Title: Come back to me my canary (帰っておいで、僕のカナリア)

Authoress: Sakuradai Syako (桜鯛しゃこ) from (リトルラヴァーと幻想ニック)

Pairing: None


Setting: Teito-in-military AR. Ayanami + Teito, brothers fic.

· Teito is not the heir of Raggs.

· Michael will appear but Pandora's Box, Verloren and the like will not appear.

· Aya-tan is perceived in a better light… (more of a J-fandom way in my opinion)

· …Teito and Ayanami are half bothers in this setting… (It sounds weird but it's good! Or cute rather)


Disclamation: Don't own 07GHOST or this story~

Summary: (AR. Aya + Tei. Unpaired.) A child cried in the snow but nobody paid any attention to him…

White snow fell; in the middle of the heavy snowfall, a small child could be heard crying. There were many adults in this busy place but nobody paid any attention to the child and the child was not seeking it from them. All he wanted was the hands from that person.

"W-why?" He asked in a small, trembling voice.

There was no response. The child's small hands shook from the bitter cold. The hands were almost red. A stinging pain could be felt when he tried to rub them together for warmth.

The child's breath was white. Snow piled on top of his silky brown hair and his beautiful emerald eyes were filled with tears.


The youth was running. The coat flopped wildly about as he struggled to run in the deep snow. The unceasing blizzard obscured his vision and the blade like wind cut against his exposed skin. Each drop of snow was cold enough on his skin to burn. But even so, he kept on running. Faster, faster, he recited in his mind.


"Explain yourself!" He recalled yelling. The response he received was not satisfactory. I won't accept this! There is no way I would accept this!

"In this snow -"

That was what they wanted, he came to understand. Anything in their way will be gotten rid of - without dirtying their hands.

Do think that everything would be solved if you just hid everything in the snow!


"- I'm sorry."

He apologized in a small voice as he ran. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry; I got you involved in this senseless grown-ups' business.

He's still far too young to be left alone – to do anything alone. He is still a child who needs guardians, who needs many pairs of warm, gentle hands to protect him from the world.

He still needs to be protected!

"Come out! _!"

No response came no matter how much he yelled. The child clad in black could not be found in the snow.

The youth stopped. In the end, the small child was not found.


Come back to me my canary



Ayanami heard a voice call from behind him but he kept walking. He knew who the voice belongs to and he told the person before that he would not respond to such a silly nickname.

If he tried to touch him on the shoulder, he would instantly attack, no questions asked. The person seems to understand that and refrained from using his hands. Instead, the voice continued in that ridiculous tone.

"You're as cold as always Aya-tan. I know you're trying hard but if you're too prickly you'll trip in the wrong places."

"Hyuuga, what do you want."

He gave an exaggerated sigh as Ayanami paid no heed to his comment. "You're such a lone wolf all the time Aya-tan, so I'm worried. I know it's stupid to mix with others but you won't rise up in position this way."

"I'm not interested."

The cutting remark made Hyuuga drop his shoulders. "Such a waste! Someone like you could use the military to your advantage. There is little you can't do with it for whatever you want. Don't you have something that you wanted to do?"

Ayanami stopped in his steps.

"What I'm trying to find has always been hidden in the snow." The tone of his voice, with emotions locked up deep inside, could only be picked up by someone like Hyuuga.

The corner of Hyuuga's lips curved up; he understood the message. He came closer to Ayanami whose back faced him, preventing Hyuuga from seeing his face.

"You still haven't given up yet?"

"Of course not."

"What a swift reply." Hyuuga laughed. Ayanami turned around for the first time, suspecting something more to his antics. His amethyst eyes narrowed further upon seeing Hyuuga's grin.

"-what are you trying to say?"

"Hmm. I've been thinking-"


Hyuuga's grin widened at Ayanami's impatience. It looks like this man is in a worse mood than he originally thought. He rarely would respond to such ambiguous words.

"If she's not in the empire, you said the princess could be in another country right?"

The word 'Princess' made him irk a little but he said nothing. Hyuuga took his unresponsiveness as the affirmative and went on.

"The place with the most possibility is, of course, Raggs kingdom. And with that…" Ayanami frowned as Hyuuga went on. "Since Raggs Kingdom has been over conquered, all the seven districts are ruled by Barsburg Empire. All the people of Raggs are destined to be slaves and of course, that includes lost children with unidentifiable blood relations."

"What about it?"

Ayanami replied apathetically but he already considered the possibility long ago. All the slaves of the empire are registered into the Military's database under the slave management division. It's not impossible to search through the records… but-

"Do you have any idea how many Raggs citizens became slaves?"

