I Can Hear You Calling

AN: E/O drabble challenge for PADavis birthday! Word was 'dry'. Theme was delerious, delusional, dopey or drowsy. I could not for the life of me come up with anything I liked that wasn't dark. So I sorta picked delusional and went dark cause I wasn't missing Phoebe's birthday. This is probably nothing like what you wanted but it's the best I could come up with. Hopefully it works. I know what I intended but you never know. Happy Birthday!

"You're gonna be okay, Dean." Sam had said it so many times, gripping Dean's dry, calloused fingers tightly, he almost believed it himself.

Dean drifted on a sea of pain killers, heart monitor beeping an erratic rhythm in time with his shallow breaths, his attention focused on a point past Sam's right shoulder.

"Mom?" Dean whispered suddenly, childlike, in wondering surprise.

Sam went cold.

Shooting a look behind him, he moved to block Dean's line of sight, clutching Dean's hand to his chest. Tears spilled down his cheek.

"NO! Don't look!, " he ordered, "I'm here, Dean, look at me!"

End notes: I'm sorry it's not better....I'm just not up for happy yet. But I hope you have a great birthday!!!!