I had no idea what to call this chapter so I just picked something. ^^

Anyway, I am trying to update more frequently now because I guess a lot of people like this fan fic and I don't want to upset them. Also, I'll try to write more, no promises though. Now that that's out of the way let's start shall we?

(Note: I do not own any of the characters in this except for Anna; she is of my own creation.)

I would do just about anything you'd ask.
For you there's nothing I wouldn't do, there's no such task.
I would surely bear the heartache of your first love that's real.
Even though I can't, I will naturally feel as you fee

-Jayne Sena


"I swear to god, if you insult Mello one more time I will rip off your ass and glue it to your head! Is that clear?!" Matt shouted at the mound of white, and a little bit of red, on the floor which was Near. I was shocked, speechless. Right then I just wanted to run up to Matt, kiss him all over the place and say: "Marry me." This was possibly the best morning of my life. Near was just laying there, crying, most likely because no one had ever actually hit him before, he didn't think anyone would. Ha, take that Near, a nice helping of karma pie for you with a nice dollop of pain on top. Everything was going well,that is, until two teachers came rushing over to us. One escorted Matt out of the cafeteria and one picked up Near and presumably brought him to the nurses office.

Teachers had to ruin everything; I just hoped Matt wouldn't get into too much trouble for punching Near. Some people still stared and whispered to one another but the majority of the kids just went back to whatever they had be doing or eating. Reminding myself to thank/reward Matt for his heroics I looked at Anna, there was a confused expression on her face.

"What just happened?" she asked.

I smiled. "Near just got what he deserves." I said.

"Did he really deserve that?" she asked quietly, continuing to eat.

I liked Anna, I really did, she was my friend and all but she was one of those who looked up to Near, not as much as some people but she did. Of course when someone else was fighting with me she would be on my side but of course, if it was Near she had a different opinion. Right then I didn't feel like arguing with her about who the victims were in this little ordeal so I just brought my tray up to the lady who washes them and left then headed towards my first class.


Matt was in math class, which was a good sign. All through class we passed notes. I had started it. From my math notebook I had quietly ripped out a piece of paper, as to not draw attention to myself, then I proceeded to write 'Tell me what happened in the office' then I folded it and passed it to Matt. He opened it, read it and wrote something down then passed it back. After I received it I did the same. Read it. 'I'll tell ya later ;D'. Wrote. 'But I wanna know now =3='. Passed it back. Matt, again, read it, wrote something down and passed it back to me.

'Later Mel. :]' it read.

I sighed, even if I kept asking he wouldn't change his mind, Matt was stubborn like that. 'Fine, later. Just let me say that I think you should be rewarded for punching that jerk and you should be given extra for making him bleed. :]' I wrote. When he read it he smiled then wrote something down quickly. 'Oh? So what do I get then? ;]' Before I hadn't really been thinking, I would honestly give him anything for punching Near. But what to give him…?

I looked over at him and blushed. The reason I blushed was because he was resting his chin in his right palm and he was looking at me with the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. Quickly I averted my gaze back to the piece of paper. Then I wrote something down. 'What do you want?'Passed it to him. He had to think for a moment. Just because it was Matt I thought he'd want a DSI or a new video game or something along those lines but that wasn't what was on the paper. 'I'll tell you later. ;DD' .

Thought math I wondered what Matt had in mind as I enjoyed Near not being right in front of me the whole hour and fifteen minutes. We had stopped passing notes, I wanted to continue but the piece of paper had remained unopened on Matt's desk. It made me mad that even after I had spent all this time with Matt I still couldn't figure out the inner workings of his mind. 'Grr…' I thought as I scribbled a little line on my homework which had been done for quite some time. I really wanted to know what Matt wanted.


Later seemed like an eternity. I knew exactly what Matt meant by later, he meant that I had to wait till all the classes were over and we were back in our room. I wasn't the most patient person in the world so I could hardly bare the excruciating pain of waiting so many hours. Unbelievably I did. Though I did have to wait for Matt, I always arrived at the room before he did. Before Matt even got here I had time to take a shower, should I mention I love the feel of hot water on my skin? No probably not. Anyway, after I stepped out of the shower I dried my hair off as best I could with one towel then wrapped another around my waist, then I went out of the bathroom to pick out what clothes I was going to wear.

As I did my towel fell from my waist but I didn't mind because I was the only one here, so I paid little attention to said towel and kept my search going.

"Pft… Nice ass Mel." A voice came from behind me.

