I know that loads of you have been hanging on and waiting for this and here it is, sorry for the wait; there have been a lot of personal problems and illness. So i hope you guys can forgive me and i hope that all the fans are still there. Here's hoping you enjoy! x] Please review, it means the world to me; you wont believe how happy 1 review can make me!
Mizztawky x
ConnorsGay: Of course I don't x]
Abiiee has sighned in
Abiiee: What are we talking about?
ConnorsGay: NOTHING!
PervertedStephan: Oh, just Connor peeing his pants!
Abiiee: OMG! I remember that! :D
PervertedStephan: Connor? Something you want to admit to?
ConnorsGay:….Not Particularly!
Abiie: Oh come on Conn, you remember. It was when you dragged me to that stupid Manga convention and dressed up as some dude with underpants on his head…
ConnorsGay: Nopee, wasn't me...I don't wear undies on my head!
Abiiee: What was all that about this morning then?
ConnorsGay: My evil gay twin?? :D
PervertedStephan: Hah, I don't think I even want to know, just carry on with the pee story please Abby!
Abiiee: Oh yeah, well! We got there and there was a load of other Nerds and Idiots there…
ConnorsGay: Fans-not Nerds!
PervertedStephan: Forget it Connor, they were Nerds and you know it! xD
Abiiee: ANYWAY! There was some amazing superhero type person who had some really embarrassing pink jumpsuit on and had some weird name that I cant pronounce. Connor went up to it and vmthnb f tf b f .
PervertedStephan: Abby??
Abiie has sighned out
ConnorsGay: Wow! That is a hard name to pronounce , vmthnb f tf b f ! :D
PervertedStephan: =/ Wheres Abby gone?
ConnorsGay: How should I know, its not like I'm the Oracle or anything!
PervertedStephan: Oh I don't know, you LIVE WITH HER! And whats I'm not the oracle supposed to mean?
ConnorsGay: You've never heard of THE Oracle?
PervertedStephan: Ive heard of AN Oracle!
ConnorsGay: Off of the Matrix?
PervertedStephan: Ahhh, one of your little Nerdy films, nahh don't have time to watch them!
ConnorsGay: It is not a Nerdy film! AND I AM NOT A NERD!
PervertedStephan: Yepp, that's what you said about Lord of the What you call its. Plus you're the only one I know who wears the ring on a chain from it! Stop living in denial mate.
ConnorsGay: Its Lord Of THE RINGS! And that ring is cool!
PervertedStephan: Yepp, maybe to your standards, my definition of cool is a LOT different! Anyway, wheres Abby?
ConnorsGay: Erm…… Shes……On the loo x]
PervertedStephan: She left that suddenly to go to the toilet?
ConnorsGay: Yupp, (Baaaad Constipation!)
PervertedStephan: Ughhh CONNOR!
ConnorsGay: What, you wanted to know!
PervertedStephan: Not in so much description!
ConnorsGay: I can give you more description :D
PervertedStephan: NOOOOO
ConnorsGay is Typing
PervertedStephan: Stoppp I don't want to know!!!!!!!
ConorsGay: Ahh, brb!
PervertedStephan: WHAT!
ConnorsGay has switched his/her status to Busy
10 Minutes Later…
ConnorsGay has switched his/her status to Online
PervertedStephan: Welcome Back!
ConnorsGay: Humph!
Abiiee has sighned in
PervertedStephan: Ahh, Abiiee. Your constipation better?
Abiie: WHAT?? STEPHAN! Your worse than Connor!
ConnorsGay: Ahha, Abby's face. You've really offended her mate! :P
Pervertedstephan: But you…told me…what? Where the hell did you go then?
Abiie: Connor hacked into my msn account!
ConnorsGay: Hah.. took you ages to realize
PervertedStephan: Why would he do that?
Abiee: Oh I don't know, maybe because that guy in the costume recognized Connor, took off its mask and it was his Mum! Hah, he was so embarrassed he didn't even make it to the toilet!
PervertedStephan: Hah, so that's how he peed his pants!
Abiiee: Yepp and the other time was when..
ConnorsGay: That's enough!!!!!
PervertedStephan: lol
ConnorsGay: You're so mean Abby!
ConnorsGay has switched his/her status to Busy
Abiiee: Connor, NO! Ughhhhh
PervertedStephan: Whats he done??
Abiiee: Locked himself in the loo again!
PervertedStephan: Maybe HE has constipation!
Abiiee: Not funny!
PervertedStephan: Awrrh, why not? Imagine if he flushed himself down…
Abiiee: =] Yupp, would be funny at the moment, but it'd be you who had to explain to Cutter why Connor wasn't at work!
PervertedStephan: Me?
Abiiee: Yes, seeing as it was your idea…
PervertedStephan: Its good though? No?
Abiiee: STEPHAN!
PervertedStephan: Getting attached are we?
Abiiee: …Shut the hell up!
P. has sighned in
PervertedStephan: Cutter!
P.: God Stephan, you're still on, you never go off or something?
Abiiee: Nahh, he lives on here cause he has NO LIFE!
PervertedStephan: Harsh!
P.: Lol!
PervertedStephan: Connors been on Cutter!
P.: And….
PervertedStephan: Thought you were spending a night with him….
Abiiee: That sounds disgusting!!!!!!
PervertedStephan: Lol
P.: Ummm…..
PervertedStephan: So who DID you spend the night with?
P.: My business. I could ask you why you live on msn!
PervertedStephan: Don't turn this around on me!
Abiiee: Ughh, I'm gonna go save Connor from the loo again, its got to be better than listen to you two argue like a married couple…
Abiiee has sighned out
PervertedStephan: We don't really seem like a married couple do we?
P.: Why, does it bother you?
PervertedStephan: I DON'T WANT TO SEEM GAY!
P.: Hah, too late!
PervertedStephan: =l
Will Cutter spill all? Does Stephan live on Msn? Will Conner emerge from the loo alive? You'll have to wait till next time.......
Please review, let me know that my work is being read, update wont be as long as next time (I'm back for good i hope x]) Thanks to all the reviewers so far; you are all the inspiration that keeps me going!
Mizztawky xx (By the way i haven't proof read it yet; its dark and I'm tired so please excuse any grammatical issues this once x)