Author's Note: Well, would you looky here: It's another fanfic. And no, I won't say anything like, "read and find out what couple is in this fic." I'll let you know now that this is a Henry/Rika coupling fic. So if you don't like this couple, I won't force you to read it. *hides guns behind her back while whistling innocently* Of course I won't force you to read it...
I've decided to change my pen name. So if anyone is curious, I used to be MysticJade.
Anyway, this is a semi-AU fic. I've portrayed the characters the way that I see them and so they might be just a little bit out of character. I don't know. Let me know if they are though. Um... there will be a guest appearance by one of the season 02 characters, but that's because I needed a name and that's the first one I thought of. No harm... I hope. The character doesn't exactly portray her actual self from the anime. Also, in this fic, Rika has an uncle. His existence will be explained in a later part.
Without further ado...
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. I DO own any character who isn't from the Digimon anime.
And now......
~Chapter 1~
Midnight Fox.
That was who she was now. The name that she had been dubbed for all her late night heists that, so far, no one has been able to stop. It was because she was as slinky and sneaky as a fox. That's where the name came from. She was the greatest thief in the history of the great city, Los Angeles. She was a famous person now. Practically all the wealthy business people knew her... and feared her. It seemed that "they" were the only ones she targeted.
She stole- yes. But in the hearts of many, Midnight Fox was an ancient hero- stealing from the rich and giving to the poor... though there hasn't been any proof that she didn't keep the valuables for herself. There was no proof that she didn't either. It was just a feeling.
Many people, however, only dared to praise her silently. She was, after all, one of the most wanted criminals of the city. She was presumed dangerous too. Apparently, Midnight Fox not only stole, but she'd also killed. The truth of those rumors were yet to be known.
Rika scoffed at how naive the people of today were as she stood in front of her WANTED flyer thinking of how the media had propagandized her existence.
"'Wanted,'" Rika read the same flyer for the umpteenth time just for amusement, "'Treacherous criminal, known only to the city as Midnight Fox.' Oh, Pul-lease! 'Midnight Fox?'" She rolled her eyes for practically the hundredth time upon thinking of those two words which now made up her assumed name. "People can be so ignorant and stupid. Imagine that- Rika Nonaka, also known as the great Midnight Fox. I sound like some corny television superhero." She almost laughed at the thought of how famous she was right now. The funny thing, though, was the fact that the city knew nothing of the thief, they only knew of Midnight Fox's existence.
Midnight Fox was a stealthy and very skilled thief who only attacked during the night. Well, duh, Rika rolled her eyes at the thought. What thief in their right mind would steal during the day and risk getting caught? Not that she'd never do it. Rika was always up for a nice challenge.
Besides that one fact about Midnight Fox, though, no one knew anything else about her. Heck, they didn't even know what kind of a person she was. Some made many different assumptions about her. She was a dangerous criminal, armed and murderous- like a wild animal that refused to be tamed. She was a hero in the minds of the majority- a modern day Robin Hood- most of what she stole was used to help charities and hospitals, given to those who were truly in need. Though, again, there was no proof of what she truly did with the items and valuables she stole. The sole truth of her actions was yet to be known by the public. Everything else was just an assumption.
She turned away from the flyer, wondering why she even bothered to read them besides the fact that the information seemed to change every other day with the cash reward increasing. She'd been seeing those flyers for the past two or maybe three years already. I guess they're really desperate to find me, she laughed.
The police force had been tracking her for the past seven years; ever since she was sixteen, though she had begun her work when she was fifteen- two years after she'd joined Hypnos. The police just didn't begin taking her seriously until they couldn't figure out why they were always so far behind each of her intended heists, and why they could never seem to figure out who it was who committed these crimes each night. Not once had any of the cops who'd been on her tail in the past tried to track her before she made her move. They didn't even know that she'd taken action until the very next day, after the owners of whatever priceless item discovered it was missing.
But then again, of course they wouldn't be able to track her. Midnight Fox was one of the most careful thieves in history. The training she'd gone through and her determination made sure that she would be. She never left behind clues- no foot prints, no finger prints and nothing else that would give her away. Not even security cameras or alarms were able to detect her. Also, she always worked fast. Got in, grabbed the item and then got back out. Not enough time to raise suspicion that someone else was in the building besides the midnight watch guard. Besides those special skills, she also made a point to remain unpredictable. She'd never let on where she planned to be at each night.
