Veela Love
Harry gets his inheritance, and what a shocker that is; who knew the Potter's- or Evens'- had Veela blood running through their vanes. Harry turns into a rare Dark Veela, he is the mate of the Light Veela Draco Malfoy. How will he take this news? How will Ron and Hermione take the news that they may lose a friend?
Chapter five-
"Harry James Potter, there was no need for tha. . ." Severus started but froze when Harry glared at him making him gulp. The bell rang singaling the end of the class, everyone ran out trying to get away from the pissed off Sub.
"Love, what is wrong?" Draco asked, Harry turned his glare to him.
"Romeo and Juliet" Was all that Harry said before storming off leaving a confused Draco in his wake.
\''/ Veela Love \"/
Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table stabbing the poor chicken leg with a fork thinking back on the meeting he had this morning with the Dark Veela King, the old fuck-face he would soon replace. 'Good riddance if you ask me.' Harry though growling causing a poor first year to to shit himself in fear and get up and run to the bathroom to change himself.
~Flash Back~
Harry and Salazar ran through the counsel's castle hallways trying to make it to the meeting on time. "Hurry up Harry, if you're late one more time who knows what they will make you do this time!" Salazar said.
"I'm coming Sal." Harry called to him. They turned a corner and slid through the double doors to the meeting room just as they began to close. "Woot made it!" Harry cheered.
"Haha, yeah but we cut it very close Harry." Salazar said.
"Yes, close indeed." a stuffy male voice said from behind Salazar and Harry, they spun around and saw a man with long midnight black hair with fire red streaks going through it, he had cold brown eyes with cat-like pupils. "Harry, you are going to be taking my place soon, you should know that you need to be on time and not running in at the last minute." the man said and Harry bowed.
"I'm sorry milord, it won't happen again." Harry said.
"Hn, if I recall correctly, you said that at the last meeting when you ran in." The man said.
"I'm sorry sir, but you did not remember correctly." Harry said and the man's eyes flashed in anger, the counsel flinched back in fear.
"What?" The man asked angry that this insolent brat dared to say he was wrong.
"At the last meeting I told you that I would not let myself be late again, and as you can see I am not late. This time I am saying that I will not run in at the last minute." Harry said politely but smirking at the same time. "So as you see it is not the same."
"Yes, I see, you are correct Young Prince." The man said through clinched teeth. Harry and the man seem to get into a staring contest for a minute before the man looked away to look at the counsel members, "Now that the Young Prince has finally got here we can begin our meeting." the man said and Salazar pulled Harry into a seat right next to the Dark Veela King, Salazar stood right behind Harry.
"Ah, yes, right." A nervous looking boy with shoulder length pink hair with red streaks through out it, and light pink cat-like eyes. He moved some hair behind his elf-like ear. "So the vampires and were-wolves have stopped their fighting and made a temporary treaty until the war between Dumbledore and Voldemort is through." the boy said and the King looked bored, Harry looked at the boy interested in what he was saying so the boy looked at Harry.
"That's good, thank you for informing us Vincent." Harry said smiling at him and Vincent beamed at Harry before bowing.
"Is there any update with the men we sent out to try and convince the merpeople to stay neutral?" The King asked, Harry felt Salazar tense up so Harry reached back and took Salazar's hand and gave it a quick reassuring squeeze before he let it go.
"Yes, they have managed to convince them and they sent word that they are on their way home, they should be home by 1 today." A boy with shot dark brown hair with blond streaks through it and dark brown cat-like eyes said and Harry felt Salazar relax and he smiled.
"Thank you for reassuring us, Markus." Harry said and Marcus nodded.
"And what of the missing elf children?" The King asked.
"They have not been found as of yet." Another boy with long blue hair with green streaks through out it, and sea-green cat-like eyes, "But we are still looking for them, we shouldn't stop until they are found." the boy added.
"No, we've spent enough time searching for them as it is. If we haven't found them by now, we won't ever find them so stop the search." The King said coldly.
"What? No, we can't stop, Aiden is right, we need to continue the search until we find them." Harry said glaring at the King, "It has only been two weeks since they have gone missing, we can't give up now. Aiden don't stop the search continue looking for them." The King stood up and grabbed Harry by the arm forcing Harry to stand. Harry winced at the pain that the King caused him, Salazar's eyes widened in shock and made a move to push the King away from Harry.
"Move and I will make sure he doesn't come home today." The King growled and Salazar stopped and looked at Harry with apologetic look.
"I know, you're forgiven." Harry said looking at Salazar then turned to look at the King, "And you, how dare you threaten to keep Salazar from his mate. You can't do that."
"I am the King I can do what every I want." the man said.
"Oh yea, what would you do if I told you that you could not see your mate?" Harry asked and the King glared at him.
"I would kill you." The King growled.
