Authors note: Okay so I really didn't like the last chapter, and complained to my beta about it a lot. Since I hated the chapter so much it took me a bit to get into writing another, and though I am not 100% into this right now if I don't force myself to write I won't do it ever....I don't know why I didn't like it so much but it seemed mediocre to me, and also it didn't progress anything really....Ah well I'll have to get over it.

Thanks once again to my beta ....



Chapter 5

Sebastian was furious!

First of all, he was pissed off that he had once again managed to upset Ciel and secondly, Ciel had locked himself in the bedroom and refused to come out. That was over an hour ago! The bedroom was attached to the bathroom and Sebastian really had to go!!!!! Damn angel! Alright, he was going to give the angel three seconds. If he wasn't out of the room by then, he'd kick the door in. Placing himself in front of the door, he muttered." One.....two.....thr-" but before he could finish three the door slammed open hitting him square in the face. This shocked Sebastian quite a bit, but what shocked him more was that the angel didn't even stop to apologize. He just walked right past Sebastian and into the kitchen. After the initial shock wore off he ran to the bathroom and when he finished, walked into the kitchen. Ciel was sitting at the table eating quietly.

"There are left-over s in the fridge, if you want some?"

"Thanks," Sebastian muttered. He was actually talking to him?

Sebastian heated up the food then sat down across from Ciel.

"Listen, Ciel," Sebastian started. "About earlier, I'm-"

"I don't care." Ciel said cutting him off. "You have nothing to apologize for. You are allowed to kiss whomever you like. It is not a big deal. We are not, nor are we ever going to be, together so why should I care? I apologize for being so childish. You are letting me stay in your home, letting me eat your food, and are keeping me safe. I should not be so rude and for that I am sorry. I will not subject you to another childish tantrum."

"Oh..." Sebastian replied frowning. "Thank you." He supposed he was glad that Ciel had apologized because what he had said was true. He was letting him stay here and keeping him safe. Well, until he got better that is, but the part about them NEVER being together stung. Using the word never was like saying there was no chance, and Sebastian liked to have thought there was. He liked the angel as much as he hated to admit it, and although Ciel said it was alright surely the angel was still a bit mad. Ciel had kissed him back! So, the angel must like him, at least a little bit, right?

Finishing his meal, Sebastian got up and placed his dish in the sink.

"I'm going out. I will be back later tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Alright. Have fun." Ciel said over his shoulder as he made his way to the sink to do the dishes. Sparing one more glance the angel's way, Sebastian left.


Ash had been in Hell for two, maybe three days, now and he had seen nothing out of the ordinary between Ciel and Sebastian. Well, this also had to do with the fact that they never seemed to leave the house together. Sebastian was almost never home, so he didn't think that there would be anything to worry about. Just to make sure nothing fishy was going on between the two of them he would have to keep watch until Ciel was either killed, or back in Heaven. In order for this to happen without one of Ciel's friends finding him, Ash would have to make a quick stop to Heaven first.

Shifting back into his other form, Angela, entered the gates as if she had never been gone. She went straight to Raphael's room not wanting to waste more time here then she had to. Angela knocked on the door, and not a moment later, he answered. He hadn't left his room these past couple of days incase someone had any important information pertaining to the missing angel.

"Angela," Raphael said. "How are you doing today?"

I am fine," she smiled. "But I should be asking you that. You look exhausted! Have you been sleeping well? Eating?" She asked feigning worry.

"Yes, yes I am fine Angela. Thank you for your concern. Now, how can I help you today?"

"I just came to tell you that I found Ciel and he is okay."

"Really?! Where is he?"

"He is in Hell. I thought I heard a rumor of an angel falling to Hell. So, I went to go check it out. It seems that he has injured his wing and is not able to fly back. He is fine though. A demon took him in and is caring for him until he is better."

"The demon will kill him afterwards!" Raphael exclaimed in horror.

"I know that. That is why I am watching after him. I will make sure no harm comes to Ciel, and that he gets back to Heaven safely."

"I should send more people down there with you. Hell is a dangerous place, not just for Ciel but for you as well. You should have backup, and we should have more people watching the situation to make sure nothing bad happens."

"Nonsense. If you send too many angels down to Hell it will attract attention. Demons can smell angels from miles away. It is a huge feat that I have been able to stay down there so long without attracting attention."

"I guess you're right Angela."

"I just wanted to let you know that he is okay, and the party does not have to risk their lives by going to Hell. I will be returning to Hell right after our conversation, and I will hurry back as soon as I see anything important or anything that could be deemed as dangerous."

"Good idea. Please be careful Angela."

"I will Raphael, and don't worry I will bring our little brother back to us."