If the police believed that she would be at wealthy Mr. Jones's mansion to steal his ancient jade plated vase worth millions, then she would indefinitely be going down the street to the Harland's private museum to take the old age Shogun period Mekki Blade of Heaven, which was worth just as much. Sometimes, however, Midnight Fox liked to play with the police officers' heads by actually robbing the place they expected her to be at. But because of her stealth and skill... AND her intelligence, the police didn't even know she had shown. Those police officers were always so easy to fool. It'd been seven years, and they'd passed the case on to team after team after team. And still, no one was able to even coming close to knowing where she intended to rob. It was pretty pathetic.
However, there was one particular detective whom the night thief suspected was becoming closer on her trail. Even the organization she worked for suspected it. She'd seen him show up a few times, even though most of those times, she'd already left the scene and he was already too late. Still, he was becoming closer and that was not a good thing.
But no matter. Midnight Fox wasn't one to panic. Until this detective actually caught her, she wouldn't worry. Chances are, he wasn't going to be able to get any closer. Rika would just have to be more careful and come up with better tactics.
She sighed and raised the bagged package in her hand, looking at it with content in her eyes, Another night, another heist. Another artifact that Hypnos would be secretly transporting back to her native country where it belonged. When will these people learn? She almost sighed sadly, but remembered why she was doing this in the first place. No matter what anybody said, she knew she was doing the right thing.
There've always been those times before, though, that she'd found herself doubting her actions. Yes, it was the right thing. In her heart, she was doing a good thing for the community... but it was still legally wrong and she wasn't sure just how much longer she'd be able to keep this up...
The teenage girl clutched the letter in her hand. She couldn't go through with it anymore. It was too much for her to take. She was only seventeen.
The letter contained her reason for leaving so suddenly. She had no other choice. If she even tried to tell him to his face, then he would definitely try to stop her. At least now, while no one was around, she could slip out easily without anyone's knowledge- no one to hold her back.
Of course, with the intense training she'd been going through for the past few years of her life, no one could be able to hold her back. Not physically. By strength and wits, she knew she had the upper hand. But that man! She clenched her fist, wrinkling the enveloped letter in her fist. Her naive uncle. He would find some way to convince her to stay. He always had.
Quickly, she walked into the main room of the building. The lights were out, meaning that no one was there. That was good. Now was a good time to leave. She pulled her back pack further up onto her shoulder. All she had to do now, was leave the letter and walk out. By the time they found the letter, she'd be long gone. And though they'd send people in search of her, they'd never be able to find her.
She almost laughed aloud. They should've known better than to allow her to train so hard. To allow her to become the top agent of Hypnos.
She sighed and placed the letter in the center of the first desk she came to and turned to leave. A noise, however, caught her attention and it was then that she realized that the building was not completely empty. The office in the back of the main room was currently full of activity as two men chatted freely. One of whom, she realized, was her uncle. Curiosity getting the best of her, she stealthily crossed the room and stood to the side of the open door, eavesdropping on the conversation.
"Well, Clarence," it was the voice of the head of the whole organization that both she and her uncle worked for... both public and underground, "it seems we've succeeded in completing yet another piece of business." The man leaned back and relaxed, "It's wonderful, what this organization has been doing for our people. For this country and ours."
"I know," it was her uncle's voice, "Hypnos was an excellent idea. I just hope that this can really help out the people by disrupting those black underground markets. Not only are we giving back to the community, but we're also returning what is rightfully ours to Japan. Such amazing work we've done. If not for your dream, Mr. Yamaki-"
"No, it was a group effort," Yamaki spoke. He smiled one of his rarely seen warmth-filled smiles, "I especially have to thank you, Clarence. For bringing Rika into this organization. She's an outstanding member to Hypnos. I just hope we're not putting too much pressure on her. She is, after all, still a child."
Clarence sighed sadly, "I've always had higher hopes for my niece. I just hope that I didn't ruin her childhood by bringing her in. But... there was no other option for me. When we arrived in America, we were unable to contact her mother. And it seemed that Rika... she didn't really want to contact Makino, though I don't know why. I couldn't leave her by herself, even if she can take care of herself." He sighed again, "If she hadn't have discovered this place, though, I would've never offered to have her help us."
"It wasn't your fault," his supervisor spoke, "your niece, she's a special girl. I'm sure that even if you hadn't introduced her, she would've found her way into this mess. Or, even, with her intelligence, skill and talent, we would have searched her out soon enough. You don't have to worry."
"It is true," Clarence nodded, "She is a very special girl. She's helped us with so much already. Do you know that the city's already given her a nickname? Midnight Fox. They have absolutely no idea who she really is. So they call her 'Midnight Fox.' For the fact that she's stealthy, sneaky and skilled. Can you believe that?" The two men laughed.
