This is going to get hard to update 5 stories at once, so I may have to finish one story before I start another. This is my favorite story so far, so i put alot of work in it and if it sucks then I need to be slapped. It shouldn't have as many mistakes as my other ones, hopefully. I'm sorry to say, but by getting you this story i had to put a premature ending on my other story, If You Say So, if you acually like that story, sorry. But I have to say that that story went downhill from the first two chapters.


"We're going to be opening our home to another young lady! I hope that you will all be nice and help her feel excepted. She's had a harder life than most of you and she needs to feel welcome." Esme said; leaning over the dining room table we were all seated at, eating dinner. Carlisle seemed to be too busy with his apple pie to add anything. I couldn't blame him; it was some damn good pie.

Carlisle and Esme had adopted me when I was seven, right after my dad went to prison for child abuse. I still had the scars. I had been with them for nine years now. They had had other foster children. Most didn't stay here long but a few did. They had adopted Alice and Emmett after me, but the two other kids in the house, Rosalie and Jasper were twins and foster kids.

Their dad had tried to rape Rose when she was a kid. Jasper had shot him when he saw that his dad had been about to do. Of course Rose blamed herself for everything her precious Jazzy had ever done wrong because he had saved her all those years ago. I didn't see her logic. She and Jasper had always had a weird connection though. When she got mad about something you get out of her way. The only one who could calm her down was Jasper. It was a little creepy when why wore coordinating outfits (Rose's idea) but creepier when they did it my accident.

Of course Esme would never differentiate between foster and adoptive kids, she called us all her children, no matter what we were by law. She called every foster kid her child as long as they were living under her roof. It was a nice feeling, for someone to say they were linked to you like that. I made you feel welcome.

"Oooh, when?" Alice exclaimed. She was a very bubbly person considering she had grown up in a meth lab.

"A few weeks, were not sure. She'll be staying here long term, hopefully the rest of her high school career because they don't want to uproot her to many times. So, we all need to make this work. I know that there are a lot of you but we can always make room for one more. Like I said, everyone is going to make her feel welcome," she shot me a glare, I wasn't exactly known to roll out the welcome wagon for new foster kids. To be honest, I had had too many of my CD's and ipods stolen to trust kids in the system. And that scratch to my piano had been inexcusable…

"What's her name?" Rosalie asked without looking like she cared.

"Isabella. She's a year younger than Edward and Alice but she's a bit advanced so she'll be in your classes." Esme explained.

Alice looked like she was about to explode. She usually was as indifferent to foster kids as I was. She had gotten to know the first few she had met, but that just made saying good bye all the harder. I wonder what made this new girl different.

I finished my own pie and went upstairs. This girl wasn't going to change anything.

A few weeks later…


This blows. I was going to new fucking house with a new fucking 'family' and a new fucking school. This really blows.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they would be nice. Maybe they'll be all happy go lucky. It'd be a nice change. I couldn't deny that.

We were nearing a driveway now. They really should clear it out. If I hadn't been looking for it I never would have found it. My social worker seemed to know what to look for though.

After appending ten fucking minutes on the most hazardous drive way ever, we came to a huge clearing. It was mostly shaded by six huge trees. The house in the middle gave me some hope that I would like it here. It was gigantic for one, and had that old Victorian charm to it. The white paint was faded a soft white with some nice trim. I quickly counted three stories.

I hadn't met Esme yet but I knew that she was the one that opened the door when the social worker knocked because she fit the age and had this strange motherly air to her that seemed out of place on someone so young. She was very pretty; with nice caramel colored hair and a slim, curvatious figure.

"Oh, you must be Isabella!" she said with a smile. Who else?

"Bella please, and yes. Its very nice to meet you," I always stayed polite with new foster parents; let them be the ones to ruin in.

"Everyone has been so looking forward to your arrival, come on in."

The inside of the house looked like something out of Home and Garden. It was open and spacious with a very warm feeling to it. Everything was in pale, washed out colors and was pristine and clean.

"Now," she turned to the couch in front a very big flat screen TV. "This is Rosalie and Jasper"-she gestured to two incredibly good-looking blond people-"Alice and Emmett"-a tiny black haired girl sitting next to hugely muscled dark haired guy-"and Edward."

Edward has easily the best looking one of the group. Even with Rosalie's phenomenal figure and Jasper's brooding movie star looks. He had reddish-brown hair that I hadn't ever seen before. It was really rather bronze, though if I had to classify it I would call it red. The phrase firecrotch sprang to mind. This t-shirt was a bit tight around his pecks and arms, showing his muscularness (I made a word!) and the logo on it just about made him perfect. It was a Beatles shirt. I was going to cry. His body was like a gorgeous pure gold frame, while his face was the priceless da Vinci. Not the Mona Lisa, something more masculine. Maybe the Creation of Adam. That was painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, though. It would be realy hard to frame. His bright emeral eyes seemed to glow though, and his chisled jaw and perfectly strait nose were like a sign from God that he loves us and wants us to be happy. Like that Benjamin Franklin quote; "Horses are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy," but Edward Cullen was much much better than horses.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Omg!" Alice cried. She then procreded to jump of the couch and bound over to me in a fastion that would break any ballerina's heart, and kissed me on the cheek.

"We are going to have so much fun together!" she chirped.

"Why am I suddenly terrified?" I asked humorusly. Well Emmett laughed.

"I like 'er," he said in a booming voice and turned his attention back to the TV.

Everyone else said hello in one form or another except Rosalie. She just looked me up and down and turned her head towards the television with a bitchy 'humph'. Go shoot yourself, whore.

"Edward?" Esme asked.

"Yes?" he asked without looking away from the flat screen.

"Could you show Bella up to her room?"

"Sure," he slowly got up, seeming to internally struggle with something. It wasn't hard to guess what, the new Dukes of Hazard movie was playing and it was almost to the part where Bo and Duke go to the college and find a whole dorm of teenage boys' fantasies.

I followed him up some stairs of to the side of the room and down a hallway.

"That's Emmett's room, and that's Jasper and Rose's room-"

"Wait, they share a room?"

"Well they're twins…"

"No shit Sherlock, but you have this huge house and they're sharing a room."

"They're close, I'll tell you the story sometime. Anyway, that's Alice's room that's mine and right across the hall is yours." he finished. "Carlisle and Esme sleep on the third floor, don't bother the yell for them if you have a nightmare or Emmett hides in your closet or something, its sound proof."

"Way to over inform, I'm just going to go unpack."

"Do you want some help?" freak, of course not. It doesn't matter how hot you are, your not going in my room.

"Sure," dammit!

Haha. I love Hendrix. Don't you just love my description of Edward? Well, I did. Review please.