The next morning, Sebastian returned home with a load of shopping bags. He had a plan to get Ciel back on his good side, and to do that he needed to a lot of supplies. Most of these supplies, if not all of them, weren't able to be found in Hell. So, he had ventured to the place that he hated almost as much as Heaven, the human realm. The human realm stunk and he hated going there even if it was for a job, but this time it was absolutely necessary; because to get Ciel back on his good side, he was going to take the angel on a date.

He quickly packed all of the food he had bought into a basket along with two hot thermoses, utensils, plates and napkins. Then he placed a movie on top of the television for later on that night. When he was all set he sat down and waited for the angel to waken.

Ciel woke up around eleven o'clock. He hadn't slept well at all last night. Whenever the demon was out he couldn't sleep. He always feared that someone would break in and kill him in his sleep while the demon was not around to protect him. Throwing on his robe, the angel went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.


"Yes, Sebastian."

"I made us a basket of food, and was hoping that maybe we could eat outside; like a picnic? I mean, we would have to stay on my property where we were sure you wouldn't be attacked and the view isn't really that nice but-"

"I'd love to!!!!" Ciel squealed, excited at the promise of going outside.

"Good. Whenever you are ready we ll go."

Ciel nodded and hurried to wash up and make himself look presentable. When he was finally done he grabbed Sebastian's hand pulling him out the door barely giving him a chance to grab the basket.

When they arrived at the best possible spot, Sebastian spread out a blanket for them to sit on. He then made himself busy removing and serving the food. The food was stored in plastic containers to keep them warm.

"Chinese," Sebastian said. "I got everything you see here from the human realm, as I do not know how to prepare their food. It s takeout." Why am I rambling so much today? Deciding not to give much fuel to that thought he removed the thermoses from the basket and poured them both a glass of hot tea. As a finishing touch, he pulled out a tiny vase, dropped some flowers into it that he had picked up on Earth.

"There's some cake for dessert." Sebastian said looking at the angel.

"Wow," Ciel said surprised. "You really went all out. Thank you Sebastian." The angel said smiling then quickly placed a kiss on the demon s cheek. "Let's eat! I'm starved!"

The two ate in silence both engrossed in the food. Neither was sure what to say to the other. After the main course was completed they each took a spot on the blanket to lie on while their food digested and they began dessert. Turning on his side, Ciel asked, "Sebastian...what did you do to deserve a life in Hell?"

Sebastian paused. That was not something he expected to be asked today, hell, ever! No one had ever asked him that before. In Hell, no one wants to bring up the pain from their pasts, or their old memories. Therefore, no one shares anything unless they feel inclined to.

"I...killed my family."

Ciel gasped. "Why?

"I had a sister. She was twelve and I, fifteen. We were both very young but at that time I was considered an adult. My father had sent me away to another town to work for a wealthy man. The pay was too good to pass up, and we were poor. My mother had died a few years before, so we needed all of the money that we could get. I would visit home once or twice a month to check up and them, and to bring them my paycheck. Apparently, my father had been abusing and raping my sister since she was ten, but since I was never home; I did not know."

"One day I came home to find my father had his pants around his ankles and my sister on the floor. I could already smell the booze from the doorway and knew that if I wanted to stop him I would be able to take him easily in his drunken state. Grabbing his shoulder, I threw him down to the floor and told my sister to leave. I didn't want her to see what would happen next. I picked up a brander that we used for the horses and hit him with it again and again and again. By the time my anger subsided his body was so mutilated that there was no way that I could pass his murder off as an accident.

So I decided to dispose of the body before anyone found out. I lit a bundle of straw on fire and the house went up in flames. Our house was wood; then again I suppose most of them were back then. The fire spread so quickly that by the time it was put out, our house and three houses around it were burnt to ash. The people inside of those houses also died."

Sebastian closed his eyes in remembrance then continued. "Apparently my sister hung around to make sure I was okay and she was caught in the fire. She didn't die immediately, but she was burned pretty badly. Her face was scared and so was half of her body. But no matter what she never blamed me for what happened. Instead, she saw me as some kind of savior for killing our father and freeing her from his grasp. I had to work even longer hours after that to pay for my sister, and I. When she got a bit older, she began to realize that no one was ever going to marry her because of the way she looked. She became a recluse and I was the only one she ever talked to. I had gone away one week, for work, and when I came back I found her dead. She had killed herself. I was the reason for her death. I killed her and all of those innocent people in the fire. I deserved everything that I got for killing her."

"Sebastian," Ciel whispered pain in his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I am so sorry. That's horrible."

"Yeah, well that's life," he replied forcing a smile on to his face. "Now eat up. I bought some delicious cake and I do not want it to go to waste."

"Uh...yeah sure," Ciel replied.

They continued their meal and ate dessert. The two had spent hours outside completely losing track of time, all the while Ciel trying to cheer Sebastian up with funny stories. It seemed to be working and by the time the sky was beginning to get dark, the air chilly, Ciel had nothing left to talk about.

