Disclaimer: Nope. Still not mine.

October 19th 2006

7:40 pm

Hair: lovely as usual. Kimono: freshly ironed. Arse: tight. Mood: hungry.

Out for dinner again with Yuki. He got all huffy when I protested about eating out all the time. "Well, maybe you should cook then."

Just patted him on the head and said that he'd complain anyway.

He would, as well. Little whinger.

Anyway, if anyone had to do some damn cooking around here surely it'd be pretty boy? Tie an apron around his (twenty-six inch!) waist and give him a frying pan, I'm sure he'd fit right at home with those other young gorgeous housewives.

Not that I think Yuki is gorgeous.

No, really. I don't.

Even if the eating out thing is supremely tiring, the alternative would be far worse – my wonderful self cooking (even I can't be perfect – womankind would just implode then). It was the only lesson I didn't pay attention to, Food Technology.

The fact the teacher of the subject was male was just pure coincidence.

Coincidence, I tell you.

8:34 pm

Hair: shining like a halo. Kimono: slightly rumpled. Arse: pinchable. Mood: curious.

There is a tent on our (yes, our!) forest.

Am aware activities like... camping, and other unholy outdoors sports are popular, but really? On private property? In the middle of a forest specifically designed to repel happy youngsters who are seeking for a spot to hash together a rough looking temporary sanctuary?

Words will be had with our landscape designer.

"Shigure? Should we tell them to move?" Yuki. Subtlety. Both on a perpetual date that Subtlety decided to sit out on this time round.

"Alright, alright..."

Just about to manfully shoulder my way into the tent and manfully demand the owner to evacuate the premises when said Boy Scout crawls out.

Boy Scout has long, pretty, flowing tresses.

Boy Scout is also giving me a view down their top which seems very, very familiar...

Helloooooo, nurse.

8:39 pm

Hair: HAHAHA. Kimono: HAHAHA. Arse: HAHAHA. Mood: HAHAHA.

"Shigure, stop laughing."

8:42 pm

Hair: HAHAHA. Kimono: HAHAHA. Arse: HAHAHA. Mood: HAHAHA.

"Don't you think you're going overboard now?"

9:07 pm

Hair: velvety soft. Kimono: still slightly rumpled. Arse: lonely. Mood: rejoicing.

RESULT. Pretty gi – I mean, Tohru is in my house. In a bed (unfortunately not mine). Eyes closed and lashes fanned out, lips sweetly pouting, cheeks dusted pink by fever –

Oh yeah. Fever. That.

Would fever make it wildly inappropriate to feel her up a little?

Oh, conscience. Why do you make it so hard?

Even her voice is pretty. Light and clear, even when she's drowsy. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's a lot to happen in one day. I understand." She experienced a landslide... our kitchen has a landslide. Even if ours is made out of rubbish and poor housekeeping.

Definitely made for each other.

Oh wait, still talking. Pretty lips still moving.

"I lost my home again..."

Rats. Might have to pay attention now. "Are you okay?"

"Yes... There are worse things." She grips the edge of the blanket with her fingertips. "Like... not saying, "Be safe", to mom that day she died. I'd say it every morning to her before she went to work."

Her eyes are closed, whether to rest them or to avoid looking at me, I don't know.

"I stayed up studying all night for the test next day... and when mom had to go to work, I was too tired. I didn't wake up. I couldn't – I couldn't say, "Be safe" to her, like I did every other morning." Her voice rings softly in the silence before fading, each word washing away the noise of the rest of the world. "And then... she never came home."

In the darkness of the room, a sliver of moonlight plays upon her face. Her eyes are still shut. The vulnerability in her voice, in the milky curve of her jaw is startling.

"I thought about quitting school... working... but mom had never finished school. She'd always wanted to, wanted me at least to hold that diploma in my hand." She blinks once, before closing those blue eyes again. "And I knew then, why she worked so hard... it was for me. All for me."

"And even with all she did... I couldn't even get up that one morning to say, "Be safe". And she walked out that door... and she was gone."

Her pale fingers tighten briefly on the blanket again before loosening again. "So I can't give up on school... I have to get my diploma and hold it in my hand. I can't give up – not... to some... fever... like this..."

The moonlight slides away from her face just as her fingers slacken entirely, shadowing her features even as they relax from sleep. The sweet solemnity gradually drifts away like a cloud.

"Amazing, isn't she?"

...Ah. Yes.

Wonder Boy.

Didn't you have a have a prior date with Subtlety?

Oh, my mistake. Thought it was with Tact.

"She always seems so cheerful at school... you'd never think she'd been suffering so much." He doesn't meet my eyes. "I always thought about giving up... running away from the Sohma House. But I always found a reason not to. I... just wasn't strong enough. Not like her."

I smile at him. "You can call it amazing... but I don't think that's a strong enough word."

His responding smile is a little more melancholy. "You're right. Do you mind keeping an eye on her?"

9:34 pm

Hair: thoughtfully sideswept. Kimono: thoughtfully rumpled. Arse: thoughtfully delicious. Mood: thoughtful.

Yuki went to go dig up Tohru's life possessions. Have got the much better job: sick nurse/guard duty. Alone. With Tohru.

Admittedly unconscious, but hey...

Hm. Alone, in a bedroom, with an unforeseeable amount of time with an unconscious girl. Unconscious beautiful girl. Beautifully enticing girl, even.

Good thoughts?

October 20th 2006

8:16 am

Hair: shining like a halo. Kimono: crisply pressed. Arse: subtly sexual. Mood: pleased with self.

Made it through the night without too many impure thoughts. As an extra bonus, no impure actions committed either.

On a positive note Tohru has not asked about the change from dirty school uniform to clean pyjamas.

Will try not to accidentally mention the birth mark on her thigh. Or the fact that it is shaped like the cutest little dumpling in the world.


Wonder Boy and I also discussed the idea of keeping Tohru on as guest and housekeeper (coughmyideacough). Sidled up to them just in time to hear her flustered response to the proposal.

"Wha – no, no, no!"

Time to release the charm. "Of course, I do intend to pay you for your services." Smoulder. Smoulder.

"My... services?"

Aw. She so pretty when confused.

"As our brand new housekeeper! Congratulations. Your things will be in your room; I assume your references will all check out." Charm, confuse, reject any rejections! All part of the same parcel.

Walked off like the devilish smooth talker I am. Five – four – three – two –

"Well, if I stay then I'll work for room and board, no money! And I want to know all the rules of the house-"



I mean. Works every time.