Okay I was thinking about this story for a while so I'm finally going to get it out there since there are not many stories for this category and Iron Man has become my new obsession. I warn you now; I'm the master at making OOC work. It will seem like nothing changed, but let me let you be the judge of that.

Rated T for flirtatious actions and dialogue


Summary: Plan Field trip did not go according to plan and this was sort of a letdown for Pepper, but overall it was a plan only a mischievous and conniving mind could come up with. Tired of being just that third member of the Iron Man, Pepper looks into getting her own powers. Maybe alien tech could work for her but with her new abilities comes a new attitude. Tony did not know how right he was when he said they'd be in trouble if she went evil.

Chapter One: Crash Landings

"Guys! Have you heard!? Please tell me you've heard!" Pepper exclaimed as she skidded to a stop by the lockers before her two close friends, Tony and Rhodey. The two boys exchanged looks before turning back to a very excited Pepper, who's hazel eyes were wide and sparkling with excitement; her mouth was pulled into one of her common large grins as she withheld a piece of information that she had been wanting to tell since she found out.

"No…if we did then we would understand what you were talking about." Rhodey stated giving Pepper a blank look. The ginger haired girl opened her mouth to retort only to clamp it shut once again, realizing that he was right. Her mouth twisted to the side for a moment as she got over the fact that she had been "told", before her excitement returned and she leaned in towards the two boys.

"Well, this is like top secret, but there was a crash landing last night not that far from here. The object that landed has yet to be identified, but they are positive that it's from space. My father is one of the investigators looking into this before they send the object off to the labs to be examined." She explained all in one breath. She wiggled her fingers for emphasis as she smiled proudly at the fact that she was the one who knew this "highly classified" information.

"Hey, maybe we're being invaded." Tony joked nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. Rhodey offered a dry laugh while Pepper laughed openly as she gave the boy a playful slap on the shoulder.

"Funny, but in all seriousness, what if it really is some alien life form coming to invade and take over the earth!?" She said throwing her hands into the air to exhibit her enthusiasm. Rhodey and Tony exchanged looks once again before offering the ginger haired girl identical smiles. It was those smiles that told her that they thought she was crazy and her grin faded. "It could happen."

"Yea, in some sci-fi book. Aliens don't exist Pepper." Rhodey stated in a matter of fact tone. Pepper pouted as her brow furrowed. She was a girl that believed anything was possible so alien life never seemed like a fantasy to her.

"Whatever. So do you guys want to drop by my place and get a closer look at whatever it is after school?" She asked quickly, putting on her most convincing smile as she locked eyes with Tony for a moment. He laughed awkwardly as he looked to Rhodey for assistance but received none as Rhodey was too preoccupied with his shoes.

"Actually, Rhodey and I were going to the lab to work on the power capacity of the suit…to see how we can get power to last longer and come out stronger." Tony said with a slight shrug. Pepper's optimistic smile fell into a frown for a moment that quickly disappeared before either of the two boys could take note of it.

"Oh…anything I can do to help?" She asked with another hopeful smile. Tony looked anywhere but her face to avoid the guilt that her smile could induce. She clamped her hands before her chest, trying to come off as innocent just to boost her chances of actually being helpful to Team Iron Man as she now called it.

Ever since the Field trip plan was a bust due to all the flaws and gaps that she had not expected and did not plan for, Pepper had been trying her best to make things up to Tony, not because she needed to, but because she wanted to. She had felt rather incompetent, although she didn't show it and the fact that they had to receive help from Gene, Whitney, and Harry did not boost up her confidence at all.

"Actually Pepper…"Tony began quietly automatically keying the red head in that she was obviously getting rejected. Keeping her disappointment to herself she raised a hand to stop him from continuing and put on her most convincing grin, which she had come to master.

"Not a problem! I'll just check out the alien alone." She laughed lightly. Tony gave her a soft smile showing a minuscule portion of his regret for excluding her; in spite of it not being purposeful, it just wouldn't be much help if she joined them.

"It's not an alien Pepper." Rhodey inserted firmly. She raised her eyebrows as she turned to him, placing her hands on her hips and leaning in towards him.

"How would you know!? Do not say that it's because aliens don't exist either because you don't know that!" She exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at him. Rhodey let out an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes. Pepper had always come off as a crazy girl who needed a personality adjustment; however he would never tell her that. They were still friends and even if he did she would just attack him, verbally mostly.

"Okay Pepper you go visit your alien, but right now we're late to class." Tony pointed out. Rhodey gave him a strange look and Pepper quirked an eyebrow as she stared at the ebony haired boy that remained oblivious to the looks he was receiving.

"Since when do you want to get to class on time?" Rhodey questioned as he continued to eye his friend strangely. Before Tony could respond Pepper cut him off, leaning in close to his face, however he did not back down from the close proximity considering he was used to Pepper's straight forward attitude.

"Yea, you are like the king of tardy, the duke of bathroom breaks and the emperor of absences." She said. Tony laughed lightly at her analogies and shrugged carelessly.

"What can I say? I had a change of heart." He said in defense for himself. Pepper's mouth twisted to the side as she came off unconvinced. She remained in his face for a few more seconds before she actually realized that she was in his face and backed down only to have her cheeks to be dusted a light scarlet color.

"Yea class is a good idea anyway." She said quickly before she swiftly turned on her heel only to dash down the hall as a blur of pink. Rhodey and Tony exchanged looks for s third time before sharing a shrug and proceeding with following there hyperactive friend.

Just a short beginning with not that much to it, but it's the basic foundation for the story and from here things get a bit more interesting. I warn you now; I'm just a tad bit crazy so things should not be normal. I hope the characters were not so OOC that your head is cocked to the side in confusion. Now show that review button some love and give me some feedback.
