home, my lighthouse, and my soul mate.

"This is all I need," she told me, tilting her head back and drawing my lips to her chest. She rocked on her knees, rising and falling upon me as I worked my way over the rounded swell of her breasts to capture her nipples in my mouth and fingers. I dragged wet kisses back and forth, allowing my hands to pick up where my lips and teeth left off, and her cries created the most beautiful, melodic song of love for me. Her pleasure was all I needed to do me in, and it was only moments later when we slumped together, spent from the emotional exhaustion of everything we had shared that day.

When we lost that baby, it was the worst of all. That pregnancy had lasted longer than the others, teasing our hopes and dreams, so when it happened, we both knew we couldn't do it again. It took us longer to recover, but so much of that was internalized on both our parts. It was just too hard to deal with.

In a way, we managed to accept it, though. We remembered our vows of love and commitment to one another, and we understood that, even without our own child, we had everything we could ever need in each other. Bella and Finn were my world and my heart, and I devoted myself to them. Our attention turned to our business and the responsibilities and busy schedule of raising a high school athlete. We worked, spent time with our friends and family, went to every one of Finn's games and banquets, and we made sure that he would have the best teenage experience we could provide. Once more, his maturity and close relationship with all his parents and adult role models made that easier on us than what most people experienced with high school students. We never told him about Bella's failed pregnancies after the first one, but I think he could sense it and had the respect to not ask for details we didn't readily provide.

When he graduated and returned to L.A. for college, we were all so proud of him, but there was a shift in our lives. Parts of the "empty nest" were weird, and other aspects of it were really nice. Finn had always been a part of my life with Bella since we moved to be with her all those years ago, so this was our first opportunity to be "alone." We were happy, even if things had not turned out how we expected or hoped they would. Then again, what in life ever does? My life, from age sixteen to the present, should have been a prime example of all the ups and downs and surprises we encounter.

We never slowed down. Our joint business venture was full of excitement, stress, learning experiences, and constant change. It was a good thing for both of us, and working together was something we enjoyed. We were successful and had good people in our lives. Without Finn in the house, we traveled a bit. Bella and I fit in vacations that had been difficult to do before. We spent a romantic week and a half in Hawaii, and another time we went skiing in Vermont. Trips to California were somewhat regular to visit Finn and our friends, which I knew Bella really loved doing.

Neither of us expected that another pregnancy was possible. Our doctors were regretful in telling us that hope was pretty much lost without serious intervention in the form of expensive, risky fertilization treatments, but Bella did not want to go that route.

"It would be different if I was still twenty-five, Edward, but I'm not. Normal pregnancies are dangerous for women in their mid-thirties; I don't want to have to deal with the added stress, especially if it's so likely we'll fail again. This is okay. This is our lot in life, and I've accepted it. We have so much to be grateful and happy for, so we should let go."

I hated it for both our sakes, but I went along with Bella's request. When I stepped back and looked at the situation seriously, she had a very good point. We had Finn in college; starting all over at this point would be much crazier than trying to have a baby when he was ten years old. That was a huge part of the reason her latest pregnancy came as such a shock to both of us. After the third miscarriage, Bella had decided to get an IUD. After some recent discussion, we agreed that it would be easier for me to get "snipped" rather than have her keep up with contraceptive implantation, especially after everything she had been through. It was to be our way of closing the door on that chapter in our lives.

Ironically, there was a gap between her appointment when she had the IUD removed and my vasectomy procedure. Bella didn't experiences any pain or bleeding side effects from the removal, so we took advantage of it. Knowing that I would be "out of commission" for a little while after having it done, we wanted to make the most of our time when we could be intimate. By some unlikely twist of fate, that was when Bella became pregnant.

Now, my wife was a nervous wreck, and I did not doubt a single word she said when she admitted that she couldn't go through another miscarriage. Despite all our disappointments and emotional turmoil, we had been lucky and blessed in so many other ways. Neither of us could fathom how this could be fair or why God would put us through it.

Bella's doctors were surprised by our news, to say the least, and they immediately put her on the best prenatal vitamins available, scheduled frequent checkups for her, and insisted that she work no more than part-time. She was still encouraged to remain active with light to moderate exercise but to never push or exert herself unnecessarily. Bella's diet was already pristine - a habit she had retained for years - and I was commissioned to ensure that everything went as the doctors ordered. We agreed to all their instructions, of course, but we both feared the worst. Even if no one would say it aloud, each day was spent waiting for the ball to drop and our hearts to break once more.

