Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and Rumiko Takahashi. But the bastardizing is all me.


Chapter 8


"It's been nearly three months Doctor and dare I say it, I think I've gotten better." Shuiichi reclined on the leather couch as if he had done it all his life.

"Really? Well I'm glad to hear that." Kagome smiled her professional smile as she called it but she rolled her eyes inwardly. No matter what had happened the previous session, the next would start off the same, polite and cautious.

"I'm hearing less of him you know. Youko, I mean."

"Ah really now?" Kagome looked up from her clipboard curiously. Shuiichi had his eyes closed and he was completely relaxed against the couch, which was something different.

Kagome smiled.

Maybe he was getting better.

"Mmhmm," he affirmed. "And the space between the blackouts has been growing and I'm having less of them."

He opened his eyes and smiled. "I think it's working. He's disappearing."

Kagome stared at the changed man before her, now smiling and relaxed when before he had been nervous and frightened. Her heart swelled in joy.

"That's good to hear."

Shuiichi grinned and shifted slightly in his seat. Kagome returned his smile before looking down at her clipboard to jot down a few notes.

The room was silent for a while.

Shuiichi shifted again and something in the room changed.

Became colder.

Like something dark had settled in the room.

"Can I ask you something Doctor?"

"Hmm?" She paused in her work to look up.

"What did he do to you?"

She faltered a bit but recovered nicely.

"What do you mean?"

Shuiichi smiled again but this time it was hardly comforting.

"I know he came here earlier this week. Your secretary told me." He crossed his arms and caught her eyes. She averted them quickly. "I want to know what he did to you."

"He didn't do anything to me. We just talked, Shuiichi."

"Then how come you won't look me in the eye?"

Kagome winced but wisely kept silent.

He chuckled and covered his eyes with his hand.

This man seemed so different from the one moments earlier.

Shuiichi doubled over and continued giggling to himself, a dark chuckle that had Kagome wary. By now, she wasn't sure who this was, Youko or Shuiichi. He just seemed so different from both of them. But she kept her eyes trained on him, in case he did something violent.

He stopped laughing and sobered. He looked up suddenly and green eyes became fixated on Kagome. She breathed a sigh of relief. Youko hadn't taken over.

"I'm jealous."

"What?" Kagome blinked in shock.

He stood up and walked over to where she was sitting, leaning down so that they were face to face.

"Whatever he did to you, I'm jealous."

He flicked his tongue against her lips, tasting her.

"Sh-Shuiichi, you're acting like Youko."

"Am I? Funny how that works, huh?" he smiled sardonically. "Don't worry, I'm still Shuiichi. I just know what I want."

Kagome shrunk back from his touch fearfully.

"What do you want?"



Words: 500

A/N: *giggles* Shuiichi has more mood swings then pregnant women.....