Yo what's up! I'm being a bit cheerful now, (which is a bit unusual for me) because this chapter is kinda dark. ....Okay it's really dark. With extra helpings of violence! Yay violence! Well, most of the chapters will be dark, but I do like to add a bit of humor here and there. But not in this chapter.

So don't look for it here.

Go to my profile and look there.

Oh, and by the way, this is kind of a opening chapter. Or a 'preface' as some call it. It will all make sense soon. The Titans will return to you in the next chappy! Wow that sounded really....

ANYWAYS, just read it. AND DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW IT!! Really, review it or I'll.... I'lll..... do something. Something not very nice. Like, calling you names. Yeah. How ya' likin' that, huh!

Oh yah, almost forgot.

DISCLAIMER: I figured that caps would get your attention. It did, didn't it? Don't lie. I can sense it! YOUR LYING!! ....Sorry, got a bit carried away. So, bottom line, I don't own the Teen Titans. I will forever be just an over obsessed, crazy fan. Sad, I know...


See, it's crying. See, cuz.. it's... with the comma.... and the..... nevermind.

Racing at speeds faster than light or sound could ever dream of going, the 200,000 ton ship traveled across the vast blackness and loneyness of what we humans call space. Filled with each and every horrid and nasty creature known to man and thousands that were not, you could almost hear a faint roar or growl from outside in the vaccum of airless, dark wasteland.

The ship was massive. It had to be to hold the large number of unusual, rare, and unique creatures in it's depths. Inside, most of the ship was devoted to cages and prison cells, filled with the wights.

The ship was run by a horde of hunters: an assortment of different species of hunters from different galaxies and worlds, some with unusual powers or abilites. They collected many different specimens, "mythological" creatures, mutants, and species of beings and beasts.

Nearing the Milky Way galaxy, an alarm rang out through the control room, and panic erupted. All ran to the controls, flicking switches, pulling levers, and pressing buttons. Untill the one titled Lucius entered the room.

He had shaggy brown hair that was always messy and fell over his eyes, yet he saw everything. Being the warden and master on this vessel, he had an aura of authority about his. Whether is be his tall stature, muscular body shape, or his hard, black eyes, something about him told you to obey him. Though frozen forever at 19 because of his race, or "condition" as some may call it, he was a natural born leader.

Lucius had an abnormally short temper, and could be widly violent. So you had to be pretty stupid to set him off. You'd pay for it with arms and legs. To bad they would be your limbs lost.

"What did you screw up this time?!" Lucius thundered, grabbing one man, whom they called Alexander, by the neck and lifting him much higher than his rather height challenged body could reach. He seemed to be more ticked than usual today.

Alexander looked quite scrawny with his twig-like arms and legs, thin as a post, compared to his tall, muscular boss. Lucius shook him and demanded again, "Tell me what happened, you dolt!"

Poor alexander stuttered and managed to croak out, "I-I don't know! Th-the alarms j-just started r-r-ringing like c-crazy! I sw-swear!"

Lucius flung him across the room, and Alexander hit the far wall, slumping forward and surprisingly remaining consious. "Useless!" Lucius roared, "You worthless pigs! Can't you do anything right? I mean, come on, what am I paying you for?"

"Um, sir?" one squeaked, "I found the problem...s,"

"Problems? As in more than one problem?"

"Yes, a prisoner, mutuant from sector 2-5-Z attempted escape, we are low on fuel, and you don't pay us,"

"Shut up," Lucius turned to another group of workers, "Bring me stupid, son of a..." his voice trailed off, but they got they message.

In record time, the attempted escapee was literally dragged in, kicking and screaming all the way. The sound it made was more of an ear-piercing, blood curdling, nails-on-a-chalkboard screech. That happened to be it's species specialty.

It's head was thrown back as it let out it's "gift".

The creature's skin was a deep maroon, and it's eyes were a brilliant crimson. All the men, besides Lucius, covered their ears, trying to rid themselves of the horrid sound.

"Enough!" Lucius commanded, "Shut that thing up!" Immediatly, the men began to beat the mutant's skull in with their steel gloved fists, and taped up it's mouth. The creature eventually gave in and quieted down, being physically weak, and hung it's head in defeat.

All the while, Lucius looked on with emotionless eyes, for his mind had wandered off to where it had been for the past few weeks: a nearly faded memory. It was the only memory he had of this girl.

A few weeks ago, he had experienced an unusual dream.

There was a girl that looked about 16. She was lying down in the darkness, curled up in a ball. She was crying. Suddenly, he had this strange urge to go closer, but before he could take two steps, her head snapped up, and her eyes shot open.

At first he was taken aback by four striking blood red eyes shooting daggers at him. They were at first filled with anger, but immedialty changed to two amethyst orbs of fear and sadness. Mostly fear.

The setting suddenly changed. The girl and himself were on a tall mountain top. Thunder echoed and rang out in the surrounding air, waves threw themselves at the natural elevation's lower half, whilst brilliant flashes and jagged bolts of white lightning struck the risen earth about them and water below.

