Ultimate Sacrifice by miwa03

Ultimate Sacrifice (The Start of Nightmare)

Disclaimer: Yup, I don't own Inuyasha!

Warning: Slight lemon ahead.

Un-beta-ed version. (still trying to look for Ceferadel…)

Chapter 32 – Ultimate Sacrifice (The Start of Nightmare)

Kagome felt numb. She stood unwaveringly in front of the Goshinboku, Inuyasha's and her tree; the tree that marked the start of her quest in the Feudal era with her once lover, Inuyasha. She stood there and stared sadly at Inuyasha's unmoving body that was being pinned in the tree by her sacred arrow.

Everything was still the same. Inuyasha was still sleeping soundly, just like the first time they met, and just like the last time she left him. Even the wind that blew strands of her raven hair still smelt the same.

"Release him, Miko."

Kagome's breath hitched. She turned her head back and saw Sesshoumaru standing stoically behind her. In his eyes Kagome saw nothing; not a flicker of emotion or even regret.

I haven't seen him showing this expression towards me in a long time. Does he really hate me that much now? Kagome held back a sob. Sesshoumaru… Is this really it? Are we really going to end our story like this? Should I revive Inuyasha now and just erase my memories of you and our child? Even for Inuyasha I-

Kagome closed her eyes and took a deep breath; trying her hardest to stop her tears from falling. Eventhough she knew that she would have to face this dreaded situation sooner or later, she was still not ready now.

But then... maybe she would never be ready.

Every steps closer to Inuyasha tormented her. What would happen when Inuyasha is revived? Would Inuyasha see her as a traitor? Would he hate her? Or would he understand her circumstances? Would he forgive her? And what would happen to her beloved Kazukimaru? Could she rise her son and live with him until she grew old? Would Sesshoumaru allowed her?

Kagome stopped. And... what would happen to the growing love I have towards Sesshoumaru?

Sesshoumaru... Why don't you stop me? Why don't you tell me that you don't want me to go? Because if you do... I will-

Kagome was standing in front of Inuyasha now. She tilted up her head and stared at Inuyasha with sadness. Then this is really it. I can't stall the time anymore for us. My time with you, Sesshoumaru, has ended.

Kagome stretched out her hand to grab the arrow that froze Inuyasha's time. She let her fingers brush over the stick before she grabbed the carved wood tightly. She then bit her lip and closed her eyes, finally letting her tears fall.

Farewell, Sesshoumaru…

"You had once told this Sesshoumaru… that love is sacrifice."

Eh? Kagome stopped her movement; surprised by Sesshoumaru's sudden words. She then turned her head back slowly to see him.

Sesshoumaru was staring straight at her. Kagome's heart beat faster when she saw his eyes. Eventhough he still wore the same unexpressive mask, but in his eyes Kagome thought she saw desire and desperate love.

Kagome let her hold on the arrow go, and then turn to face the youkai lord slowly. "What did you say, my lord?" Kagome asked uncertainly.

"If love was truly described as sacrifice… then letting you go… is this Sesshoumaru's ultimate sacrifice."

What? Kagome clutched the front of her Kimono tightly; trying to still her fast beating heart. Hope began to shine in her heart. "What… are you implying, my lord?" Is it possible?

His cold expression faltered a bit. And Kagome would never forget the words her lover said next.

"This Sesshoumaru loves you, Kagome."

Time seemed to stop. Kagome was stunned in disbelieve. She had longed for a long time to hear those words from him. And then without second thought, Kagome ran towards Sesshoumaru.

"Seshoumaru!" Kagome hugged Sesshoumaru tightly and finally let her tears flow freely. "I love you, my lord. I want to be with you. Please... please don't make me leave you. Please tell me to stay with you."


Because love is sacrifice; then I would sacrifice my whole life and heart for you. Even though parting from you is killing me in the inside, I would willingly let you go… to prove that I love you that much.

Sesshoumaru's reaction was instantly. He crushed his mate's body tighter in his embrace, unwilling to let anything separate them. His mate was hugging him and crying uncontrollably in his embrace. And when she tilted her face up, Sesshoumaru wasted no time to lean down and sealed their declaration of love with a kiss.

