Ok, you guys may be wondering what this is, and I'll tell you XD
Ok, this takes place when Ikuto was still little, but it was after Yoru had hatched, so he was with Easter at the moment. This is made for the peoples enjoyment and laughter, so I hope I accomplish that!

Yoru's Lesson Number One! Jump, and Land on Your Feet!

As Ikuto was walking along, lugging around his violin as he went, Yoru floated in front of him.

"Yo! I think it's time you start your lessons, nya!" Yoru said, putting his paws at his sides.

"Lessons? What d'you mean?" Ikuto asked, stopping in place to listen to Yoru, he had trouble doing that while walking.

"Your cat lessons!" Yoru said and pointed a paw it Ikuto, only an inch away from his face. "Now, your first lesson shall be....." he said, looking around for a good place to start. "how to land on your feet!"

"What? I already know how to do that," Ikuto said, giving a [cute] confused look.

"No! From high places, nya!" Yoru said, crossing his paws across his chest.

"From what? A tree?" Ikuto asked, getting even more confused.

"No, again! Hmm, nya~," Yoru hummed, thinking where to jump from. "I got it!" he said and took control of Ikuto, the cat ears and tail appearing. He made him go into some random building and go up the stairs. "There!" he said as they reached the roof.

"Wait... what!? Are you going to make me jump off of a building?!" Ikuto said in disbelief.

"Of course, nya! Even little cats can jump off of tree and usually survive, so I figured a building would be fair since you're bigger!" Yoru pointed out, putting his paws onto his sides again.

"You're crazy! I'm not a cat!" Ikuto said, getting a defiant look upon his face.

"Go on, jump! You'll land safely, trust me, nya!" Yoru said and sat on Ikuto's head.

"No way! I'm not jumping!" Ikuto fussed back, crossing his arms.

"Really? Fine, I'll have to take drastic measures!" Yoru said and floated behind Ikuto and then pushed him off the building.

Luckily, Ikuto landed in a garbage can, because he definitely wouldn't have landed on his feet. Yoru floated down to Ikuto, giving him a disappointed look. "You need more training, nya."

"I almost died, and that's all you have to say?" Ikuto said, struggling to get out.

"Well, you do need more training. If you have more training, you won't die, nya!" Yoru said knowingly, pointing out a claw.

Ikuto blushed slightly and look away. "I-I think I'm... stuck..," he muttered, his hands going limp on the sides of the can.

Yoru held in his laughter, but only for a second. "Hah! You're butt's stuck in the can! How ironic, nya!"

"Shut up and help me out!" Ikuto yelled, getting slightly mad.

But, before Yoru could gather himself, a garbage truck came and grabbed the garbage can, pouring the trash [and Ikuto] into the back of the truck.

"Ack! Ikuto, nya!" Yoru said in disbelief, rushing over to the back of the truck. He spied two arms and a little cat tail sticking out of the garbage."There you are!" Yoru tried to uncover him, but it was a long process.

"I can't breathe!" Ikuto choked, Yoru uncovered his head so he could breathe. "Thanks..," he said and sighed.

"Hey, look! Sardine!" Yoru said and went to the back of the truck, Ikuto let out a sigh of annoyance. Once Yoru came back, he held the sardine up to Ikuto. "Want some, nya?"

"No! It's old and stinks," Ikuto complained, struggling to uncover himself from under the garbage.

"Fine, more for me then, nya," Yoru said with his nose in the air.

"This isn't the time to think about foo-" Ikuto was about to yell, but he was stopped by the movement of the truck. It poured them into some container along with the rest of the garbage.

"This would be the perfect time to practice jumping!" Yoru mentioned, chewing on the rotten sardine.

"I don't think now is the time to 'practice'. Besides, I'm stuck in the trash! I can't jump anywhere!" Ikuto pointed out, trying to pull himself out of the trash. Then, the container began to move.

"Ack! What witchery is this?" Yoru asked in a dramatic spy voice.

"I think it's... a compactor," Ikuto calmly mentioned.

"Why act so calm, you weirdo, nya! Let's get out of here!" Yoru panicked, his tail perking up when he saw an.... air vent! "There, nya! Climb up to there!" he said, pointing to the vent.

"Wait... why is there an air vent in a compactor?" Ikuto asked.

"It doesn't matter! Don't question the unpredictable cartoon ways that don't make sense!" Yoru said and unscrewed the bolts with his claws. "Now, climb in, nya!"

"Ugh, fine!" Ikuto took off his violin and and slung the sash onto handle of the vent. He pulled himself out of the trash and into the vent. "Ok, I'm up.. I hope," he said.

"Up, up, up! We need to get out of here, nya!" Yoru said in panic, floating up the air vent and leaving Ikuto.

The compactor's ends met, and slammed on Ikuto's cat tail. "Ow!" Ikuto yelled, his ears bending back in pain.

Yoru came back and gasped. "Ikuto! That's got to hurt, nya!" he said and floated beside Ikuto. "Here, I'll help," Yoru said and smiled. The cat ears and tail disappeared on Ikuto and released him from his painful situation.
"Gee.. thanks," Ikuto said sarcastically.

Once they made it back home using Yoru's 'Cat Homing System'..

Tsukasa looked around sighed. "Where are those two?" he said worriedly.

"Yo," Ikuto said when he saw Tsukasa.

"Ikuto! Where have you been?" Tsukasa asked, approaching Ikuto.

"Oh, here and there. On a building, in a dumpster, the unusual," Ikuto said casually.

Yoru got a defiant look and floated above Ikuto. "I was training him to be a cat, nya!"

Tsukasa stayed silent for a moment and smiled. "Ah, that makes sense~," he said cheerfully.

Ikuto got an annoyed expression and walking on. "You people are crazy....."

---End of Lesson One! Yoru Believes Ikuto Failed this Lesson and Needs More Work, But Tomorrow Lesson Two Starts! Can Ikuto Survive it?---

Please R&R and lesson two shall come!!!