Title: Of Proposals, Mishaps & Acceptance
Summary: In which America, within a span of five months, has already proposed to England ten times. Four of which backfires, three ends in confusion, twice in rejection and one is finally accepted.
A/N: I actually wrote this wayyyyy back like last month then got lazy to continue and stuff but I will be continuing this fic!! I swear on my awesome bear! XD I'm posting it now in honour of the wedding of AFJ and Artie Kirkland in the Hetalia SB. Thanks to the awesome people in SB for ideas on how to propose and ahya! XD Love you guys! This is gonna be at least worth 10 chapters for each proposal but may reach more, 'kay? :3 Even if I say this, will you guys do it? Comments/Reviews are 3~ w
1st Proposal: The Classic which includes a romantic dinner and the proposing at the end
America looked at the mirror and surveyed himself. Hair? Check. Teeth? Check. Breathe? Minty, check. Clothes? America straightens the creases in his suit before he mentally places a check mark. As soon as he is finished he goes over to desk and opens the drawer.
Among the various items in it is a small velvet box. He reaches for it and cups it in his hand. America stares at it and opens it revealing a small emerald ring. Emerald, not diamond because he thinks that this will match England's eyes better plus it's cheaper. He won't say that though.
As he stares at the ring, he realizes the importance of what he's going to do. Shutting the case close, he looks up with determination in his eyes and now has only ten minutes to get to the restaurant to meet up with England. Dammit.
He rushes out of his home, forgetting his coat. It's raining. America decides that this is the worst day of his life. When he gets to the restaurant, he's soaked. He's so wet that he earns himself dirty looks from the manager. He doesn't care as he struts over to his table dripping wet with England sitting there munching on bread sticks. At least he's not late, he tells himself as he fixes a smile on his face.
England looks up and scowls. As he sits, England scolds him for his appearance. America shuts him up by leaning forward and giving the other man a very wet kiss. It's wet because he's wet and not because he sucks at kissing. He's an awesome kisser, he claims. England does shut up turning red and wiping his lips with his napkin because they're wet.
He mutters about stupid idiots and the like. All America does is grin happily as he wipes himself with the napkin that used to be a bird or crown on his plate. After he dries himself up, he calls over the waiter who comes with two menus for each of them and a snooty look on his face for America.
After they finish ordering, a steak for America and lamb for England, the waiter leaves them alone and fetches them some more bread sticks and a bottle of vintage wine. The two of them stare at each other. England is still flushed but not as much as before and America still has that grin on his face as he can feel the box in his pocket.
England breaks the silence.
"So Alfred, what is this dinner for?" he says as he twirls a half-eaten breadstick.
"It's a surprise." America replies as he takes the breadstick from England's finger and bites it. Before England can reply, the waiter arrives with the wine. He pours a little into a wine glass and hands it to America who swirls it a bit before taking a sip. After a moment or two he gives the waiter a nod. The waiter pours more into the glass and into another and places the bottle on the table and leaves.
England looks somewhat pleased when he tastes the wine when he remembers what he was supposed to say. "Alfred," he says before he is interrupted again with the waiter this time bringing their dinner.
The man places their respective orders in front of them. The aroma coming from their food smells great. America felt some sort happy pride inside him for picking this place. When he looked at England, he saw him already eating. The Brit looked relaxed and happy. America noticed it made him look younger. He then started eating. The food was great, and so was the atmosphere.
Soon they finished eating and had dessert and coffee, for America, and tea, for England. Then America felt that it was the perfect moment already. He stood up from his seat earning himself a look of surprise from the shorter man. He then kneeled on the ground and reached for the ring in his pocket when A passing waiter carrying a tray laden with food tripped over America's leg causing the food to fly, landing on some of the customers.
The heavy tray landed on top of a man's head promptly knocking him out. The man while falling over knocked down a lamp by accident. It fell on the curtains, setting it on fire. The whole restaurant fell into chaos.
A few minutes later, after everyone evacuated from the burning building, an ambulance, two fire trucks and three police cars arrived to control everything. America and England were being treated. The manager of the restaurant, look disheveled, went over to America with a furious look on his face and swore that he'd sue Alfred's ass if it was the last thing he did.
Needless to say America wasn't able to propose as England left with a mixed expression of disappointment and resignation.
The next day, America made sure to send the restaurant a letter and a check to pay for all the damages and some extra hoping that would stop the manager from suing him. Miraculously, it did. He made sure to call up England apologizing for last night. The Briton merely said it was alright and placed the phone down.
America couldn't help but feel rejected though this was easily remedied when he was hit with another plan on how to propose. He grinned from ear to ear as he saw the small box sitting on top of his desk looking as if it was still new.
2nd Proposal:
Six days later, America was walking down the hallway towards the UN meeting room.