Note: This story is completely AU because I hated how Rory and Logan's relationship ended in Unto the Breach in Season 7. So I decided to give Rory and Logan a happy ending. *This chapter* is very similar based on that episode, Unto the Breach all the way up to Rory's decision to Logan's proposal*.

*I will try to update as soon as i can. I will mostly up date every few days when i am able. Positive reviews please*

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the plot line from the show; Gilmore Girls.

Rory Gilmore looked over at the opened jewelry box that was sitting on the small dresser that was next to her bed. She didn't know what to do. Part of her wants to accept the proposal and yet the other half was scared to death. This decision will change her life definitely, but she just don't know if she can deal with the pain if Logan decides to leave her.

Rory continued to stare at the jewelry box before leaning over her bed to shut the small jewelry box closed before lying back down on her bed. As she tries to relax her body to fall asleep; Rory starting going though her usual Pros and Cons list in her head. Pros of why she should accept and few Cons of why she shouldn't. But both the Pros and Cons ended up even. Before she could think more of this subject; she finally let herself to relax and finally fall asleep.

It was close to 8 am when her alarm went off the next morning. Rory opened her eyes slowly. It was her Graduation Day. The four years of going to Yale and studying has finally paid off. She laid there quietly in her bed until she heard her mother's footsteps coming down the steps and entering the kitchen. A few more seconds before she heard her mother's voice though the door that separates her bedroom with the kitchen.

"It's time to get up oh graduating daughter of mine." she said before hearing her mother's footsteps heading towards the living room. Rory slowly got out of bed and slowly walked over to the front of her bedroom door and opened it and then entered the kitchen. She immediately went over to the coffee and pours herself a cup before heading to join her mother in the living room.

"Good Morning Sweetheart." said Lorelai as she saw her only daughter enter the living room and sat down on the couch next to her.

"Morning Mom" was the only words that came out of Rory's mouth before she took a slip from her cup of coffee.

Before any more conversation between mother and daughter could happen, the House phone rang. Lorelai; who had the mobile phone next to her, answered it.

Hello this is Stars Hallow City Morgue, you kill them we bury them." she said in a humor type of voice. Rory giggled as she watches as her mother tries to give her own mother the reason why she said that over the phone.

Lorelai walked towards the kitchen area still talking to her mother. Rory knew why her Grandmother called. She wanted to know her answer to Logan's wedding proposal. Her Grandmother would be extremely ecstatic to see her marry into a rich family like Logan's.

"Mom, let her be, she'll tell us when she ready until then let her be about that subject." said Lorelai pacing in the kitchen. Rory knew that her family had to leave in about an hour so they could arrive at Yale early and find good parking and sitting. Knowing that she needed to take a shower before preparing her for the next step of her life; she slowly got up on her feet and slowly went into the kitchen to drop her empty cup into the sink.

"I'm heading for the shower now, Mom." she said before entering her room to grab her clothes. and then left and went upstairs. About 45 minutes later, Rory came out of the shared bathroom all dressed up for her graduation.

"Look who already to graduate." said Lorelai as she sat on top of her bed still in her bathrobe.

"You think it's the right outfit not to shabby to graduate in?" Rory said as she twirled around to show her mother the whole outfit.

"You look absolutely perfect." Lorelai said looking over her daughter's outfit once more.

"Don't worry, Rory; most of the time your outfit will be covered by your grown." Lorelai said trying to calm her daughter down.

"That's right." said Rory sounded relief.

"Why don't you go down and grab a bite while Mommy goes and make herself pretty for your big day." said Lorelai as she slowly started walking towards the bathroom. Rory nodded in agreement as she turned around and left Lorelai to prepare for her shower.

When Lorelai came downstairs later, she found her daughter sitting on the edge of her bed looking down at the opened jewelry box in her hand. Rory didn't look up when her mother sat down on the bed next to her.

"I don't know what to do, Mom" Rory said without looking up.

"Do you truly love him; always want to be with him?" questioned Lorelai.

"Yes I do" replied Rory.

"Rory; honey; if you truly love him and want to be with him then do the right thing, I'm not going to stand in your way; it's time for you to choose for yourself." Lorelai said before grabbing Rory and giving her a hug.

They stayed like that until they heard a car pull up in the driveway.