It would probably take several years just to collect all the information. Slaves are meant to be bought and sold. They won't be registered until they are bought, and once they have been purchased, not even military personnel could get their hands on it easily. As an exception, most of the combat slaves are in the hands of the military, but that is not a happy situation to be in.

"Don't try to think too deeply into it… this is the main part." Hyuuga stopped his trail of thought. "Classified information; …Miroku-sama bought a combat slave."


"Right, just recently."

It's not unusual for the military to acquire combat slaves as they are used as tools on battlefields. Especially since the Raggs Empire has perished, the slave trade has soared. But the question is, Miroku-sama, field marshal of the imperial army himself had personally procured a combat slave.

"I don't know whether Miroku-sama became particularly fond of him but he plans to personally direct the training of that child. He is a little boy, only four or five year old."


Hyuuga did not miss the slight change in Ayanami's eyes. He leaned in and whispered.

"He is an orphan in a small church on the edge of the Raggs territory. A cute little green-eyed brunet, his name is…"

Before he could finish, Ayanami picked up his steps – to a different destination from his original objective.

"I'm always on your side Aya-tan!" Hyuuga yelled after him.

Ayanami raised his right hand.

That was enough for Hyuuga.


"Wh-what do you want, suddenly asking to meet Miroku-sama…"

Driven by his impulsive, Ayanami banged on the large heavy door. Realizing his reckless behavior, he weighed the consequences. He is a mere low ranking officer while his opponent is the field marshal of the imperial army. What Hyuuga said could merely be a rumor and if so, he committed a serious offense against the highest ranking officer in the military. But occasionally stepping ahead without worrying about the results doesn't seem that bad, Ayanami thought.

"So you are Ayanami-kun, I've heard about you. Although you have an outstanding record, you have rejected all offers of promotion from the higher ranking officials..." The old man has a gentle look about him, but however, Ayanami felt something that he could not put to words – something like an overbearing presence. So this is the kind of person that stands on top of this massive organization, he thought. "So then- what is your business with me?"

There is only one thing he wanted to ask. "I've heard that you have personally purchased a slave."

To Ayanami's composed retort, Miroku replied without lowering his smile. "Information sure travels fast. That is correct but – what about it?"

Ayanami unconsciously narrowed his eyes. "Would you let me meet him sir?"

Miroku only raised an eyebrow at the unexpected request without showing any sign of surprise – almost as if he anticipated it. "The reason? I don't mean anything by it but… why do you desire to meet with a slave of mine? What is your motive?"

"Reason, you say…"

Of course he would be questioned for such a peculiar request. If he isn't careful with his words now, he could be detained for committing serious offense.

But he can't back down now. He has been searching for two years and finally there is some hope in finding him.

Fortunately, they were alone in this room.

Ayanami made up his mind and opened his mouth.


"He could be my… my younger brother."


A child, lost in the snow two years ago – if he is alive, he should now be four years old. He couldn't even walk properly then.

I should have protected him then, but I didn't.

After observing Ayanami's tightened fists, Miroku closed his eyes. "Then - what are going to do once you meet him?"

Ayanami pursed his lips. He knew things are not going to be so simple.

"If that is indeed the truth, you would no doubt try to take back that child." Miroku directed his intense gaze right through him and he felt a chill run through his back. "My apologies, at this moment, I cannot accede to let that happen."


I knew it. He bit the inside of his mouth. It was an anticipated result but he won't accept this. He knows he can't rest until he has confirmed his suspicions.

I know it's impossible but this time-

"Do not misunderstand me, Ayanami-kun." He replied as if he read the young man's thoughts. "I stated that I cannot hand that child over to you 'at this moment'."

Ayanami raised his head. The expression on Miroku's face did not change.

"I do not doubt your words. It is, in all probability, the truth. But I will not take the chains off of that child for that reason alone. That child – Teito – is in an 'unique' circumstance."


Miroku nodded but did not elaborate further. From those words, he understood that his brother is caught up in something grave - but whether he accepts that is another matter.

Ayanami bit the inside of his mouth, I can't do anything about it – yet I can't accept this. Denied, when he has finally found him – when he is almost at a reaching distance.

"-Ten years, Ayanami-kun."

Ayanami returned his gaze back to Miroku.

"Wait for ten more years. When that child turns fifteen, I will enroll him into the military academy and eventually enlist him into the military. The circumstance requires him to be stronger than anyone. According to my expectations, he would grow to become an excellent begleiter – someone any officer in the military would want… Do you understand what I'm implying, Ayanami-kun?"