A fierce and possessive kiss; sizzling, tingling, burning. A kiss reserved only for her.

Kagome mine. You are mine. No one, not even this Sesshoumaru's own blood, will ever take you away from me!

The hungry kisses went on and desire was rapidly building and coursing through his vein. Sesshoumaru abruptly end his kiss and before Kagome could utter a word he carried her to a more secluded area to finish what they had started.


Kagome was moaning uncontrollably while her hips moved up and down frantically. Her hands rested against Sesshoumaru's chest. She threw her head back as she rode him, sliding perfectly over his thick and throbbing length, with gasps and mewls escaping her. Her mate who was lying beneath her seemed content to let her set the pace. In the cloud of haze she contemplated on how come she was able to do this with him in this position. Sesshoumaru was a dominant male; not even once he let her to be on top.

Kagome let out a mewl when she felt Sesshoumaru's hands cupped her breast, massaging her soft mounds while his thumbs circled her rosy peaks. "Sessh… Sesshou… ahh…"

Those amazing hands then wandered, spanning down her back and then grasping her hips, holding her in place as he finally took control, rapidly pistoning his hips up against hers. Kagome braced her hands over his head, pendulous breast swinging over his face with the force of his thrust.

When his mouth captured one of her nipples, Kagome screamed in bliss. She felt her inner walls clamping around him as she burst. With a loud growl, his grip on her hips tightened as he pulled her harder down into him, burying himself deep within her. His length twitched and jerked inside her, emptying himself into her womb. She felt wave after wave of pleasure and she could feel his hot seed entered her body.

With ragged breath, Kagome fell down on top of him and her head fell against his chest. He was still tightly clasped by her body, still throbbing inside her. She winced when Sesshoumaru moved a little. His hands were now caressing her back up and down languidly.

Kagome let out a content sigh and slowly closed her eyes as she waited for her heart to slow down. She surrendered to the sleep that was coming to claim her. But just as she was about to drift off, she felt Sesshoumaru's hand moved to the nape of her neck and gently tilted her head up. In confusion, she obeyed his silent command.

Her eyes snapped open when she felt their lips met again; hungrier, insatiable. She whimpered when she felt him hardened again inside her.

The day was far from over. And Inuyasha would just have to wait a little longer.


The return to Inuyasha's place was done slowly. After their tryst, Kagome was too weak to walk by herself. So Sesshoumaru benevolently carried her bridal style. Sesshoumaru was content with enjoying his time with his lovely little mate; relishing on her presence and scent that was enveloping him. Furthermore after Kagome had assured him that even after Inuyasha was revived, she would choose to stay with him and his son.

His heart swelled with pride when he remembered that Kagome had chosen to love him.

My Kagome… Mine…

He bent his head down to nuzzle the skin beneath his mate's ear and pleased to hear her giggles.

"Sesshoumaru… That tickles. Stop. We're nearing Inuyasha's tree."


A slight change in the air, and Sesshoumaru's senses were alerted. He raised his head and sniffed inaudibly. No smell, no scent, just a disturbance in youki; and it was coming from the Goshinboku. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and then fastened his steps.

"What's wrong Sess?"

When they reached the sacred tree, Sesshoumaru was sure that something went terribly wrong.

Kagome gasped in horror. "No! What has happened? How can this happen? Where is he?"

For there was no arrow embedded on the Goshinboku; no body being pinned there.

Inuyasha was gone.

AN: I am sorry… My life had been hectic. And I'm not even sure if I can write anymore. But I've made a resolution that at least I'll finish Ultimate Sacrifice as my gratitude to everyone who had reviewed and motivated me.

So don't worry. I'll try my hardest to write and finish this story.

This chapter is the peak of this story (that's why this chapter is named: Ultimate Sacrifice). I'm trying to make Sesshoumaru's ultimate sacrifice as the point of the whole story. This story also marked the start of a new thrilling conflict in SessKags' household (that's why this chapter is also named: The Start of Nightmare). Let's see how they would handle it.

And… Where is Inuyasha?

Thank you for everyone who had reviewed. Without you I don't think I this chapter will come out! I just love your reviews! Thank you dear friends! And thank you for being patient with me.

©miwa03 – 2012