That didn't happen.

Days passed and turned into weeks. We held each other close each night, and though we didn't make love as often as usual, our relationship did not lose any closeness or intimacy. Bella experienced normal pregnancy symptoms, including morning sickness, cravings, and aversions. We stayed home from work when we reached the time her last pregnancy had ended, but things went on as usual. The doctors said her progression thus far was good and normal. Before we knew it, we were on the cusp of her second trimester. Inwardly, I celebrated when we made it safely to that time; it was an enormous victory. Bella cried. I understood that her tears were a blend a fear, joy, and a dozen other overwhelming, bottled up emotions. Once more, the doctors said things were normal.

Neither of us could fathom how this was possible after everything else that we had gone through, but it was really happening. Making it safely to the second trimester was a huge milestone, especially for someone who has had previous miscarriages, and I wanted to believe we were truly safe now. It was a surreal experience for both of us, but it wasn't until Bella's twenty-week ultrasound that we shared our news with anyone. We'd had earlier sonograms, given the circumstances, but this halfway point felt safer to expose ourselves to friends and family by making it all public.

We decided to take a trip to California to share the news. Bella and I had considered telling our parents first, but we agreed that Finn should be the one awarded that particular privilege. Emmett helped us arrange a private get together at the club on a Saturday afternoon. Finn was there with a few of his close friends. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Alex, and a handful of our other friends and former co-workers were present as well. While I explained the exciting news to my son and held out an album of sonogram pictures for him to see, Bella placed his hands on her stomach where his baby brother was happily growing. The shock and excitement on his face was priceless, and as he enveloped his step-mother and I in a warm, firm hug, tears trickled down his cheeks. Everyone erupted in excited cheers, and we later explained some of the general details about our pregnancy struggles over the years to those who didn't know our circumstances. It was truly one of the best days of our lives.

Back home, we told our parents during a Sunday brunch at our house. More tears were shed, and a number of happy but concerned questions were asked. Bella's parents were ecstatic to finally be grandparents, and my dad looked relieved for poor Bella. The Swans had taken Finn in as part of their family without hesitation, but Bella and I both knew that wasn't the same as having a little grandbaby to dote over. They certainly weren't the youngest grandparents, but their love would be endless.

Of course, we told Carissa and Jim as well. The years had healed many wounds, and Carissa was a much different person than she had been when we decided to divorce. They had decided not have children since they had only been married a few years ago, but they had opened their home to two foster children shortly after Finn left for college. It was difficult to find good, nurturing homes for teenage foster kids, but Jim was a former military man turned social worker, and he had a real knack for dealing with troubled youth. He and Carissa made a great team in that way, and it had brought an unexpected sense of purpose and fulfillment into their lives. They were surprised by our news but absolutely delighted for us. Carissa's smile and congratulations meant more to me than I realized they would.

The halfway marker and positive results thus far didn't mean things were perfect or in the clear. Bella was subjected to pretty much every test and preventative measure the doctors could think of, and I knew that those made her nervous. We were lucky that we had a great manager at the restaurant because I did not allow Bella to go to any appointment without me by her side. Even when it was just little checkups, it was important for both of us to be there. By her third trimester, I had made the decision to hire an experienced bookkeeper to handle the financial aspects of the business. The manager was given sole responsibility of scheduling and hiring for the time being, and I also added a second assistant manager to the crew so that there would be one assistant manager for the restaurant and another specifically for the bar. It was a little more money out of my pocket to make those changes to the staff, but it was one hundred percent worthwhile.

As the baby's due date drew closer, Bella was restricted to very little activity, and things were becoming both exciting and stressful. She refused to set up a nursery or allow anyone to throw her a shower before he was born. In the event that something went wrong, Bella did not want to come home to a baby's bedroom, decorated and full of gifts to remind her of another loss. I had been doing my best to keep the faith about things this time, but I had my own silent fears. Miraculously, there didn't seem to be any visible abnormalities from the tests and ultrasounds that a specialist had done, so we were praying for the best. We could hardly believe that things were going so unexpectedly well, and neither of us wished to do anything to jinx it. That being said, I still had a detailed and thorough order arranged with a baby store to deliver and set up everything we would need once our little boy was born.

