Disclaimer: I don't own Codename: Kids Next Door and I never will.

Okay, I know this whole time travel idea has been done before but I really wanted to try it. My chapters will be longer, but this is just the prologue.

In Time


A girl with blondish brownish hair walked down the stairs in the gigantic tree-house she lived in. In her hands she held a glass of apple juice sitting on a plate full of cookies. She silently made her way to a dark brown haired girl with tanned skin. The tanned girl was completely absorbed in her new invention that she didn't notice her friend coming up behind her. The blondish brownish haired girl tapped the other girl on the shoulder and almost dropped the juice and cookies on the ground when the girl almost hit her with her long braid.

"Numbuh 58, don't scare Numbuh 52 like that!" the tanned girl exclaimed.

The other girl, whom one would presume was Numbuh 58, laughed softly. "Sorry Numbuh 52, I just wanted to give you these." She put the scrumptious treats on a nearby table.

Numbuh 52 smiled. "Thanks, Numbuh 52 really need them."

"So how's the time machine coming along?" Numbuh 58 asked as she looked at the metal shaped to look like a normal cube. "Umm, I know I'm not an expert on this but shouldn't there be buttons or a remote somewhere?"

"Yeah, about that..." Numbuh 52 laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"You haven't even started the electronic side of this have you?" Numbuh 58 assumed.

"No, that's not true! Okay, yeah... But Numbuh 52 wasn't wasting her time. She did a totally great job with engraving the name!" Numbuh 52 pointed at a group of words on the side of the cube.


"So that's what you've been doing for the last four hours?" Numbuh 58 asked.

"Well that and making the cube. It won't work unless it's exactly right. It says so in my dad's blueprints, see?" Numbuh 52 pointed to the instructions and indicated the section about the cube.

"I see, I see. I'm going to go play soccer with the others." Numbuh 58 began walking back the way she came. "But there's one more thing I want you to answer for me first. Why do you want to build this thing anyway?"

Numbuh 52 grinned. "It's the invention Numbuh 52's dad was going to make before his decommissioning. Even if he didn't finish it, Numbuh 52 will."

So, there it is? What do you think? Please review!