Hi guys sorry I've been away so long, have just started College again (remind me why I wanted to write essays instead of fanfics? Lol.) Here's chapter 11 xx

Oliver, Lilly, Miley and Jake were sitting together at lunch. A few weeks had passed since Oliver found the note. He'd watched Miley and Lilly together and to the casual observer it would seem that everything was back to normal. They sat together at lunch with Jake, talked on the phone at night and went shopping at the weekends. Lola didn't miss a single Hannah function but it was all wrong. They sat a little too far apart, they NEVER hugged or even got close enough to brush against each other accidentally. Conversation was polite and breezy, never straying from the easy and safe topics of clothes, music and school.

When one wasn't looking the other would almost stare in earnest until the object of her fascination would turn back and she would snap out of it. Jake mercifully seemed utterly oblivious but he didn't know them like Oliver did. He had known Lilly as his girlfriend and as his best friend since elementary school. When Miley moved from Crowley Corners at the age of 11 she had instantly slotted into their little group as if she'd known them all her life.

As much as it hurt him to think Lilly was over him and had fallen for someone else it was Miley that worried him more. Jake was like a crutch to her. They were never apart but when Miley smiled at him or laughed at his jokes it never reached her eyes. She seemed so tired all the time to the point that he wondered if she was sick. Finals were fast approaching and that meant something else as well. Senior Prom. It was a given that Miley and Jake would go together but he had no idea what Lilly's plans were. Guys had still been talking to her but she'd failed to pick up on their amateurish flirting and had been too in her own head to think about getting a date for the evening. Oliver then hatched a plan.

"Hey uh Lilly, what are you doing for prom?"

"Nothing as far as I know. Why?"

"I was just thinking if you don't have any plans or you don't find anyone better maybe we could go together. As friends. If you want." He sipped his soda.

Lilly's eyes automatically flipped towards Miley who suddenly found her salad fascinating.

"Uh sure. We can go as friends. Like you say, unless either of us get a better offer!" Lilly joked, Oliver smiled.

"Awesome. Maybe we could all ride together in the limo" said Jake, Miley and Lilly looked at each other before looking back to their food and reluctantly agreeing.

"Great. So it's settled then and actually Miley I had an idea for after the prom." He leaned in towards her and whispered in her ear. Miley's eyes went wide and she stared into Lilly's. Lilly stared back for a second before standing up and grabbing her tray. Jake leaned back in his chair and smiled at Miley who just looked at him in open mouthed shock before nodding slowly and forcing a smile.

"I uh forgot I have some studying to do before next period. I'll see you later." Lilly practically ran for the library.

Miley cleared her throat. "I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." She got up and slowly walked in the opposite direction to Lilly.

Jake rather blatantly watched her walk away, staring at her ass the whole time before turning round to Oliver and holding out his fist.

"Dude I am so going to tap that on prom night! You must bump this!"

Oliver was furious."look ass-munch what you and Miley do when you're alone is between you two but you will not EVER talk about her like that again. She's as good as my sister and she deserves more respect than that."

Jake squirmed in his seat a little. "Right. Uh, sorry."

"You should be."

Oliver walked out leaving Jake sitting there waiting for Miley to come back, grabbing a handful of napkins on his way out and headed to the library.

Walking in he got a friendly reception from the librarian but couldn't see Lilly. It didn't worry him, he knew exactly which part of the library she'd be in. Walking through the stacks everything seemed to get quieter until he could hear a gentle crying from behind the last stack. Walking around he saw Lilly, tears running down her cheeks, sitting with her legs crossed, holding a picture of her and Miley that had been taken on her birthday, only hours before their friendship had changed forever. Lilly looked up at Oliver and started to cry again. Oliver simply sat down next to her an handed her a napkin to dry her eyes. After composing herself a little Lilly softly asked,

"What're you doing here?"

"Jake was being an ass so I bounced." He said giving her a smile.

Sighing Oliver took the ripped shards of Lilly's note to Miley from his pocket. Lilly's heart rate sped up, starting to panic. Was he going to yell at her? Hate her? Spread it across the entire school?