One night, three weeks before the baby was due and after Bella had first begun experiencing contractions, we lay in bed talking. She was hot, so she wore these stretchy little shorts and a tank top that barely covered any of her body. It was a humorous sight, but I didn't mind it at all. Years ago, I had told her that I wanted to see her belly big and beautiful, full with my child, and experiencing it after we had given up believing it was possible was the most wonderful thing to me. Every opportunity I had, I would stand behind her, rubbing her belly...or kneel in front of her and talk to our boy...or lay with my head in her lap, singing softly as she ran her fingers through my hair with one hand and soothed our kicking baby with the other. I couldn't get enough of her, all voluptuous and feminine, and my hands were on my Bella every chance I had. Though we were much more gentle and cautious, I relished the times her hormones sent her into a needy overdrive. This night, there would be no love making, but I held her regardless of how warm she felt, spooning my body to hers and offering her all my love and comfort. I was so content.

"Are you too hot? Do you want me to move?" I asked, running my hand up and down her bare arm.

"Mmm...no," she hummed, placing her hand over mine. "You feel good."

We conversed quietly about little nothings for a while, but soon the conversation turned.

"What's the matter, baby? I can tell something's up with you."

"It's nothing," she hedged.

"Liar." I slid my hand down and gave her a warning squeeze on her plump ass. So delicious...

"I'm just... I don't know if I'm ready for this. I mean, I am, but I'm getting freaked out. We're going to be the oldest parents ever. When he goes to kindergarten, all the others moms and dads are going to be in their twenties and I'll be over forty. And then when he graduates, we're going to be close to sixty! We'll probably never know our grandchildren, if he even has any, and life is just going to be so damn hard!" she wailed, having worked herself up to the point of crying. It wasn't the first time Bella had cried during her pregnancy - she had been quite prone to hormonal tears, actually - but this was a different concern she was sharing.

"Baby, baby, shh..." I urged, scooting back so she could roll over to her other side and face me. "None of that stuff matters, Bella. Yes, we're starting out a little older than some parents, but it's not unusual for people in their thirties to have babies. Is our age going to make us any less capable as parents? Less loving? Less deserving of this opportunity? Will being older parents make him love, respect, or need us less?"

"No," she whimpered, shaking her head back and forth against the pillow. Reaching forward, I wiped away her tears and kissed her eyelids. "You're right. You're always right. You're so much better at all of this than me," she sniffled.

I had to laugh at that. She was so stressed and edgy right now, and I couldn't really blame her. It was tough not to find humor in her erratic moods sometimes. "Listen to me, love. Yes, I've had a baby before, but I was practically a kid. This will be just as new an experience for me as it's going to be for you. The point is we'll have each other every single step of the way. Our son will have the greatest mommy in the whole world who's going to treasure and adore him. He'll have us together and a big brother who will help him however he can. He'll have family and friends who want to be a part of his life, and Bella, you'll have all those people to support and help you too. I know it's daunting, but all of this has been amazing, right? We are blessed."

She continued to sniffle a little, but Bella's tears subsided, and I let her wrap her arms around my neck, pulling me toward her. I aligned my body with hers, tangling our legs together, pressing my stomach to her baby bump, and angling my head in to rest our foreheads together. I rubbed her cheek lovingly for a few minutes before moving it down to the side of her belly. The baby rolled against my hand, making us both smile and laugh lightly.

"I don't know what I would do without you," Bella said quietly, nuzzling my nose and then pressing her lips to mine.

"I think the same thing about you every single day, Bella. Every day. I love you," I told her fervently, deepening our kiss. After a few moments, I moved my head back to my pillow and looked at my amazing wife. "Things may not be perfect. Nothing ever has been with us, but it will be fine. We'll be more than fine."

And we were.

Declan Anthony Cullen was born eleven days later. He weighed seven pounds, four ounces, and his hair was as dark as his mommy's. Bella's blood pressure had dropped during labor, and no matter how hard she pushed, the baby wouldn't come out. After being rushed to an emergency C-Section, the doctor discovered that Declan's umbilical cord had been wrapped around his neck. Thankfully, he was okay and didn't require any special observation or care. He was a perfectly healthy newborn. Bella needed some extra recovery time after her surgery, but everything we had been through - the ordeal of Declan's birth, the dramatic pregnancy, and all the heartache and loss the preceded it - were nothing in comparison to the love and joy on her face when she held our son for the first time. It had all been worthwhile.

E/N: Edward's boys are Finnegan Edward and Declan Anthony. I don't think I ever put Finn's full name in the story =)

My heart goes out to anyone who has ever suffered through any form of struggle, loss, or grief in the conception, pregnancy, or parenting process. I did not approach this subject lightly, and I tried to handle it delicately and honestly in a short amount of words.

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