First off. SORRY!!! Don't shoot me! * Cow flies by head * Hey no throwing things either. * Takes super-hotty-hot-hotty- Jasper and uses him as a shield.* Look I've had a lot to do at school-I'm in eighth grade give me your pity. Also you people have heard of a thing called writers block right? Well I think I just got over a major case of it. So onward with the story? Sorry it's short, you know these chapters look a lot longer on OpenOffice than it does on fanfiction.
"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death."- Unknown Author.
No P.O.V
Amber was a young child who's father was a policeman. Her sister Bella still lived with her and her mother, and everything was just going alright. Bella was really nothing special but Amber on the other hand was something different. She had a distinct touch for knowing when someone was sick and she had an acute sence of sympathy for everyone. Considered a person with 'cooties' to everyone in her class she became part of what was known to everyone as the 'Cootie Group.'
Thantos was a boy who was not very boyish. He didn't play cars, he didn't like planes, and he didn't like shooting games like all of the other boys did. In fact he enjoyed doing things that most other boys found gross like making sure he looks nice in the morning, cooking – yes even at the age of five-, and making sure his mommy was happy. He was branded not normal and placed in the 'Cootie Group.'
Pepper was a little girl who came from the east coast. She lived in Brooklyn for all her life and was known as one of the more rowdy kids around town. Her father left her at a young age and she tended to get in trouble for hitting the kids if the stepped out of line. When she and her mother moved to Forks she didn't connect with any young children her age and so the stayed in the corner. Her silence branded her has part of the 'Cootie Group.'
Well the kids in the class weren't as smart as they thought they were because as the Cootie Group they became good friends.
"Ewww Pepper!!! Why are you holding a toad, GROOOSSSSSSS!!!" Thantos squeaked to Pepper. Amber turned her head towards the two.
'It's not a toad, It's a frog.' She replied shortly.
Amber couldn't help but butt into the conversation. 'What's the big difference. Toad, Frog they are both ugly if you ask me.'
'Thats what I'm trying to say!!! When I get older I'm going to prove to the world that there is no such things as toads, only frogs.' The girl replied smiling to both of her friends.
End flashback
As the years past Pepper grew up to be a teenager with that one wish that she had simply stated as a young child. Well it wasn't just frogs anymore, she wanted to study animals and prove to the world that they could be used for so much more than testing subjects, that animals should be treated better. She went vegetarian.
Nothing had really changed for the trio of friends. Bella had moved away with Renee. While Amber was said for her mother moving she couldn't really say as much for Bella, A girl who always made fun of her friends, the way that she dressed, and other small things that children find important.
On a darker more sinister note, evil things seemed to be hanging around the small town of Forks. People had been disappearing mysteriously. These were people with seemingly normal lives, they had friends, family members, and were people who interacted within the community on a frequent basis. They weren't overly powerful people, just your average citizen on the street. Which made everything even more scary. When you looked into the eyes of a loved one, or even someone you just met on the street, you couldn't afford to get close to them. Because you could never know when the next person could go missing, you never knew who's shadow you wouldn't cross again.
They eventually got around to giving the culprit a name, right around his twenty-first kidnapping. He was to be known to the town as 'The Shadow-napper' or 'Nappy' for short. While this name wasn't original it still seemed to strike the hearts of the towns people leaving them to a life closed indoors. But that all changed when Nappy took is last victim.
Yet another flashback. November 12th, 2002.
Amber hadn't heard from her friend Pepper in days, her father Charlie seemed to be more of a mess than usual, and even Thantos had been distant from her. The young ten year old girl sat upon her front lawn just waiting for something to happen. A butterfly to appear or a dog to come running down the street, anything really. Anything that would signal that there was someone out there who was just watching her.
Well she didn't really expect that sign to be a police car racing down her street with an ambulance trailing not-to-far behind it. She also didn't expect that same Police car and Ambulance to stop dead in front of Pepper's house which was just down the street from her very own. Amber jolted out of her laying down position on the grass and ran towards it, wanting to know what was and his Father also came out of the house next-door -They had been living their for years next to the Swans.
Five minutes later
Charlie stepped out of his police car, this was his first day on the job as the Chief of Police and something major had already happened. For days he had been worried about reports of kidnapping around his neighbor hood and those reports included his daughter's best friend Pepper. It had happened three days ago when her mother reported her missing from her bed that certain morning. The police did the standard routine and said to wait for twenty-four hours and report it again if the child wasn't there the next day.
Well as to be expected the child wasnt' there, nothing new had happened and Charlie had become increasingly worried about this girl. The kidnappings as of late had always turned up unsolved because of their mysterious curcumstanses. And even though the Police hadn't gotten to check it out yet, this case just gave Charlie a feeling. And not a good one either.
Now coming back to today the police station had gotten a weird call, something or another about the girl missing for forty-eight hours. There was a note hidden in her stuff, something from the notorious 'Nappy.' The station sent out all of it's forces and even an ambulance just in case the perp. was still on scene.
The note read:
'This girl is long gone
But you do not have to bother
I'll treat her real good
Not like her father
This is the last kidnapping
You can really be sure
My hunger has ebbed now
For what I have given her
There is no cure.
Hugs and kisses
W. D And his new daughter'
'Well,' Charlie sighed. A tear was forming within his tear ducts, but he wouldn't let it fall. To many people watching. ',We have to consider her dead by now. I'm sorry, according to this certain killer, no one has ever returned, Pepper is gone.'
At that very moment Charlie's 'little girl' and her 'little friend' became not so little anymore. As they heard those words pour out of Charlie's mouth the toll of death began to weigh heavy upon their little hearts. And it hurt.
"I am lost in this moment that everything went black. But when the world of light came, I couldn't
get it back. My humanity, My Justice, My hope among the rest. I wish I was just kidding but I say
nothing in jest. I am no longer living, but I have not passed on. My life of death is waiting, and now
I am withdrawn." - Ambrosia Whitlock
Okay that was the new chappie! Be happy with it, I am sick so if nothing make sense, too damn bad. I know it wasn't really with the story line but I'ts close enough. Love you all hugs and kisses.
I just looked at the uploaded verision of this on fanfic. . . . . o.O it's SHORT MAN!!!!! I am sorry, it took me forever to write this tooo....... T.T