
We're all mad here.

- Alice in Wonderland

all mad

The sounds of their screaming, of their yelling, jutted her out of her sleep. She opened her eyes and looked around at the same old dark brick walls that kept her in this nightmare. She smirked as another scream came louder and she couldn't help but think of the poor tormented soul that was being given as kiss. He probably deserved it though, they all deserved it.

She picked herself up off the hard stone floor and grasped the wall, hungry eyes searching for a way out. She looked every time she awoke, hoping in vein that some one or something would let her out or even hoping for a hole in the wall so she could escape to her husband. How she missed her husband, she could hear his shouts every now and again. She knew he was screaming to her, asking for a way out.

She laughed at the situation she was in, grinning at the evil sound that tainted her once pretty laugh. It's not like she could get out of this hell hole that trapped her from the outside world, from where she was need to rid the world of muggles and mudbloods.

Her light steps echoed of the stones floor, only she could hear it though because everybody else was concentrating on their own screams of pain and terror. Her hands wrapped around the cool metal bars that led out into the dim corridor, which held the rest of the cells. She rested her head against them and closed her eyes as she let out a loud and horrifying scream.

She hoped her husband could hear it, she hoped her cousin could hear it. Oh, she wanted nothing more then to just escape the cell that they had locked her in and strangle her cousin. She listened for a scream in reply; it was that time of day after all, the time when all the death eaters that had been locked up screamed for the sake of screaming.

Bellatrix Lestrange had to laugh as the screaming continued, it wasn't her fault. She was mad and she knew it, they were all mad. That's why they were locked away in Azkaban, because they were mad.

She smiled against the bars. They were all mad in here.

Drabbles, inspired by Alice in Wonderland quotes. More to come, probably Cissy or Regulus.

Review, please.