*end flashback*
It was because she'd heard those words again. The same ones that had made her join Hypnos in the first place. Because of those words, she had decided not to leave and remain working for the organization. After all, they were doing great things. Even if it was in secret. And even if it was more illegal than it was secret.
Unlike the Hypnos of the past, the Hypnos of the present was giving to the community without harming anything in it's way... that is, except for those occasional foolish persons who worked for the wealthy and gluttonous high society people.
Those high society rich people who were always looking down on others just because they could. Those people who had all the money in the world and refused to share with the less fortunate. And those people who made a life of cheating even more valuables from the people of the city just for their own joy and amusement and luxury, not even stopping to think of how the less fortunate could be effected.
Rika, herself had already exterminated a few of those people. They deserved it. People like that just repulsed her like no other. If not for the fact that her job description only included thievery and disruption of black underground market activity, she would've gladly taken on full time assassination. There were some people who would just make that job worthwhile. After all, that was one of the things she was trained to do. But for now, she only did it once and a while as "voluntary work," or if she had no other choice.
Hypnos was a great organization and Rika would do anything for it. What she did now, it had made her life worthwhile again. It kept her busy enough that she didn't have to think of the past anymore. The past that she discovered, still tried to haunt her present life.
Rika shook her head. Now wasn't the time to be dwelling on insignificant matters...
The masked thief of the night turned back toward the back door of the building she'd just robbed before leaving the darkness of the alleyway. But she wasn't looking back wondering whether she'd forgotten anything. The great Midnight Fox has never been so careless as to leave anything behind. Instead, she was again in wonderment about the same repetitive thought she had every time her act was committed, Why don't they ever have higher security systems? They make this job way too easy for me. And with that last silent comment, she turned and darted out the alleyway into the moonlit street.
"This is going too far," Kari Kamiya slammed the manila folder down onto her commissioner's desk. She looked up at her dark haired subordinate standing before her, "Shut the door." The boy complied, turning to do as he was told.
Kari slumped down onto her comfortable leather seat and leaned back, "I don't know how to answer the media- the people!- about this anymore. Take a seat." There was a light knock on the door, causing the already stressed commissioner to groan in anger. She took a deep breath before answering, "Who is it?"
"Commissioner, Ma'am," a male voice called in, "It's me, William."
"Come in," she practically huffed over her stress, "What do you want?"
"There's been another robbery at the University of LA," the man walked into the office as he spoke, revealing a scrawny brown-headed thirty-five year old.
Kari rolled her eyes and gave the older man an uninterested look. As if anything new ever happens anymore, she thought. She nodded, "Midnight Fox?" As she thought about the infamous criminal, she could already feel those tired wrinkles pull harder at her forehead. Soon, even letting her dark brown bangs hang down wouldn't be enough to cover them up.
William didn't even think it was necessary to confirm his superior's guess, "That's the tenth one this week at the University, Ma'am."
"Thank you, William," Kari sighed with a tone of annoyance. The man nodded and then left the room, remembering to shut the door behind him to leave the two in privacy... somewhat in privacy. Unknown to the commissioner and her subordinate, a crowd of people were huddled up around the office door, each trying to catch any sign of yelling and screaming.
"You hear that?" Kari looked across her desk at the younger boy. She wasn't going to yell. She wasn't going to scream. And most importantly, she wasn't going to blame. After all, even she knew that Midnight Fox was pretty tricky. It was just all the complaining coming from her supervisors that was getting to her.
"Another robbery," she continued, "And the tenth one at the university this week. This is getting way out of hand, Henry. When are you going to finish off this mission?" She kept her voice calm. There wasn't even one tone of annoyance, nor was there blame expressed. Only weariness. "Why don't I assign you a partner? Things might go faster if-"
"No," the dark haired boy shook his head finally speaking. A stern expression was etched on his face, rather than the usual nervous, scared look that Kari always saw when she called a private one on one meeting with her subordinates. And that was what made him different. If it weren't for the situation, Kari would've smiled and praised Henry over and over again for his uniqueness in attitude as opposed to other's she'd worked with before.
"And why not?" Kari, though impressed with this young man before her, was determined not to show it. She leaned forward to hear what Henry's response would be. She really didn't have to hear it, though. She'd heard his answer to this question before. And every time it was the same.