The girl was chained between two rocks, hanging in open air, just above the mountains sharp, pointed top. She looked so vulnerable, her pale skinned body hanging limp and helpless within his reach. Her long, violet tresses were being blown about wildly by the relentless gusts of wind. The clothes she bore were tattered and torn, leaving her stomach, back, and limbs bare.

Lucius gripped the strong metal handle of the whip in his fist, and allowed an evil smirk to creep it's way onto his face. His eyes narrowed, as he stared at the pale, bare back that greeted his eyes, not yet marked with any number of scars or burns. He took a few steps forward, pulled his arm back, poised and ready to strike the first blow.

He let out a wonderful, powerful yell as all his strength flowed to his right arm, the arm that held the trecherous torture device. As the glowing, orange whip reached the young, pale back before him, thunder cracked and lightning flashed, blinding poor Lucius with the brilliant white light.

He was disapointed that he did not get to see the product of his blow to the girl's back, but the feeling vanished when the sound of her pained, sickening scream reached his ears.

The unexpected sound jolted him awake, but he couldn't help but feel that it was all to real. He felt as if he was actualy there. Like he had actualy delt the painful blow.

He wish he had.

Though disapointment was not the only feeling he had felt. Once Lucius had awaken, he found himself overwhelmed with a strange attraction to the girl that had occupied his dream.

A strange attraction indeed.

He wanted to hurt her terribly. Make her scream and cry out in pain and terror, yet he thought that he might... love her. Was there a proper feeling for that?

Lucius had never felt anything this before.

Never did he feel sorry or guilty for his victims. Never did he feel happyness or joy or even sorrow. Having been in control of the ship for as long as he could remember. He felt very old, and couldn't quite recall when his "condition" had kicked in. He couldn't completely remember when that pale white, beautiful, long-fanged creature had gotten it's hands on him. Or should I say, it's teeth in him.

But that is not relevant to the present situation.

Yes, these new feelings were strange for him, but whose saying that he didn't like it. There was only one way that he new how to react.

He must find this girl of his dream. And the best part was, after some thought, he recalled where he had seen her before.

'Nine years ago,' he thought.

"Uh... sir?" a man that was regaurded by the men as Felix asked, "Hellooo?"

"Huh," Lucius tried to come back to the present.

"Um, sir? What should we do with it?" Felix questioned his zoned out leader, refering to the escaped prisoner... creature... thing.

"What? Oh," Lucius finally sucessfully returned back to reality, and pondered the creature before him's fate, "Um, since we are low on fuel, throw him in the furnace. He should last us untill the next scheduled fuel session," With the millions of creatures on the ship, they use their prisoners as new fuel regularly.

"But sir, it's just... I mean... we can-" Felix protested before Lucius cut him off.

"ARE YOU DEFYING ME!?!" Lucius unexpectedly burst out. In addition to his hatred of being disobeyed, this little episode was delaying the true mission: getting to the girl from his delightfully wonderful dream.

Felix had not seen this sudden burst of fury coming, but he was smart enough and had enough expirienced with Lucius's angerfilled outbursts to just shut up and take it without question or protest. So when Lucius landed a hard punch to his jaw, shattering the fragile joint, he just crumpled to the ground, ready to recieve the next part of his "punishment".

But it never came.

Felix was slightly relieved. He knew that Lucius would remember to finish it, later when he wasn't expecting it. But for now, he simply stood up and returned to his position of work, dispite his injury. It knew it repair itself in a matter of minutes. Quick healing was one of his gifts.

The room was deathly quiet as the creature was dragged to the furnace, and Lucius asked, "Anyone else got any wise cracks?" Everyone shook their heads "no" in a slow, rhythmic fashion, simutaneously.

Therefore, Lucius turned to the nearest pilot and continued, "You. Tell me where, and what, is our next prey?" This statement somehow restarted the work process and pulled everyone back to their positions. The pilot answered back, heading over to his own station, which held the request info, "Um, it seems to be a half-demon girl, sixteen. Lives on the heavily populated planet, Earth."

The corners of Lucius's mouth turned up in a disturbing sort of smile, "Excellent," he whispered, to no one in particular. His face hardened back into his normal emotionless, yet stern, expression when he noticed the crew staring. "Uh, proceed." (That's a little awkward...)

All it took was that one word to command an entire crew. One work to restore order. One word to seal the fate of a certain pale skinned, violet eyed girl, just awakening from a good nights sleep.

Was that good enough for you. It took like, forever. Like, at least an hour. Ha! Now if you don't mind, clicking that little green button that says REVIEW.

That would be nice.

Oh, and by the way, was it not obvious who the girl in Lucius's dream was? And how about his "condition"? Can you guess what it is? I think that was pretty obvious too. But ya know, some of you guys are just...

You know what? I think it's time that I wrap this up. Soooo... yeah.

Wait, the button is green right?
