A/N: Ah, the final chapter in the dramatic romance story. Sorry, no sexy scenes. :( thanks for everyone who has been so supportive, i added everything past the first scene break just for you guys.

Disclaimer: I don't own this magical manga. Or the sexy doctor, my uke the photographer, or that wily fortuneteller.

Ch. 6: Grateful

Mizuki Ashiya ran through the halls, wanting to scream. There was no way Sano had just seen her spare vest! And there was no way he was wondering what a guy would be doing with one! As she ran, thousands of frightful thoughts flashed through her simple brain. She needed help! She needed someone calm and confident to tell her to take it easy! She needed...Dr. Umeda!

Fortunately for said doctor, her shoes slapped noisily on the tile floor in the empty hallway, and he heard her coming a mile away. And fortunately, this gave him and his boyfriend, Akiha, plenty of time to pull out of their heated make-out. They pulled apart, hands sliding out of each other's hair and tongues slipping back into their respected mouths. They each took a deep breath, winking as she burst in.

"WAAAH! DR. UMEDA! Oh, hey, Akiha! Good to see you!" her worries instantly lifted in the bright atmosphere and the sight of her friend.

"You, too, Mizuki-kun." his dark eyes flitted from her to the doctor sitting in the chair he had just been pinned against seconds before, then drifted back to the teen. It was a quick movement, one only someone extremely observant to Akiha's every action would have picked up on. Which is exactly why only Umeda saw it, and smiled hungrily and fleetingly in response before asking the student what she needed.


With a light blush of discomfort and a characteristic pout, Umeda shoved the parcel into Ryoichi's hands.

"What is this?" the fortuneteller asked uncertainly.

"A thank you gift."

"Beg pardon?" he asked, not getting what the doctor was saying. It was a gift. Ryoichi Kijima did not like gifts! He hated having to handle sentimental things like that, especially when they involved Umeda, who had liked him a mere month earlier. Without looking away from the redhead, he turned over another tarot card on the table between them.

"Well, now that I finally got all my strength back, I decided I should thank you for helping me realize the mistakes I was making and help me to appreciate Akiha for all he really is."

Black eyes darted back to the gift in his hand, to the card he had turned over, and returned to his best friend. "This isn't your workmanship." he stated bluntly, holding up the immaculately-wrapped gift, the wrapping paper a sky blue with little green leaves decorating it.

"Alright, so Akiha wanted to thank you also--"

"Haha, I thought he hated me. Weird."

"On the contrary, you got me into his bed." Umeda answered, putting a cigarette into his mouth. "Now open your damn present."

Ignoring the doctor to thoughtfully turn over another two cards, Ryoichi took his time before touching the small blue box. Finally, his fingers slipped the paper open and he unwrapped a very fancy, very expensive-looking lighter.

"It's from Italy," the redhead explained. "We would have given you something a week earlier when we decided to thank you, but Akiha was sure he could find something perfect for you while away on his shoot."

"Thank you, both of you, it's really nice," he answered still a little surprised, fumbling for a cigarette and smiling when Umeda offered him one. He opened the lighter and lit first his friend's, then his own. They both inhaled the carcinogens in an easy pleasure that they often felt when together.

Presently, the black-haired man spoke again. "So, does Hara...Akiha leave often?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" sadness washed over caramel eyes. "He's in the United States, and not expected back for another day."

"Bastard," Ryoichi muttered, making his friend laugh. "It must suck to be dating an up-and-coming celebrity."

"It's worth it, though," Umeda murmured dreamily. "And having my fortune read with you is a great way to kill time. I'm lucky to have both of you." glancing at his watch he added regretfully, "But it's getting late and I should go."

"Sure, no problem. By the way, you're convalescence will come to an end. You're not going to expericence any pain whatsoever by the end of the month, way to go, Hokuto."

"Really? Great."

"And also," he smiled knowingly, "don't be too upset about Akiha. You may see him again sooner than anticipated."

Umeda frowned in confusion, then nodded and waved goodbye. Ryoichi was left alone in his fortuneshop, smiling to himself and how amazingly awesome he was capable of making others' lives. It was a lot of work, though. He promised himself he would take it easy and not do it often. Fingering the sleek design of his new lighter, he couldn't help but hope the best for the new couple. That damn Hara was just too sweet.


It was later in the evening that Umeda sat alone on Akiha's couch. He had been aware that the steady business Akiha had established for himself had left him fairly affluent, but the tastefull decorations and foreign furniture of the small home (so much nicer than the doctor's old apartment room which he barely visited anymore and was considering selling soon) spoke of modest luxury.

He sighed and tipped his head back, closing his eyes and imagined the return of his boyfriend. A pathetic few weeks together and he knew he had become totally dependant on the blond. Perhaps for a week or two he could have used the excuse of being weak from surgery, but he could function perfectly now and had gained most of the color back in his cheeks even if he still had bad dreams about the pain. After his relapse Dr. Tsuki had regretfully admitted his recovery would be slow and his body had taken a great blow, but the trauma was over and ever stuborn, Umeda wanted nothing more than to prove himself strong once again.

His fingers ran over the scar on his lower torso, he often needed to feel the soft rise of skin to remind himself that it had all really happened.

There was a click and the door swung open. Akiha entered, laden down with bags and luggage. He walked in slowly, dropping his bags and looking forward with a spacy, exhausted look in his dark eyes.

"Akiha?!" the doctor cried in an elated shock.

The blond spun around to face his boyfriend, tired face lighting up. "Hokuto!"

The doctor slammed into the photographer in a tight hug and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

"I thought you were going to be gone until tomorrow night?"

"We finished early. I was offered to do another shoot for the same magazine, but I wanted to come home and see you too bad, I turned the company down. Mmh," he rested his cheek against the shorter man's and sighed contentedly.

"So this is what Ryoichi was talking about," mused the redhead happily.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, I was with Ryoichi today, he read my near future in tarot cards and predicted that you'd come home early."

The photographer pulled away and looked at his lover with a gentle smile. "I'm really happy you could have a pleasant surprise, then. It's so good to see you." with that, he pulled Umeda into him again. "You look better."

"I think I'll be even better now that you're here," he admitted softly, clinging to the ever-patient blond. "Still, you look tired. I'll draw you a bath and when you get out, I'll have the bedroom totally sleep-ready." he sounded like a dutiful housewife and this made Akiha laugh softly.

"Thanks, Hokuto, sweetie. I love you."

It was hard to believe that such a small amount of time could change two people so drastically. But that was the power of love. Akiha's willingness to wait for the doctor no matter what, and Umeda's transition into a relationship where he was unconditionally loved was a perfect storm. None of it would have been possible had it not been for Ryoichi's practically shoving the two together, either. After all, Ryoichi did not like stupid, pointless romantic conflicts. He didn't regret shoving the two together...

...they hadn't been apart since.

There you have it, the end! I really, REALLY appreciate all who reveiwed (HokuxAki buddy!!!) and hope to see you soon, because I always have a hokuxaki oneshot ready! please review this final chapter, especially if you haven't been reviewing yet. It's always great to hear what you guys think! Love you all, and arigato!

Hasta! ;)