"Thank you for today Sebastian. It was wonderful. It felt so good to be out of the house, and it took my mind off of everything. I completely forgot where I was for a moment."

"You re welcome," the demon smiled in kind. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Taking a flower from the vase, he placed it behind Ciel's ear. "Don't you just look adorable angel?" Sebastian commented as he ran his hand down Ciel s cheek gently. When he didn't feel the angel flinch or move away, he took it as a blessing and kissed him softly.

Ciel kissed him back with no hesitation. His arms wrapped directly around Sebastian's neck. The angel let himself be pushed back on the blanket, moaning when Sebastian fell on top of him. The two kissed slowly as their tongues danced and mingled together. A spark of need beginning to burn. When Sebastian felt himself growing hard he pulled away. He did not want to scare the angel off again. Looking down in to Ciel's eyes he spoke, "I rented a movie for us. Would you like to watch it?"

Ciel nodded and let the demon help him to his feet. Sebastian gathered up all of the items he had brought for their date and held the angel's hand as they headed inside. He set everything down on the table to clean up later. The two then sat down on the couch. "I rented a movie just for you, seeing as you like the emotional ones." He said putting in Suzanne s Diary for Nicholas.

By the time the movie was over Sebastian had his arm draped over Ciel to comfort the little angel who was fruitlessly trying to stop crying. Ciel rubbed head against Sebastian's shoulder and sniffled.

"Sleep with me tonight?" Sebastian whispered. Unable to stop those words from coming out.

"S-Sebastian I couldn't! It's inappropriate."

"I didn't mean it like that Ciel. I meant, let me hold you while you fall to sleep and keep you safe."

Considering it for a moment Ciel finally nodded. "I'd like that."

Sebastian smiled and led them both to his bedroom. After they had gotten ready for bed, they crawled under the covers. Sebastian pulled Ciel close and wrapped both arms around his waist. Ciel nuzzled his head into his chest, eyes closed, already half asleep. "Good night Sebastian."

"Good night angel," the demon replied, and this time when he said angel it was void of all sarcasm. He really meant it Ciel was an angel. His angel. Holding Ciel as close to him as he possibly could they both drifted off to sleep.


Ash was seething. He was so angry that if it was possible for a person to radiate flames he would be doing just that! He had just witnessed the demon locking lips with the Ciel. And the angel kissed him back! What a little whore! He had known that sometime in the future surely that can t be happening already?

Spreading his wings, Ash flew back up to Heaven in hopes that he was wrong. When he arrived just before the entrance he once again he transformed back in to a girl. Ignoring all of the other angels she strode angrily to the Hall of records.

The hall of records was a big building where they kept records on all of the angels. Here you could also find the history of Heaven and Earth. Angela headed directly to the back where all of the older records were kept. Here, she picked up an old book. It was a worn brown leather bound book. It smelt of dust and was covered in it. This book was consisted of all the warnings, and prophecies through out time. It spoke of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, warnings of apocalypses, and the tragedies that had occurred on Earth over the years, such as floods.

Angela flipped to the portion of the book regarding the warnings of things yet to come. Skimming threw it she found the one that she was searching for, and began to read.

The silent peace treaty between God and Lucifer will eventually come to an end.
An angel from Heaven, with help from a demon from Hell shall open the doors between these two worlds. Once these doors are open demons will be able to leave Hell freely and the world will be thrown into chaos. A war will start and the fighting between these two worlds will eventually befall the Earth. It will be a war unlike that of any other. One the world has never seen. Heaven will eventually be over run by demons as well as the Earth. Humans and Pure Souls alike will have nowhere to go and perish. The world will end as we know it and a new world born of evil and torture will take it s place.

But like any other prophecy, there is a way to stop it. An angel, the most pure and innocent and a demon, one who is not meant to be in Hell, will meet before this war is set in motion. They will fall in love and out of their love a baby will be born. This child will be a mix of good and evil. Heaven and Hell will see that they can coexist and form a world together. This child will end all feuds and that the two worlds can interact peacefully together. If this child is not born then the two worlds will not see what is possible and the end of everything that we hold true will come to pass. This child will be the one to stop the world from ending, and will bring a new life and sense of peace to everyone in it.

The purest angel and a demon that wasn t meant to be in Hell? Shit! Angela grumbled. Slamming the book shut, she threw it across the room.

This had to be stopped now.


Authors Ramblings 2: So there you go the prophecy yupperz I m going to make poor innocent angel Ciel preggerz. How fun. This story shouldn t be much longer now that everything is set into motion. The next chapter will be short just to get two things done that I need to do, and then after that it should be one maybe two more chapters and then a prologue.

And Ryo, I figured out how to fit Pluto into my story so I m sure that ll make you happy J I did it just for you so you better respect man lol and I m still waiting for my tea, cake, book, and sexy male stripper. You re slacking on our friendship haha j/k but not rele a nice stripper would be nice.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and see you next time!