Author's Note: Just FYI - This isn't going to be some trippy story where the lamps come to life and the bunnies can talk. It's also in present day. About Sunrise - I'll update it eventually. Just got out of school yesterday, and I'm going on vacation in a, yeah. Masalinda is some random name I pulled out of my head. It's said Mass-i-leen-da but it doesn't really matter. Short chapters are my friends. Why? Because as soon as I start writing long ones I get bored and they suck even worse.

Princess Masalinda Block, also known as Massie, stop on her balcony, scanning her backyard. The roses that were right below her balcony were definitely not the right color. Pink was not the same thing as yellow. She made mental note to tell the gardener to replant them. It wasn't mean for her to do so, the man was hired to plant and garden, and he should do so the right way.

Massie went back inside her room, closing the French doors that led to her balcony. She fell on her bed, only to hear a slight growl from her dog. Bean, the little puppy, had been given to her last year for her birthday, in replacement for her other dog, Jelly. "Miss Block?" a rough push of her door had the doors swinging opening, and her petite, elderly maid came in. "I have a note from you, from the Queen." Her maid, Emily, handed her a note on a piece of her mom's signature paper. Massie scanned the note quickly, handing it back to her maid.

"Tell mother I'll be ready by two." With a swift nod, Emily left the room. Massie rolled her eyes - another royal dinner always meant polite, and completely boring, talking. She also had never met the Harrington family personally. While her parents had always prided themselves in being close friends with almost every royal family in their continent, Massie had met a grand total of ten and even fewer of their offspring.

Tonight was apparently a special occasion, as Massie would be attending a formal dinner between the two families, Massie and their son Derrick, included. This was all in her mother's note, including that she should be ready by two, as their private plane was leaving at two thirty, precisely, as they would otherwise have to travel five hours by car. That was far too long for her mother to be sitting in an air-conditioned vehicle that she wouldn't even be driving with a television and enough food and drink to keep her alive for weeks.

Massie pulled out her white MacBook, and waited for Safari to open. She then googled 'Harrington Family' and clicked on pictures. She then clicked on one that looked legitimate. The mother and father looked nice enough. They had a young daughter who looked about five in the picture, and a son, who she assumed was Derrick. Massie wondered if the young girl would be at the dinner, or not. Her mother didn't mention her.

Massie then studied Derrick a little closer. For a lack of better words, he was hot. His blonde hair shone in the sun, and his warm chocolate colored eyes made him resembled a sad puppy. All in all, he looked friendly and attractive.

But you can't always judge a book by it's cover.