Hyuuga the womanizer. Tenten, the ordinary female. Sasuke, the mysterious person. What on earth will happen? Part one of the 7 Deadly Sins series.

Chyeah, I'm back after... 6 months and two days...

My stress reliever story~

Alrighty, enjoy!

Camp - Day 1

Hyuuga and I didn't talk at all as we were unpacking. He was stoic, silent and had a very cold aura around him. Honestly, he didn't seem one bit like the Hyuuga I knew and hated. Not one bit, just like he said.

Sasuke barged into our room then.



"Kakashi told us that we were to stay in our cabins until dinner, which is at 6. Then we go back to the cabins, go out again at 9, have supper and lights out is at 10. Got that?"

"Yeah, thanks, Sasuke."

Sasuke nodded in response before he was dragged back into the corridor by a certain pig-faced bitch who was saying something about staying up until 5am, doing unspeakable things. (A/N: Yeah... I guess you understand that.)

Hyuuga glanced at the spot that Sasuke had previously been before continuing to unpack his luggage. We stayed silent.

At 5:45, Sasuke and I made our way to the dining room. We were both rattling on and on about how annoying or tiring our partners were.

"He was all like 'You don't know me and crap like th-,"

"- kept speaking of things that I definitely wo-"

"- stayed quiet. It was soooo tediou-"

"- exually abusing me to no end!"

Strangely enough, we knew what the other was saying. Every single word.

Our annoying and tiring partners stayed exactly the same until supper.

Sasuke and I weren't used to supper. It was only at camps such as these where we actually ate something after dinner.

Accepting my chocolate milk and cookie, I waited on the stairs of the dining room for Sasuke. There was a crackle of electricity, the boom of thunder, a flash of lightning and a small shower of a sparks, before the lights of the dining room went out.

There were a few screams and shouts of surprise before Kakashi called us to silence. "Everyone, go back to your rooms with your partners. The black out will only last a few hours but it would be past lights out by then. Electricity may be used tomorrow morning."

Murmurs broke out amongst us as pairs of people left the dining room, heading towards their cabins. A small drizzle had started. It would have been best to leave before it started pouring.

"Sasuke? Sasuke!" I called. Thunder struck again.

"I'm right next to you."


A very strong scent of perfume filled my nostrils, followed by a very nasty squealing of a voice, "Don't you go stealing my Sasuke-kun, dog. C'mon, Sasuke."

Unable to make any sounds of protest, he was dragged off.

A hand grabbed my arm from behind and I yelped, startled. Spinning around, I found myself looking into the whitish-purpleish eyes of Hyuuga Neji.

Hyuuga kept me in tow until he arrived at our room. He literally chucked me inside and locked the door. Lightning flashed outside.

Peculiarly, Neji sat himself in the centre of his bed, his arms around his knees. I moved towards my bed and sat on the edge.

It was very dark. I wasn't able to see anything unless the lightning outside flashed.

Kakashi, clad in a raincoat and umbrella, came knocking on everyone's doors, telling us that it was the time for lights out. Both of us drew our blankets back, crawled into our respective beds and bundles up.

The two of had stayed in our positions for a long time. The time dragged on. I wasn't able to sleep without Mr. Tuffles. Without that bear, the night became scary...

"Tenten, you awake?"

"Yeah." I was surprised. I glanced at my ticking alarm clock next to me. It was midnight, I shuddered.

It was then that I realised that Neji was right next to me.

"You're afraid of the dark?" He asked.

I nodded, "My closest relatives, including my parents, were murdered exactly 11 years ago. And at around this time. 12am."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

I faced him. My eyes were accustomed to the dark now and I was able to dimly make out shapes and some colours. Smiling weakly, I said, "It's fine. You get over it quickly."

Neji stayed quiet for a while. When he spoke again, he sounded fearful, "C-Can you teach me how?"

Now I was staring at him. "How to what?"

"Get over something like that."

"Um... instinct, I guess."

"I wasn't able to."

Now this was something I didn't know about Neji.

"When it was my fifth birthday, my father had given me a brown bear as a present. He said that he would love me no matter what happened. I was handed over to a dark haired man and I saw money being exchanged. I didn't understand then. I lived with the second man for a very long time," Neji hesitated a bit before continuing, "Every second was painful. I hated it. I ran away from him. After days of searching, I arrived at my old home. No one was home and all I saw was a decayed body in the ceremonial clothes of a tea ceremony, the exact clothes my father had worn when I left," he took in a deep breath, "I knew who did it. It was the person I lived for for years. I killed him that... night..."

Neji started breathing deeply. His body went slack and he stayed on the ground, sleeping. I didn't believe my ears. He had committed murder... the Hyuuga Neji had killed someone. Someone who had sheltered him for many years.

Once again, his previously spoken words held true. I didn't know anything about the real Hyuuga Neji. No one did. His pretense was just sweet white icing on a burnt cupcake.

The old Neji, I hated him. Now, I revered him.

Bleh. Sucked, but it did relieve stress!


Now, reviewing would make me even more happier and I'll update more frequently and and.... yeah.