I quickly turned around and saw Matt standing there. "Mat-!?!?" I tried to voice my shock and embarrassment but then I realized I had turned around, all the way around, facing Matt directly, completely naked, nothing on. It took a couple minutes for me to realize this. Matt's face grew incredibly red and I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"GAH!" I finally shouted, dashing back into the bathroom and closing the door. "YOU BASTARD! KNOCK BEFORE YOU ENTER THE ROOM!!!"

I heard him burst out into laughter. 'Note to self: Kill Matt later.' I thought.

"Awww…. You're so cute Mel!" he said in between laughs and then he just laughed harder. It took me awhile to understand what he meant by that. In other words, he didn't call me in general cute, he was referring to my size.

"Bitch! Shut up, don't make me come out there!" I yelled through the bathroom door.

"I'd like to see you try, considering you used the last towel!" he shouted back, still laughing but not as hard.

I looked in the closet where we kept the towels. He was right. Damn. Grr… Ok, attack strategy alpha. "Rah!!" I shouted as I ran out of the bathroom, grabbed any pair of pants and a shirt and ran back in, I was kind of like a girly Flash, y'know, the one from that show with people and super powers and all the junk. Quickly I changed into the weirdest combination of clothes ever and rushed back out. After which I made my way over to Matt and tackled him to the floor.

His hands were above his head and I was holding them to the floor.

"Well gee Mel, if this is what you had in mind you might as well have just stayed naked." He remarked with a mischievous smile.

"Screw you."

"Oh, please do."

I got up off of him and stepped on his stomach hard enough so he couldn't get up.

"Now, apologize and promise you won't tell a soul about any of this." I said angrily.

Matt smiled. Not a weird smile, a sweet one, like the one in math this morning.

"Ok, Ok, I'm sorry, and of course I wouldn't tell anyone, I'm not that mean." He said, sounding sincere enough.

Slowly I took my foot of his stomach, satisfied with his apology. Quickly he hopped of the floor.

"So, do you still wanna hear what happened?" He asked.

"No, no Matt. I just waited all day for you to tell me and now I don't want to hear it- Of course I want to hear what happened!" I said excitedly, I don't know why I was excited; he was basically going to tell me how much trouble he was in.

"Well," He began, ", they took me to see Roger and told him what had happened, you know, just what I did not what Near had been doing. Then Roger and I and the other teacher had a long talk about how punching people is wrong or something. Really, all the time he was talking I wasn't listening. Anyway, main point is I now have one week of detention starting tomorrow."

"Man, that blows, I'm sorry Matt." I said, realizing now that the consequences for punching Near weren't too good.

Matt hit me upside the head. "What're you apologizing for Mel? You didn't do anything. Besides, I wanted to punch him, he's been picking on you since day one, he deserves what he got plus more." He said, that one smile still plastered to his angel like face, "The punishment is a small price to pay. Any day and time I would gladly take any punishment in order to help you. I would do anything for you Mello."

He put his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently. A slight blush rose to my face, I hadn't been prepared for Matt to say something like that. I had expected jokes and sarcastic remarks. Slowly I kissed his cheek, there's me being hesitant, still getting used to dating him.

"T…Thanks a lot Matt." I said softly, looking at the lamp on the nightstand because I just couldn't look Matt in the eye right this moment.

"No problem." He said, mustering an even more beautiful smile than before, if that was even possible.

"Now do you want to hear what I want?" he asked.

I perked up, my blush was still present but hardly noticeable and now magically I could look at Matt. Really, I was more excited to hear this one then the previous one.

"Yeah, spit it out!" I exclaimed.

"I~ Wa~nt…" he said, stretching out the words so I had to wait but I glared at him so he moved on, "Mello, I would like it very much , after my week of detention is over, to take you out on a date."

My blush came back. AGAIN, I wasn't expecting him to say any of this. What I was expecting was something along the lines of video games or something else. Not a date of all things.

"S-Sure," I said, still in mid blush, "Where too?"

Normally dates could happen in a variety of places. Like an aquarium, restaurant, bowling alley, just to name a few. It was only natural I was curious in what Matt had in mind for that day.

Matt thought for a minute.

"Well, that part's a secret, you won't find out until it's time for the date itself." He said with a smile.

Nooo… More waiting….

"Why?" I whined, honestly I couldn't stand all this waiting.

"Because it'll be more exciting this way, don't worry though, I have something really fun in mind, trust me."

First Date is all about emotions ready to explode,

who has the ability to step back and take it slow.

It's about having the chance to finally see,

the ability to say more without trying to speak.

~ Paul Roberts

Kind of a short chapter huh? Oh well, I'll try and make the next one longer. Right now I'm not really focused on making the story longer but making up for my lack of updating. I liked this chapter a lot. Hope you did too. :3 Next chapter 'First Date'.

Review please and thank you. :D