Forks, Washington. It's the small town where my dad, Charlie, and older brother, Emmett, live. It's the town where I am going to be living in soon. I wish I didn't have to go there, but I also wish to not live in Phoenix anymore either. The memories are too fresh, too ripe. They tear at my heart every passing day. I need to start over without really starting over. I will never be able to start over. I wish I could, but wishes won't bring my parents or brother, Dylan, back either.
I'm currently on the way to Port Angeles. My stuff was sent about a week ago, so the only thing that I needed really was a carry-on bag. My brother will be picking me up. I haven't seen Emmett or my dad in four years. I don't know how it's going to be, but I've missed Emmett the most. He was always there for me whenever I fell, and now was the time that I would need him the most. We were going to share a room together, and I hope that I could make sure that he wouldn't be put through hell because of me.
"We are currently landing in Port Angeles," the over-com spoke, "Please buckle your seatbelts. We hope that you had a good time flying with us this day." I would soon be starting my new life. I wish that I could smile, but I have not smiled—or laughed—since that terrible day.
We finally landed, and I tried to be the first one off this disastrous flight. I didn't want to think of the past, but this flight brought some memories that I didn't want. I wanted to escape, but I know that I never can. The theorists back in Phoenix told me this. They made me stay in Phoenix for a year, hoping that I could get better. I only could get worse.
I walked out of the terminal and started looking around. I didn't know who was going to be Emmett. I don't remember him clearly. My memories are preoccupied by the treacherous night.
I didn't have to look far though. There was a big sign that said Bella Swan. I was happy when I saw the person that was holding the sign. He was huge! He still had my father's black hair and my mother's curls though. Oh how much I missed my mother, and I wish that she was here with me now. No, you can't think about her, I chided to myself in my thoughts.
"Bella," Emmett yelled, "over here!" He had a huge grin on his face. He must have remembered how I looked. I walked over to him, and just as I was about to get to him, I tripped. Typical me. I was always the clumsy one. Emmett laughed at me while he helped me steady myself. "Ah, same old Bella."
"Hi Emmett," I said while he gave me a hug. He was like a huge teddy bear.
"It's nice to see you again, Bells," he said as he took a step back to look at me. "How are you doing?"
"I'm surviving," I whispered sadly. He nodded. I didn't expect the next thing though. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulders like I was a sack of potatoes. "Emmett, put me down," I yelled angrily. He was making me draw attention to myself, and that's not what I really wanted.
"No," he stated.
"Emmett, please," I begged.
"No," he stated again.
"Why not," I questioned.
"I don't hear you laughing," he answered.
"Ha. Ha. Haa," I stated.
"That's not a real laugh," he said.
"Can you please just put me down," I asked.
"Now I can," he answered. We were in the parking lot, and he'd plopped me down in the passenger seat of a huge jeep.
"Is this yours," I questioned.
"This is my baby," he answered me. I smiled a little at that thought. I never will get why guys call their cars baby.
"Bella," Emmett stated when he got into the driver's seat, "I want you to meet someone."
"Who is it, Emmett," I asked.
"It's my girlfriend," he answered.
"What's her name?"
"Rosalie." He said her name with so much love and adoration that it surprised me. He must be really serious about this girl if he's talking about her like that.
"Sure, when would I meet her," I questioned.
"I was hoping that you'd meet her today," he stated.
"That'd be fine Emmett."
"Do you mind meeting my other friend's also?"
"That'd be okay."
"You're really going to like them, Bells," he cheered. "They're great. Jasper is Rosalie's twin brother and my best friend, but their parents are divorced, so they decided to take different last names. Jasper decided to be a Whitlock, while Rose decided to be a Hale. Alice is Jasper's girlfriend. She's a pixie, but she's very scary when you make her mad. She's crazy about shopping also. It's one thing that you won't be able to avoid with her. She made me go with once; I almost died! There also is Ben Cheney and Angela Weber. They are currently dating. Angela's shy while Ben's a little outgoing."
"How long have you and Rosalie been together," I asked.
"A two and three months," he answered proudly.
"How did you two meet?"
"It was freshmen year, and I feel in love with Rose when I first saw her, but she didn't really. She thought that I was like the other guys. They always wanted her for her looks when I wanted her for heart. The looks were just a bonus really. She's the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my entire life. She wouldn't take one look at me though. We had to work on a project for Social Studies, and she was my partner. She finally started to know me, and we soon became friends, and eventually it turned into more."
"That's cute," I said. He punched me playfully in the arm. I gave a small smile. We stayed quiet for a little while after that. It didn't take long really to reach Forks. My brother drove like a maniac! I almost thought of yelling at him to slow down, but I knew that he would just laugh at what I was saying.