"I work alone, Ma'am," Henry spoke, the tone in his voice unchanging, "I don't need a partner. I can handle this on my own." He remained unmoving in his seat. His sharp gray eyes looking directly at his superior, letting her know that he was serious; letting her know of his confidence.
"Fine," Kari sighed. She smirked, "Every time I suggest a partner, you decline with that same reason." She leaned back again, studying the boy in front of her. He was a very determined and confident boy. Very skilled in what he does too. Ever since he'd joined the force, there has been no assignment that he couldn't finish. And many were completed in record time too, making the majority of the senior officers jealous.
"That's because-" Henry began.
"I know, you already said... about a hundred times," Kari sighed, sleep beginning to overtake her. She shook the sleep from her eyes, "I need to warn you, though, Henry. My bosses are beginning to whine. If we don't find out who this Midnight Fox is- and not just find out, we need to arrest whoever he or she is too- we're in trouble. They will give the assignment to someone else. You know how bad that would look. Not only for our team, but also on your record. Especially since you're the one who asked to work on this assignment alone and assured everyone that you'd be able to handle it."
"I understand," Henry nodded, "I can handle it and I am on it."
"That's what you told me a week after you took the assignment," Kari shook her head, "That was a year ago. You have been following this case for a year. You have been following this Midnight Fox for a year. What have you found out? I don't even get any weekly reports from you anymore!"
"Ma'am-" Henry began again. He wanted to tell his supervisor how close he really was to solving this case.
For the past year, he'd been coming closer and closer to figuring out the mind of Midnight Fox. He'd even begun to start thinking like the thief too, reasoning that it was the only way to find out where Midnight Fox's next target would be.
Besides that, he'd also found out a few petty things about Midnight Fox. Like the fact that Midnight Fox was female. He had remembered catching a glimpse of her before she disappeared on him one night. From her figure, he'd concluded that Midnight Fox was indeed a young girl. And a very stealthy and skilled young girl at that. That was unnecessary information, though.
Henry didn't want to tell about anything yet. It'd give his supervisor a false sense of hope. It might give everyone else a false sense of hope. Henry knew how tricky and witty this female thief was and he wasn't even one hundred percent sure that he'd be able to catch her. On top of that, however, something else about Midnight Fox really bothered him. The only few times that he'd been able catch glimpses of the thief, he felt a weird sensation that even he wasn't sure what it was. A feeling of familiarity? Or could it be...? He just wasn't sure.
But, nonetheless, he wasn't going to give up that easily on this thief. He was going to unravel this case, no matter what. He wasn't about to let a lousy female night thief ruin his excellent record on the force. He wouldn't let it happen. He would capture Midnight Fox... And he would do it on his own too.
"I trust you, Henry," Kari spoke, breaking his line of thought, "You've never failed me before. You have been one of the force's best. That's why I didn't object when you asked to take on this job on your own when it was passed to our team. But it's been one year, Henry. One year!" She shook her head, "I'm really sorry to have to do this to you, Henry, but..." She looked at the now nervous face of Henry Wong, "Henry, I'm giving you another month to complete this assignment, if it's not done by then, I'll be giving you a partner. And if worse comes to worse... I may have to pass this case on to someone else. It's only a matter of time before my superiors decide to give this assignment to another team to work on. The first team only got a year. The last one before us, were lucky enough to get two. I don't know how much longer we'll have, but I'm hoping that our team will be the one to close up this case. Now, that's all I have to say. Any questions?"
Henry shook his head, the confidence and determination re-entering his expression once again.
"Good," Kari nodded, "Remember, Henry. One month. You've got one more month."
"I understand," the boy nodded and stood and waited to be dismissed.
"I can only give you that much," Kari spoke, "I trust you Henry and I have confidence in you. Show me you can do it. Dismissed."
"Thank you, Commissioner," Henry nodded. He turned and left the office.
So, how was it? Hope everyone liked it. If you have any questions concerning this fic or any other fic of mine, feel free to ask. I will try to answer them in my next post.
I'm currently trying my best to complete 'Pride and Love.' I assure everyone that I will finish it. I'm just more into Henry/Rika fics right now.
Again, I've changed my pen name so I'm no longer MysticJade.
Fics by me:
'Pride and Love' - my most popular fic. A Taiora following the concepts of the story of Fa Mulan. NOT truly based on Disney's Mulan.
'Thank You For Loving Me' - another fic that seems to be getting a lot of positive feedback. A Kouyako that is very, very sappy in the end. *shudders* Never again....
For other fics by me, look them up on my profile. Until next time- please review. Thanx. ^_^