"So why threaten Salazar?" Harry asked and the King slammed Harry into the wall and Salazar winced and Harry hissed in pain.
"You dare question me, the King? You are nothing but a whinny weak Prince." The King said.
"I'm not scared of you." Harry said.
"Not now, but if I kill your little snakes you'll learn to fear me just like everyone else." The King said smirking. Harry growled and grabbed the King by the collar and spun them around so the King was up against the wall.
"You fucking touch Romeo and Juliet and I'll have your fucking head you fucker!" Harry growled out and everything in the room began to shake. Salazar's eyes widened in fear and he ran over to Harry and pulled him away from the King before Harry killed the King.
"I think the meeting is over." Salazar said and pulled Harry from the room. Once they were out of the room Harry ran down the hall way and Salazar ran after him. Harry ran into a huge room and over to an empty cage.
"No." Harry said then ran out of the room only to bump into the King, Harry grabbed his collar again. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY? IF THEY ARE HARMED I WILL KILL YOU!" Harry yelled pissed. The King smirked but said nothing.
"Will, Liz get here now, we need to stop Harry before he does something before he kills again." Salazar muttered and Will and Liz appeared behind him.
"Harry stop" Will said running over to Harry and pulling him away from the King.
"Milord, please leave so Harry doesn't kill you." Liz said gently ushering the King down the hall and away from Will who was struggling to hold a pissed off Harry back.
"Harry, calm down what every that ass said couldn't have been so bad." Will said.
" He threatened to Kill Romeo and Juliet and now they are gone!" Harry yelled.
"Sal, do something, we can't let Harry return like this, Draco will have our heads for sure." Will said and Salazar nodded, he walked over to a struggling Harry grabbed his face and this kissed him on the lips. Harry felt a wash of calmness flow through him before he passed out.
~End Of Flash Back~
The next thing Harry remembered was waking up on his bed in his and Salazar's room. Salazar had walked into the room throwing his school uniform at him and told him to get changed, while he had gotten changed Salazar had informed him that while he had been sleeping not only had he slept through lunch but him, Will, Liz and everyone of the counsel had been looking for Romeo and Juliet and had yet to find them. This had pissed Harry off but Salazar would not let Harry got back and kill the King. Salazar, Will, and Liz forced him to go to class even though they were late and only had like five minutes left of that class. After class had ended and Harry had snap at Draco Will had taken Draco out side, 'Probably to inform him who Juliet and Romeo were. And if that fucker says I'm over reacting and that they are just snakes I will cut his balls off because they are not just snakes. They are snakes that remind me of Draco and me." Harry thought. Romeo was an albino python and Juliet was a black mamba, and was gorgeous, they were two totally different snakes but they were in love. Harry smiled as he thought of his snakes and his Draco, suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder. Harry jumped in shock and turned to see a guy with dark Red hair with blond streaks through out it and Auburn cat-like eyes.
"Hey Harry have you. . ." The guy stopped mid-sentence and his widened. The guy removed his hand from Harry's shoulder as if it had burned him. "No." the guy whispered.
"Dennis, I can explain." Harry said and the guy stepped back shaking his head. Suddenly Salazar ran up to the guy and hugged him.
"Oh Dennis, I've missed you so much!" Salazar squealed, the guy removed Salazar's arms from him and held him at arms lengths away from him looking at him like he was disgusted.
"How could you Salazar." Dennis said, "How could you do that! And with him of all people!" Dennis asked yelling now catching everyone's attention including Will and Draco who had just walked in.
"What are you. . ." Salazar started before his eyes widened and Salazar looked to Harry then to Dennis. "Dennis, I had no choice!" Salazar said.
"Oh don't give me that line, I know you damn well had a choice, no one forced you to do that with him!" Dennis growled and Draco was confused what the hell was going on here.
"Dennis, please let us explain!" Harry yelled.
"Why would I want to listen to someone who Salazar did that with?" Dennis asked then turned and began to walk out of the room, by now Salazar was crying.
"Please don't leave, I'm sorry I love you Dennis!" Salazar cried falling to his knees and Dennis stopped and turned and looked at Salazar then to Harry who was also crying.
'Probably because of what they did.' Dennis though.
"I love you too Sal, I just need some space." Dennis said then left the room. Harry then fell to his knees and pulled Salazar into a hug crying. Salazar burred his head into Harry's chest, Liz walked over to them and hugged them.
"I'm so sorry Sal, it's my fault." Harry said, "If I hadn't have been so careless we wouldn't have needed to do that."
"No Harry this isn't your fault, it's mine for suggesting you do it." Liz said.
"No, it my fault, I'm the one who chose to do it." Salazar said through sobs.
'What the hell? Did those two really have sex?' Draco thought feeling betrayed.
Sorry about the long wait. I promise to not keep you waiting as long. Hope you like this chappy!