A/N:*sniffs*So...here's the much awaited-or dreaded-last chapter. It was fun to write. And I'm glad I finally finished a story!^_^ But don't worry, I have two sequels to this, as I said before. And I'll tell you something in the authors note at the end of the chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar just Serenity.

As we continued flying, I suddenly noticed my body become weaker. I looked down at my hands confused, not sure what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Sokka asked, and I looked up to see Yue holding her head like she was in pain.

"I feel faint." She said.

"I feel it too." Aang said looking up at the sky. "The moon spirit is in trouble."

"I owe the moon spirit my life." Yue said.

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked.

Yue told us that when she was born, she was really sick. Apparently the healers couldn't do anything to save her, and she was going to die. She said her father pleaded with the spirits to save her, and that night, he took her to the oasis and put her in the pond. She said that's when her dark hair turned white. Apparently the moon spirit had heard her father's plea, and saved her. And that's why her mother named her Yue, for the moon.

Wow….that's some story. I thought as I stared at her. It was hard to believe, even though I knew she was telling the truth.

Eventually we made it to the oasis again, but unfortunately a familiar face was there. I glared at Zhao from across the pond as Momo jumped on his head. I jumped down to stand with Aang, Katara, and Sokka. There was no way I was staying out of this fight, no matter how worn out I was.

"Don't bother." Zhao said, holding up a bag and putting his fist up, like he was going to shoot fire at it.

"Zhao! Don't." Aang said, putting his hands up.

"Its my destiny to destroy the moon, and the Water tribe." Zhao said. His destiny? Give me a break!

"Destroying the moon won't hurt just the Water tribe." Aang said. "It will hurt everyone, including you. Without the moon everything will fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world!"

"He is right Zhao."

All of us looked over, and my eyes widened, before I smiled. Iroh! I wondered when he'd show up again.

"General Iroh. Why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?" Zhao said.

"I'm no traitor Zhao!" Iroh said. "The Fire Nation needs the moon too. We all depend on the balance." Iroh suddenly turned angry. "Whatever you do to that spirit, I will unleash on you ten-fold! Let it go NOW!"

I had never seen Iroh this angry before. It was quite a shock, and I was very grateful I was not the one on the end of his anger.

Zhao stood there for a few seconds, before closing his eyes, and kneeling down, placing the moon spirit back into the pond. As soon as he did, I felt the power in me return.

Suddenly, Zhao yelled and brought his hand down, shooting fire at the pond. My eyes widened, as did everyone elses. I felt the power in me drain almost completely, as I looked up at the sky to see the moon disappear.

Oh no….I looked back at Zhao as Iroh began attacking him. Unfortunately Zhao's men started attacking Iroh, allowing Zhao to escape. I had to get Zuko! He could help Iroh fend off the men, as long as I healed him with the water. I climbed up on Appa, only to have my eyes widen in shock and fear. Zuko was gone! I looked around, and upon not seeing him, decided he probably left. I glanced back at the others. Was it okay to leave them? I was sure they would be fine. They had the Avatar with them, and he still had his airbending. So with that decided, I jumped off Appa and ran out, to find Zuko.

I ran through the city, trying to find Zuko. Not long after I started running, a giant blue monster appeared and began attacking the Fire Nation soldiers. I felt a strong presence from it, but not an evil one. I decided to worry about it later, and continued looking for Zuko.

After a few more minutes, I stopped, as the power that was gone from me returned. I looked up at the sky, and saw that the moon was back. But how was that possible? I wasn't able to think about it anymore though, since I heard fighting up ahead of me.

I ran onto a bridge, and saw Zuko and Zhao fighting. Zuko knocked Zhao back, causing him to fall on the ground. I saw his eyes drift up to the sky, before widen in shock. "It can't be!" he said angry.

Suddenly water came up on both sides of the bridge, and went towards Zhao. Zuko jumped out of the way, rolling over to me as the water picked Zhao up in a hand.

Zuko ran over to him, holding his hand out. "Take my hand!" he yelled and my eyes widened. What was he doing?

Zhao started to reach, but then pulled his hand back, and was dragged into the water. I walked over to Zuko as he stood staring down.

"Zuko…..are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"….Yeah." he said after a few seconds. He turned to me and held out his hand. "Come on. Lets get out of here." He paused, taking his hand back a little. "Unless you want to go with your brother and sister, which would be perfectly-"

"Shut up Zuko." I said glaring, cutting him off. His eyes widened as I took his hand and began pulling him away. "I'm not going with them. I'm staying with you, whether you like it or not. So don't try to tell me to leave, or that we don't belong together or anything!"

Zuko didn't say anything after that, but after a few seconds, I felt his hand tighten around mine and smiled.

We found Iroh again, and found a little boat to use to get us out of the North Pole. I stood staring at the Water tribe, as we drifted away from it.

"I'm surprised Prince Zuko." Iroh said. "Surprised that at this moment, you are not trying to capture the Avatar."

I looked over at Zuko. I had been wondering the same thing. I figured now that everything was over, he would try to capture Aang again, but he hadn't said anything about it for a while.

"I'm tired." He said, not looking at either of us.

"Well, you should rest." Iroh said putting his hand on Zuko's shoulder. "A man needs his rest. Perhaps Serenity could help you relax."

I blushed and looked away as Zuko glared at his uncle. "Shut up, Uncle!" he said before laying down, staring at the sky, and closing his eyes.

I looked back at him, and smiled. I couldn't believe everything that happened recently. It was hard to think back to the time when I was still in the Southern Water tribe. It seems that I've been traveling with Zuko forever. I thought back on how much we hated each other in the beginning. Its strange to think about. There's not a person in this world that I care about more than him, aside from my brother and sister. And though we've been through some tough times, I'm glad I snuck onto his ship that day so long ago. I was happy to continue traveling with Zuko, and Iroh too.

I wondered idly if I'd ever get to meet his sister whom he hated so much. I wanted to know why they hated each other, but I didn't want to ask Zuko about it. It seemed like he didn't like talking about her. Maybe I'd ask Iroh later…..

As we continued to drift along, I looked up at the sky, as the sun shown down on us brightly. I guess now we'd just go back to trying to find Aang again. Hopefully things wouldn't get as hectic as they had been.

Unfortunately, I had no idea what was in store for us….

A/N: Alright so...that's it. This story is over...or is it?*DUN DUN DUN!* lol. Anyway, review please! Oh, and here's the thing I wanted to tell you: I already have the first chapter of the sequel finished! ;P I felt like starting the second one to get it out of the way and I think this second season is gonna be much more fun than this one was(not that this one wasn't fun to write! Cause it was!) So, as long as I get some good reviews I'll start the sequel!^_^