A/N: First ever NCIS fic, so be nice and constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks to my friend for the really bad pick up line used. Seriously.

What Office Etiquette?

DiNozzo looked across the bullpen at his boss. Actually, "looked" wasn't the right word. It was actually more of this: DiNozzo had been looking across the bullpen at his boss for the past thirty minutes. Holy hell, did the man ever stop paying attention to his work, even for a minute? Its not like they had a case and how many old case files could Gibbs have to review? Tony just needed him to make eye contact for two seconds.

Oh! There it is! Gibbs looked up and DiNozzo crooked a finger to motion him over.

Gibbs rolled his eyes but got up and walked over to Tony's desk. Tony smirked; his plan was falling into place nicely. Tony stood up a little to lean in closer to Gibbs and whispered "Gee Jet, if I can make you come with one finger just imagine what I can do with my whole hand."

It earned him a swift smack upside his head and a subtle wink from Gibbs that was full of promise for the near future.