Varia:Chrome96 does not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Chrome96:Yay! The whole Varia is here. I would like to wecome you all to the last chapter of Varia Mission!

Varia:Can we go now?

Chrome96:NO! You have to stay for the finale! Enjoy!

Fran walked through the pitch dark forest once again. After what seemed like hours of walking he reached what he remembered was the site where the camp was put. .......No one was there. Fran was alone in the forest. He looked around. ..........Still no one. Was Fran wrong about the campsite or did Bel leave without him already? He sighed as he turned around ready to head back to base. When a sudden weight was pushed on him causing him to land on his back on the grass. Fran opened his eyes to see who was on top of him. It was the person he came hear looking for Bel. "Bel-sempai! W-what the hell!" Fran said as he gave an effort to get out of the older man's grip. "Kishishishi look the little frog missed me!" Bel said with a big grin on his face. Fran's face went red. "I-I didn't miss you!" Fran studdered while trying to look away. "Kishishishi I see froggy is still thinking about the kiss this morning. Would you like another? Everyone wants to be kissed by rolalty." Bel said starting to lean. "WHA-" Fran was cut off by Bel's lips. Fran blushed a deep red. Fran struggled with the kiss at first but then started to melt into it. He wrapped his slim arms around Bel's pale neck. Fran's lips where surprisingly soft. Bel bit Fran's bottom lip causing Fran to gasp and alowing Bel's tongue to slide it's way in. Fran shivered and resisted a moan as Bel's tounge explored Fran's mouth. Bel couldn't help but laugh at Fran's reaction. Fran winced as Bel bit his tongue. Bel pulled away so only a line of spit were between them. Fran was so confused. What just happend? OH WELL. Bel sat up so Fran could follow. Fran was beet red but shook it off to inspect his tongue. He pouted when he found his tongue bleeding. "Bel-sempai~ look you made me poor tongue bleed." Fran complained. All he got in responce was a 'Kishishishi' before he was pulled into another kiss. It wasn't long in the kiss before Fran was stabbed by 3 knives.

Oh yes this was the psychopathic thing the Varia called love.~

Extra: "VVVOOOIII! Those fags Bel and Fran are late!!!"

Chrome96:Thank you all for reading this far and for your reviews!

Bel and Fran:Were not Gay!

Chrome96:Oh yes you are.

Varia:Can we go now?

Chrome96: Huh? Oh! Sure. Ciao~! *Shut down room and leave with Varia*