I don't think this right?

July 1st

Harry was in his bedroom. He was finishing his homework. He had mostly finished all his homework. All he had left was his charmed homework. He had been trying to figure out how does this spell that would bring good luck. It was called the Suspension spell. But Harry could never get it right. There was suppose to be sparks, but there was none. So Harry checked the book again.

The Suspension charm. Is used to bring people with bad luck, good luck.

Harry had clearly bad luck.

The spell requires concentration and a flick of the wrist. There should be sparks coming out of it.

That was Harry's mistake. He hadn't concentrated on it at all.

That night Harry was ready to try.

Harry put all his concentration on the spell. He flicked his wrist and said.


Sparks flew out of the tip of the wand.

"Potter." Harry heard his Uncle Vernon.

Harry quickly went into bed putting his want under his pillow.

Vernon opened the door.

"What was that noise?" Vernon asked.

"Noise?" Harry asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, Potter." Vernon said.

"Well if you talking about my picture of my mom and dad…it fell." Harry said.

"If you're lying…" Vernon said.

"I would never lie to you sir." Harry said.

"Don't interrupt me." Vernon said.

"Yes sir." Harry said.

Vernon slammed the door.

Harry thought the spell had not worked.

Harry woke up the next morning to figure out that he wasn't in his room.

He was in a small, very small room. It reminded him of the cupboard.

Harry looked for his glasses. He found them behind his head on board.

There was a knock on the door.

"Boy, get up." Vernon said.

Harry found some close. He realizes that they were smaller then he remembered, but fit all the same.

Harry walked out of the room, which he found was the cupboard.

Harry went into the kitchen and just was completely confused.

Dudley looked shorter and thinner.

"What are you doing standing around, lazy brat, help you aunt cook breakfast." Vernon demand.

"I'm confused." Harry said.

"About cooking?" Vernon asked.

"No about why I woke up the cupboard." Harry said.

"It's your bedroom." Vernon said, very suspicious. Harry was really confused now.

Harry confused, walked over to his aunt. His aunt was cooking eggs.

"Aunt Petunia I could do that." Harry said.

"Why would you do that?" Petunia asked.

"It was just a suggestion." Harry said. "You could sit down. I can do this."

Petunia looked at Harry suspiciously.

"If you burn any…" She was cut off.

"I know better." Harry said.

"Don't interrupt." Vernon said.

"Yes sir." Harry said.

Petunia let Harry finishing cooking.

After Breakfast Harry and Petunia cleared the table.

"Aunt Petunia can I ask you something?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Petunia asked.

"Why are you helping me? You haven't helped me sense I got my Hagworts letter." Harry said.

"What?" Petunia asked.

Harry remembered that he wasn't to speak about his school. "I mean I got my letter from school." Harry said.

"I don't know what your talking about, but I always help you. I don't want any of my things broke." Petunia said.

"Oh." Harry said.

After that Harry went to do his chores outside.

"Petunia did you tell him to weed the garden?" Vernon asked on his way to work.

"No dear." Petunia said.

"Then why is he doing it? He normally waits for one of us to tell me him what to do." Vernon said.

"I don't know." Petunia said.

"He's been acting weirder then normal, if that's possible." Vernon said.

"I'll talk to him later. You need to get to work." Petunia said.

After Harry did his chores outside, he took a shower. Once Harry finished his shower he did his chores in the house. Harry took out the vacuum.

"Boy!… Potter!… Harry shut that thing off!" Petunia said.

Harry turned it off. "Sorry Aunt Petunia."

"Sit down." Petunia said.

"What about vacuuming?" Harry asked.

"Later. Now sit." Petunia said. Harry did as he was told.

"Harry your uncle and I have noticed that you're acting different." Petunia said.

"Mommy I'm bored." Dudley said running in.

"Well go outside and play." Petunia said.

"But it's boring outside." Dudley said.

"Why don't you play with your friends? Your normally with them anyways." Harry said.

"At least I have friends." Dudley said.

"You know I do at my school." Harry said.

"We go to the same school, you don't have friends." Dudley said.

Harry just stared in confusion.

"Dudley go and do something I have to talk with Harry." Petunia said.

"Fine." Dudley stormed off.

"Look Aunt Petunia I'm just confused." Harry said.

"About what?" Petunia asked.

"For starters the cupboard is my bedroom. It hasn't sense I was 12, when you gave me Dudley's second bedroom." Harry said.

"Your not even 11." Petunia said.

"What? How old am I then?" Harry asked.

"Your about to turn 11. Graces child what has gotten into you? First you ask to do breakfast by yourself, and then you ask strange questions. You do chores without even asking and you act completely different." Petunia said.

Harry didn't answer he was way to confused.

"Aunt Petunia I don't feel so well, so I'm going to my bedroom." Harry said.

"Okay." Petunia said.

Harry put the vacuum away and went to his bedroom.

Harry thought how this was utterly possible, though it dose explain something's.

Maybe it was the spell. Harry thought. After awhile Harry figured that was only possibility. It must have thrown him back in time or something.

Harry skipped lunch for loss of time, thinking about what he was going to do now. He figured that we going to change the past for him. That had to be the spells intention.

There was a knock on the door. "Harry, Vernon wants you to help with super." Petunia said.

Harry got up and opened the door.

"What day is it Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked.

"July 2nd." Petunia said walking away with Harry at her heels.

That night Harry knew his Hogwart's letter was coming tomorrow.

The next morning Harry got the mail and found the letter. Harry put it into his pocket before returning to the kitchen.

Lunch Harry needed to say something.

"Uncle Vernon I got a letter today from Hagworts School of witchcraft and wizardry." Harry said.

Vernon and Petunia froze. There faces were shocked. Harry had to bit back his smile.

"I memorized the letter." Harry said. Actually he hadn't even opened it.

"Go get it." Vernon said.

Harry got the letter of course opened before returning.

Harry handed the letter to Vernon.

Vernon read the letter.

"No, no. Potter it's a fake letter." Vernon said.

"If I don't write back they'll probably send more or even send someone. Even though they'll send someone anyways because I live with mug…I mean none magic folks." Harry said.

"What's he talking about, non magic folk?" Dudley asked.

"Nothing, Dudders." Petunia said.

"Something indeed, Aunt Petunia. You lied to me for 11 years about magic and my parents." Harry said.

"Your not 11! What about your parents." Vernon said.

Harry froze. He couldn't explain to them that he knew they weren't killed in a car crash. "That there wizard and witch." Harry said.

"How do you know so much?" Vernon asked.

"That's hard to explain." Harry said.

"Explain boy?" Vernon said.

"Well… I put the pieces together of what I knew." Harry said, hoping they'd by it.

They didn't reply.

Harry figured, that there was no other way.

"When they come I expect you to go with them." Vernon said.

Harry nodded in agreement.