"Don't hate me for having this okay. I saw you were really upset after that class you took about college and stuff and I wanted to know why. I saw you throw this out so..."

"So you went through my trash!"Lilly yelled a little.

"NO!" Oliver replied, looking around to see if anyone heard, thankfully no one did. "Look I care about you Lilly I just wish you could have come to me about this."

"So you don't hate me?You're not so mad that you'll run down pacific highway with a bullhorn announcing what I did?"

"No of course not."He said sincerely. "But this is fairly major Lilly. I mean when did you start liking girls?"

"I don't like girls. I like A girl. One. At least I think."



"So how'd it happen?"

Lilly started to relax a bit."Long story short.. Too many birthday drinks and mutual commiserating about our crappy love lives." Lilly managed a smile.

"So it wasn't me that..."

"Turned me gay?"


"No, no it wasn't. You are the sweetest, nicest, most handsome guy I know but we still didn't work out did we."

"No I guess we didn't. So that's why we never..."

"I am sorry Oliver."

"Nah don't be sorry. If it's not right it's not right. But from what you said in this letter it was right with her?"

"At the time it was the easiest, most natural, most wonderful thing in the world. It was the next morning that the proverbial hit the fan."

"See that's the problem. You both made it complicated when it should have been a case of I liked it, you liked it let's see where it goes."

"But it is complicated! What if our parents hate or disown us. What about how people are gonna react? What about Hannah's fans and her career. It could all end for her if any of this comes out. I'm scared okay. People get beat up for a lot less than being gay. What if this is just a phase for either of us and the other is left heartbroken. What if..."

"Lilly!" Oliver cut her off mid ramble. "You're thinking all worst case scenario. Let's take it one step at a time. First let's see if we can figure out if you're gay or if you just like Miley."

"And how exactly are we gonna do that?"

Oliver smiled. "By going to my room."

Lilly laughed a little. Oliver stood up and held out his hand to help Lilly up.

Lilly finally seemed more relaxed as they skipped last period and drove to Oliver's. Walking straight up to his room Lilly sat on his bed nervously as he went through his DVDs.

"So how are we gonna figure out if I'm gay or not?"

"Simple. Porn."

He said with a cheeky grin before passing Lilly a few cases. Lilly was stunned by some of the titles! He seemed to have something that would cater for almost every taste. Including girl on girl.

"Uh Oliver, why do you have lesbian porn?"

"Two girls going at it is hot!" He said rather matter of factly.

Lilly swatted him on the arm with the pile of cases in her hands.

"Ow! Okay if it makes you uncomfortable we can watch something else."

"Like what?"

"Well there are a fair few films out there with lesbian characters and girls kissing and stuff. Maybe we should start with that. Movies are used in therapy these days you know."

Lilly looked over the films again. "What the hell. So we watch these and if I...like what I see, I'm gay."

"More than likely." came his calm response.

She handed him the top DVD and he put it in the player and picked up the remote. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.

While lilly was starting to feel a little better about the prospect of being gay Miley was stressing out more than ever. Jake was very keen to take their relationship to the next level but she just didn't know if she wanted him like that. She couldn't believe that he'd just asked her to a hotel room after prom! He did make it sound like he had a romantic evening planned. Why wouldn't she want to sleep with him! He was a nice guy and from how he'd been since they got back together he really had changed.

He'd never be one of those guys that would sleep with a girl and then brag to his buddies and then treat her like his own sexual play thing. But then there was Lilly.

Lilly was her first. It should be Lilly...She could remember how soft and gentle, unsure and comforting it had been that night, and though she couldn't remember the exact events she could remember that it felt right...

But as soon as she thought that Miley had to snap herself out of it.

She. Could. Not. Be. Gay!

Even if she had feelings for Lilly it didn't matter. She couldn't do it. There was too much to lose.

She'd learn to love Jake. She'd go to prom with him. She'd let him have sex with her and then she'd be cured. She had a good life. She had art and and education and fans that loved and supported her. People can't have it all right? Maybe love was the one thing she'd have to sacrifice to balance the scales. And she'd learn to live with that too, I mean what was the worst that could happen...