Ayanami's eyes narrowed at Miroku's words. The corner of his lips rose slightly.

As expected of the chief marshal. Whether he is trying to tell him anyone that could be of use will not be left loose, or his is simply making an agreement, is unknown but he knows how to exploit people.

Ayanami returned his strong gaze. "Very well. Compared to the hopeless two years of when he was lost to me, ten years of waiting is a trifle matter. I've accomplished something I could not otherwise accomplish in that span of time."

The intense look had no effect on Miroku but rather his eyes narrowed in contentment.


Ayanami let out a deep sigh after he exited the office. He was completely manipulated by Miroku's words and in the end he wasn't even able to see the child's face.

Just you wait old man…

Cursing under his breath as he proceeded in the hallway, he saw a familiar figure.

"Ah! Welcome back Aya-tan! So how did it go?"

Though he won't say it, he is grateful towards him. He looked down at his palms; it was bruised from earlier when he clenched his fists too tightly. He faced him.

"I've been told to wait ten years."

"Ten years! What do you mean? So you couldn't even see him in the end?"

"I've been manipulated. I ought to earn a suitable position in the military before Teito graduates from military academy, he says."

"Ahh- I get it." He laughed weakly. "He didn't want to waste an exceptional person like Aya-tan ne? I guess for Miroku-sama, he killed two birds with one stone."

Ayanami remained silent and recalled the conversation earlier.

(The circumstance requires him to be strong?)

…What kind of circumstance?

At least, he understood that he needed to wait ten years. He won't go back against his words but there is only one more thing he is worried about.

"But is it alright? If he's with Miroku-sama, that means…"

"I know."

Miroku stated that Teito needs to become stronger. That means he will be train him – as a combat slave. He will be forced to endure grueling trainings, and ultimately risk his life on the battlefield.

The fact that he cannot do anything about it is vexing and mortifying.

I can't protect him again?

If he just reached out, he could get hold of him-

"You have wrinkles between your eyebrows Aya-tan." He poked.

Ayanami slapped the prodding finger away from his forehead and resumed his steps.

"You must be angry, having own brother being treated as a slave." He laughed. "Or should say he won't be treated as a human?"

Ayanami gave a hard glare. He felt a burning feeling inside his chest.

"But it can't be helped. Once a person has been reduced to a slave status, it will be extremely difficult to climb up no matter how good he is. Also, the mark of a combat slave will never be erased."

Slave branding – he flinched. The pain on his chest grew. He bit his lips. That hot iron branding will never fade – along with its pain and his status as a slave will follow Teito into his deathbed. That will not change, even ten years from now, when Ayanami finally will have that small body wrapped protectively inside his arms.

Even now, he felt rueful towards the time that has passed since that day; the day in the snow two years ago. For two years, where was that that child? What did he see? What did he experience? And more importantly, what is he feeling as he is growing up now?

He wants to find out but no such opportunity will be given.

Nevertheless –

"As long as he is alive, that is all that matters."

Hyuuga's eyes widened at his remark but he did not see it.

Right, in reality - that is enough. Compared to the time when he did not even know whether that child was alive, this is ten folds better. He begrudged that he could not tell Teito that he is nearby but Ayanami made up his mind.

Ten years. After ten years, I won't let anyone make any objections with me and I will the gain the necessary power to accomplish that. I will get back what I had lost.

"Hyuuga," he began.

"What is it Aya-tan?" He responded playfully. Only his gaze showed any indication of seriousness.

"I will melt the snow in ten years. You-"

"That's a foolish question, Aya-tan." He beamed. "I already told you many times that I'm on your side right?"

Hyuuga replied without hesitation and to it, Ayanami returned a rare smile.



-And so, ten years have passed…



GAH! Translation is a pain! Language can't be translated directly since expressions are different etc etc. Anyway, hope you liked it! English is not my strong subject so there are probably mistakes, and I will go back and check later. Structure wise, I generally left it the same, if it's awkward or hard to read, tell me and I do something about it next time (if there is a next time).

This story (or should I say series) is what got me started on the pairing AyaTei and I thought I should share a little bit of it. My favorite of the series is story 2 and 3 but no point in sharing the sequel when I only did a third of this!

This is not a pairing fic. Though it is awkward to read a brother fic between Teito and Aya-tan XD

Though I tried to keep true to the fic as I could, in the end it feels different. I recommend reading the original if you can.

Firey Chronicles

Published: 30/05/09

Edited: 11/16/10