I Know You Don't Love Me

By Threshie

I know you don't love me.

I know you probably barely remember my name...even the fake one. Now that you've picked Mello and Near to be your heirs, you'll probably never come back here to see somebody as unimportant as me...so I'm never gonna get the chance to say this to your face.

Even if I did, I probably wouldn't take that chance...I know because I've wanted to say it out loud many times. When you're around, though, I feel like I can't talk.

I feel like I can barely breathe.

My heart pounds and words don't come when I open my mouth.

I get too hot suddenly...and I can't say it. I know it makes no senseā€”I've barely even talked to you before--but that's how I feel. I know you're probably never gonna come back...I'm not asking you to come back. I just wanted to say it, finally. I've got to say it.

I love you, L.

That's it. That's all I wanted to say all this time. I know you think I'm just a kid, so you're never gonna like me back, and it's stupid to feel like this, but I guess I can't help it. Sorry if reading this bothers you...don't worry, this is the only letter I'm gonna send.



AN: One-sided LxMatt (MattxL?) story in a very minimal format...

Written for my Open-mind Pairing Challenge on DeviantArt. The idea is that Matt sent this letter to L after he picked Mello and Near to be his heirs. I'm not sure how old that would make Matt, but definitely too young for L. He knows it, too, though.

Disclaimer: I do not own Matt, L, or Death Note. They belong to their creators, Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. This is a work of fanfiction.