"It must be Grandma and Grandpa." said Rory.

"I'll go greet them; you go grab your stuff." Lorelai said hinting at the cap and gown hanging on the outside of Rory's closet.

As Lorelai went and greeted her parents outside; Rory looked at the jewelry box once more before closing the box before stuffing it into her purse as she grabbed it, her cap and gown before leaving her room.


As Richard Gilmore drove towards Yale, Emily sitting in the passenger seat was chatting about Logan coming from a respectable family like theirs; how she and Logan would make a wonderful married couple; she already found several wonderful spots to have a wedding. And then hoping to see great grandchildren in her lifetime. Rory's eyes almost popped out of her head when her grandmother mentions children. The object never came up between him and her. What if he doesn't want any or maybe he does? All of this planning and ideas of her future with Logan is making her head hurt. Lorelai must of sense something was wrong when she finally spoke up.

"Mom, please change the subject." she said in a stern and yet calm voice. Emily was about to say something but Richard cut in.

"She's right; Emily, let the subject go." he said in a calm and stern voice as he continued to drive.

"Thank you Grandpa" Rory said before telling her mother before staring out the window once again.

As soon as they arrived at Yale; Rory got out of the backseat of her grandparents car and grabbed her purse, and her cap and gown.

"Ready to walk our Yale Gradurate?" said Emily looking excited.

"Yes I am." said Rory looking scared to death about this new part of her life; specially now that she was almost done with school and then facing a bright future with Logan or not.

"This is it for me here; the rest of you guys have to go find your seats by yourselves." said Rory as she held on tightly to her cap and gown.

"Good Luck sweetheart; make us proud." said Lorelai as she kissed and hugged her daughter one more time before she gets her diploma.

"Good Luck Rory" said Emily as she hugged her granddaughter.

"I'll guess I'll see you guys' later." said Rory as she started walking away from her family.

As soon as she left, Rory started putting on her black graduation gown. As soon as she caught up with her friends; she ready to get her diploma.

Paris was the first in their group to notice Rory's arrival.

"Finally you're here." she said in her normal tone of voice.

"Now that Rory is here, let's party." said Lucy as they watched as Olivia pulled the cork out of the champagne bottle they brought with them.

The four girls drink directly from the bottle as it was passed around. They talked until Olivia notices that the Graduates were lining up.

"Uh-oh it looks like its time." said Olivia.

"Well this is it Girls." said Paris as she stood up.

"I hope we see each again." said Lucy.

"We will" said Rory as she hugged both Lucy and Olivia before her and Paris went and got inline to get their diplomas.

"Well this is it for us, Rory." said Paris as they stood in line.

"Yes it is." replied Rory.

"I going to miss you Rory, you has been a good friend to me." Paris said before hugging Rory.

"I have a feeling we're going to stay friends throughout the years." Rory said.

Then Paris let go of Rory and went to receive her diploma when her name was called. A few minutes later, it was time for Rory to go up on stage and received hers. As she headed down, she looked over at her family in the audience and smiled at them. Then she noticed Logan standing nearby watching her. She smiled at him. He grinned back with his two thumbs up.

"There's our Yale Graduate" said a familiar voice as Rory turned around and saw both of her parents and grandparents. She give her mother the first hug and then her father.

"Congrats Kiddo." he said proudly.

"Thanks Dad" she said before Emily came and hugged her tightly. After she let go of her grandmother, she went over and hugged her grandfather.

"Now what?" Rory asked.

"Picture Time." said Lorelai as she waved her digital camera up in the air.

Rory giggled as they went to find a good spot to take pictures.

After a good 10-20 minutes of taking pictures with her family, Rory excused herself to go find Logan and give him his answer.

She found Logan talking to one of the Professors when she came up to him.

"Congratulations Ace; you did It." he said as he hugged her and then kissed her deeply.

"Remember how I was at my graduation? How Tipsy was I when I got up there. I fell and took what that girls names that was in front of me. Boy was she pissed when I took her down with me. Logan laughed at the memory.

"Logan" spoke Rory.

"What is it, Ace?" he said as he stared into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes" she said with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes what?" he said knowing quite well what she was answering to.

"Yes Logan Huntzberger, I will marry you." she said with a huge grin on her face.