We were soon at the house. It had a huge banner across the front saying 'Welcome Home Bella'. It would so be like Emmett to do that. I also figured that someone else did it also.
I got out at the same time as Emmett. He met me around my side and casually put an arm around my shoulders. When we started walking towards the house, a girl with spiky black hair came running outside.
"Hi! I'm Alice. I can tell that we're going to be great friends," she said before pulling me into a hug. I was quite surprised by this gesture, and I didn't know how to respond. Before I could, she pulled away. "Come on, let's go!" She dragged me along with Emmett into the house. "She's here everybody!" There were some laughter from everybody, well everybody but me. Another smile played on my lips.
"Jeez, Alice. I think that we can see that for ourselves," another girl stated. She was absolutely beautiful. She looked like she could be a model for heaven's sakes.
"I told you that she's beautiful," Emmett whispered in my ear before going over to Rosalie and giving her a kiss. It was a passionate one at that. I looked away, and I noticed three people I didn't know. I suspected that the other girl was Angela, but I didn't know which one was Ben or Jasper.
"Hi, I'm Ben and that's my girlfriend Angela over there," one of the boys said as he walked over to give me a handshake. He also pointed at the girl that I thought was Angela. He was short, but he wasn't too short either.
"Bella," I stated as I shook his hand.
"We all know about you," he informed me, "Emmett has been talking about you non-stop for the past week. He speaks very highly of you." I just nodded. All I could think about was how much they heard.
"Let's watch a movie," Alice suggested.
"What movie," Angela asked.
"A Walk To Remember," she cheered. I loved that movie. I use to watch it all the time really.
"Okay," I said before Emmett could complain. Alice put the movie in then. By the end of the movie, Alice, Angela and I had tears in our eyes. The boys found it amusing, while Rosalie thought it was dumb when we did cry.
Just as we were about to put in another movie, my father walked in. Everyone greeted him with a yell. I waited until they were done.
"Hi Char—Dad," I said as he walked into the living room. I got up to give him a hug.
"Hey Bells," he stated, "It's good to have you home."
"Thanks, Dad," I stated.
"I'm going to order some pizza, if that's okay with everybody," Charlie suggested.
"You better order two," Rosalie stated, "Remember the last time you ordered pizza with all of us here? Emmett ate half the pizza, and he was still hungry."
"I don't think I'll ever forget that day," Charlie stated. He walked off to order then. After about thirty minutes. The doorbell rang.
"Pizza," Emmett yelled as he sprinted off towards the door. At the doorway, I heard Emmett say, "Oh. It's you."
"Could I talk to Alice please," an angelic voice said.
"What do you want Edward," Alice questioned as she walked towards the door.
"You have to help me," the angelic voice pleaded.
"What have you done now," she questioned.
"I went on a date with Jessica Stanley, and now she won't leave me alone!"
"Didn't you already date her?"
"Well…yea, but this time it was for a bet, and now she won't leave me alone!
She sighed before asking, "Where is she?"
"She's at our house," he stated quietly. I almost didn't hear him.
"She's WHAT," Alice yelled, "Haven't you learned? You're not supposed to bring anyone of your dates into the house. She's probably stealing things right now as a reminder of you."
"Dylan is there with Rachel," he stated. Dylan. My brother. The one that I saw…No, don't think about him! It was too late though. Memories of that horrid night started flooding into my brain. I tried to not think about it, but it couldn't be helped. My brother, dead…my step-father, dead…my mother, being killed. I couldn't block those from my mind.
I felt the tears start running down my face. I quickly decided to run upstairs and into the bathroom. I didn't want anybody to see. I didn't want them to know how much pain I was in.
"Bella," Emmett questioned from outside the doorway. I knew that he was worried about me, and I tried to gain control. Unfortunately, Emmett didn't give me time to do so. He opened the door and came inside. He picked me up and walked out of the bathroom and into a bedroom. He set me down on a bed, and then he left the room. I heard him say, "Sorry guys, but Bella isn't feeling well. You can have some pizza though when it comes."
"Do you want me to go upstairs and check on her," Rosalie questioned. I didn't hear his response, but I soon felt the bed sift a little bit. "It's okay, Bella. He's not going to get you."
"I saw them in my head," I croaked, "I didn't save them. It's all my fault."
"No, it's not," she chided, "It's his fault. You never did anything. It was never your fault. He's a sadistic man who is put away. He's never going to bother you again. He's going to stay away from you, and you are going to have a wonderful life. Don't think about him anymore." I soon drifted off to sleep.